
m House / frontofficetokyo




東京のような都市では、造形的な試みは混沌とした街並みの中に紛れてしまうことがほとんどである。新たな変化の時代に突入している東京。今こそ、都市とよりダイレクトにつながる時がきたのではないだろうか。(Will Galloway, Koen Klinkers, Christopher Sjoberg)

Using old forms with a modern way of life

Tokyo is a center of architectural experimentation, the result of a particular combination of creativity, liberal regulations, and economics. Usually, creativity is assumed to come from designers wilfully exploring interesting paths. Possibly that is true today, but in the 1960s, when Tokyo was expanding with few controls, the city was built by its inhabitants directly. Highly experimental, extremely reactive, homes were pure reflections of daily life; a multi-family household built over a parking lot; a single room for rent built below the main house; a shop on the ground floor with private stairs extending directly from the curb; balconies and additions extended the homes beyond their core without nuance or subtlety. Primitive but inventive the homes spoke directly to the city.

Ironic that with the flush of wealth, Tokyo abandoned much of the freedom of that past for superficially better homes, picked from a catalog of standard parts. Daily lives today fit into prefabricated symbols of domestic success, even though they are less reflective of actual need. More fascinating that regulations have become even more liberal in the intervening years, allowing more freedom. Barely taken advantage of, the gap between what is built and what is possible has yet to be explored. So here we look back so we can move ahead on another track.

The house is a dance studio on the ground floor, with a home above yoga space on the roof. The design is primitive, almost cartoonish – a fitting approach for the clients, who design and sell a series of famously mysterious and unique dolls with a global following. Making full use of Tokyo’s rules and regulations, the home maximizes space and volume on a typically constrained urban site, resulting in a simple plan – three single rooms stacked one upon the other.

The ground floor is buffered from the road by a reflective aluminum screen and otherwise opened to its surroundings by continuous windows and mirrors. Dancers on this level, which is partially submerged in the sloping site, feel part of the city, not isolated. The home is accessed by steel stairs with an exaggerated landing on the 2nd floor acting as a porch. Windows are placed economically to offer depth and light in an otherwise small area. No attempt is made to frame views because the city does not rest for long, and views are fleeting. Gardens and decks work with the interior to offer an unmediated experience of the city.

Formal experimentation is often lost in the chaos of Tokyo, but we are entering another period of massive change. It is time to engage the city more directly. (Will Galloway, Koen Klinkers, Christopher Sjoberg)

【m House】


担当:Will Galloway, Koen Klinkers, Christopher Sjoberg



【m House】

Location: Nakano-ku, Tokyo, Japan
Principal use: Residential
Client: Individual
Completion: 2019

Architects: frontofficetokyo
Design team: Will Galloway, Koen Klinkers, Christopher Sjoberg
Structure engineer: Tatsumi Terado Structural Studio
architect of record: Frank La Riviere
Contractor: Uchida Sangyo

Photographs: Toshiyuki Yano

Construction type: New building
Main structure: Wood
Building scale: 3 stories
Site area: 105.00m²
Building area: 63.00m²
Total floor area: 157.00m²
Design term: 2017.10-2018.03
Construction term: 2018.04-2019.01

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