OMAによる マンハッタン唯一の現代美術館の拡張計画



OMAの重松象平とレム・コールハース(Rem Koolhaas)が、ニューヨーク市に本社を置く建築・都市デザイン企業 クーパー・ロバートソン(Cooper Robertson)とともに設計した、2025年秋にオープン予定の〈ニュー・ミュージアム(New Museum)〉の新館が発表されました。



  • 1977年に創設され、実験と進化を繰り返してきた〈ニュー・ミュージアム〉の新たな段階
  • ギャラリースペースを2倍に拡張、来館者の動線を改善
  • アーティスト・イン・レジデンスなど、多くの新機能や拡張機能を実装
  • 拡張後最初の展覧会では、150人以上のアーティストの作品を紹介


Rendering of the expanded New Museum. Courtesy OMA/


拡大した新施設での最初の展覧会である「ニュー・ヒューマンズ:未来の記憶(New Humans: Memories of the Future)」は、技術革新の急速な進展の中で「人間であること」の意味を問い続ける150人以上のアーティストたちの作品を紹介するものであり、刺激的なテーマの展覧会を数多く開催してきた〈ニュー・ミュージアム〉の長い歴史を継承している。

Rendering of the expanded New Museum. Courtesy OMA/


OMAが設計した拡張部分は、SANAAが設計した〈ニュー・ミュージアム〉のフラッグシップビルを補完するものであり、ギャラリースペースを2倍に拡張するほか、 3基のエレベーター、アトリウム階段、エントランス広場の追加により来館者の動線を改善し、アーティスト・イン・レジデンスや一般向けプログラムのための新たなスペースを設け、さらに、ニューミュージアムの文化インキュベーターであるNEW INCの専用施設を設置するなど、その他にも多くの新機能や拡張機能を備え、美術館と都市の変革の瞬間を象徴するものとなる。

Rendering of the expanded New Museum. Courtesy OMA/

〈ニュー・ミュージアム〉のトビー・デヴァン・ルイス館長のリサ・フィリップス氏(Lisa Phillips)は次のように語る。



Rendering of the expanded New Museum. Courtesy OMA/





OMAの設計したこの建物は、長年〈ニュー・ミュージアム〉の理事を務め、3000万ドルを資本キャンペーンに寄付した、故トビー・デヴァン・ルイス氏(Toby Devan Lewis)に敬意を表して名付けられる。〈ニュー・ミュージアム〉は、建設費8200万ドルを含む1億2500万ドルの資金を調達する資本キャンペーンの目標に向けて、現在までに1億1800万ドルを集めている。


February 27, 2025 – New York, US – Today, the New Museum announced that its 60,000 sq ft building expansion, designed by OMA in collaboration with Cooper Robertson, will open in fall 2025. The announcement also revealed the inaugural exhibition, New Humans: Memories of the Future, which will span the entirety of the newly expanded and connected museum and feature more than 150 artists.

Founded in 1977 in a temporary space on Hudson Street, the New Museum has experimented and evolved since its founding as a hub for new art and new ideas, expanding its footprint at key moments in its history to better serve artists and the public. Its OMA-designed expansion will complement the New Museum’s existing SANAA-designed flagship building on the Bowery at Prince Street while doubling the Museum’s gallery space; improving visitor flow through the addition of three elevators, an atrium stair, and an entrance plaza; creating new venues for artist residencies and public programs; and establishing a purpose-built home for the Museum’s cultural incubator NEW INC, among many other new and expanded features, marking a transformative moment for the Museum and the city.

“The New Museum has always been a future-facing museum—not a place for preserving and recording history, but a place where history is made,” said Lisa Phillips, Toby Devan Lewis Director of the New Museum. “We are thrilled to be working with Shohei Shigematsu and Rem Koolhaas on OMA’s first public building in New York City, ushering in a new era of possibilities for the New Museum as a vital civic resource for New Yorkers and the global arts community.”

“The New Museum is an incubator for new cultural perspectives and production, and the expansion aims to embody that attitude of openness,” said Shohei Shigematsu, OMA Partner. “Imagined as a highly connected yet distinct counterpart to the existing museum’s verticality and solidity, the new building will offer horizontally expansive galleries for curatorial variety, open vertical circulation, and a diversity of spaces for gathering, exchange, and creation. The building is further shaped to create an active public face—including an outdoor plaza at the ground, moments of transparency throughout the central atrium, and terraced openings at the top—that will openly engage the surrounding community and beyond.”

“We are extremely grateful to all of those making the New Museum’s next chapter a reality, which would not be possible without the generous support of our Board of Trustees as well as numerous individuals, foundations, and government champions of this important project,” said James-Keith Brown, President of the New Museum’s Board of Trustees. “We look forward to inaugurating the new building with the kind of ambitious exhibition for which the New Museum is known, animating our expanded home on the Bowery with a timely exploration of artists’ visions of the future.”

The OMA building will be named in honor of the late visionary philanthropist Toby Devan Lewis, a long-serving New Museum Trustee whose $30 million contribution to the Capital Campaign is the largest gift in the Museum’s history. To date, the New Museum has raised $118 million towards its Capital Campaign goal of $125 million, with $82 million in construction costs.

“Since its founding, the New Museum has looked at art as a tool that can help us understand the world around us. New Humans is an encyclopedic, interdisciplinary exhibition that continues the Museum’s engagement with the most pressing issues of today. Through the work of more than 150 artists, writers, and cultural figures, New Humans reveals how our most terrifying contemporary concerns are in fact as old as humanity itself,” said Massimiliano Gioni, Edlis Neeson Artistic Director of the New Museum. “As the New Museum enters an expansive new chapter in its own history, New Humans highlights the role artists play in interpreting and confronting the critical issues that will shape our collective fate.”

In addition to New Humans, the expanded New Museum will reopen with multiple site-specific commissions enabled by new architectural spaces. Among these will be a new work entitled VENUS VICTORIA by Sarah Lucas as the first recipient of the Hostetler/Wrigley Sculpture Award, a biannual juried prize supporting the production and exhibition of new work by women artists on the Museum’s public entrance plaza.

Information about additional new commissions, residencies, public programs, institutional collaborations, and series enabled by the expanded building will be announced in the coming months.

The New Museum expansion is designed by OMA/Shohei Shigematsu (Partner in Charge), Rem Koolhaas (Partner in Collaboration), Jake Forster (Associate), and team in New York, in collaboration with Cooper Robertson (Executive Architect).


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  • OMAによる、マンハッタン唯一の現代美術館〈ニュー・ミュージアム〉の拡張計画、アメリカ