
ニセコのK邸 / フロリアン ブッシュ アーキテクツ









周囲の自然と家とが一体化し、刻一刻うつろう色あいや陰影を感じさせてくれるシンプルな場所。この家は、贅沢というものの真髄を思い出させてくれる。「簡素こそ贅沢」という禅的解釈が、雨露をしのぎつつ常に自然との対話を内包する「羊飼いの山小屋」という元祖シャレーの在り方に、奇しくも通じるものがある。(フロリアン ブッシュ、翻訳:山尾暢子)

Luxurious residence through simplicity

In a world inundated with distractions, the house becomes a simple filter: Shut out the clutter and open up focused views on the serene beauty that lies behind: untouched wilderness all the way up to Mt Yotei.

The brief for this house in what is often referred to as one of the world’s best winter destinations was straightforward: simple, energy-efficient, and maintenance-free. By far the best piece left in a fairly large development of mostly quaint variations of the theme “mountain chalet” (and there, to our brief inevitably opposed manifestations), the site added to that straightforwardness: Its asset —unhindered views of the volcano Yotei to the east— dictated the orientation; our nonchalant disinterest in (and consequential avoiding of) the neighboring houses fine-tuned placement.

Once we step inside, this concept is more and more evident. A wide entrance extends all the way through the house and onto the terrace as if to show that the house really is but a gate. As we walk towards the terrace, glimpses of the sky reach us through the stairwell. The main bed and bathroom are to the left and right and can be joined to form a suite along the entire east façade.

The house’s simplicity extends to its structure and is felt throughout. A perfect square in plan, the space seems to open from within by a set of beams and columns. The strong definition of the axial space from the entrance towards the terrace is loosened on the upper level, where the exposed Hokkaido cedar beams and columns define a large open volume. Two small boxes, a guest room and a bath are placed below the beams in the western part. The remaining space contains study, living, dining, and kitchen areas facing east.

From the outside, the building is a homogeneous volume clad in aluminum-zinc coated sheet steel, which subtly reflects the surroundings with their ever-changing tones. The same openings, which are like live paintings in the interior, reveal, from the outside, the spatial components that make up the house as a set of individual elements.

K House is a place of simplicity, where the natural surroundings become part of the house and, in changing hourly nuances, remind us of the essence of true luxury. Incidentally, the no-nonsense, frugal interpretation of luxury leads to a concept much closer to the original chalet: a simple cabin for herdsmen in the mountains, sheltered from but also always in dialogue with their natural surroundings. (Florian Busch)



担当:フロリアン ブッシュ宮崎佐知子、髙橋 卓、レネー レダー

撮影:Florian Busch Architects


【K House in Niseko】

Location: Kabayama, Kutchan-cho, Abuta-gun, Hokkaido, Japan
Principal use: Residential / Hotel, Hostel
Client: Individual
Completion: 2017

Architects: Florian Busch Architects
Design team: Florian Busch, Sachiko Miyazaki, Suguru Takahashi, Renee Reder
Contractor: Wakisaka Corporation

Photographs: Florian Busch Architects

Construction type: New Building
Main structure: Wood
Building scale: 2 stories
Site area: 995.00m²
Building area: 90.00m²
Total floor area: 180.00m²
Design term: 2015.07-2016.05
Construction term: 2016.05-2017.01

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  • ニセコのK邸 / フロリアン ブッシュ アーキテクツ