
デジタルファブリケーションのプラットフォーム「WikiHouse」を活用した住宅〈LG ThinQ Home〉

〈LG ThinQ Home〉

©︎ Fran Parente

〈LG ThinQ Home〉は、デジタルファブリケーションを用いた建築システムを提供するプラットフォーム「WikiHouse」を活用しブラジル・サンパウロに建てられた住宅兼ショールームです。

ブラジルの設計事務所スタジオ・グート・レクエナ(Estudio Guto Requena)とPAXアーキテクチャ(PAX Arquitetura)が設計しました。

(以下、Estudio Guto Requenaから提供されたテキストの抄訳)

〈LG ThinQ Home〉

©︎ Fran Parente


〈LG ThinQ Home〉は、グローバルなコラボレーションプラットフォームであるWikiHouseを用い、サステナブルな建築手法の普及を目指す、デジタルファブリケーションの共同プロジェクトである。


〈LG ThinQ Home〉

©︎ Fran Parente

〈LG ThinQ Home〉

©︎ Fran Parente

〈LG ThinQ Home〉



〈LG ThinQ Home〉は、CNCマシンにより切り出したパイン材の合板を継ぎ手のみで組み立てるという、新たなテクノロジーで実現した住宅である。3方向に分岐した家形フレームをコネクタモジュールにて連結し、壁と屋根はプレファブ式の木板で覆われている。


〈LG ThinQ Home〉

©︎ Fran Parente

〈LG ThinQ Home〉

©︎ Fran Parente


100m²の床面積の〈LG ThinQ Home〉は、土台から内外装のボードまでわずか10日間で組み上げられた。また、従来のコンクリート建築では、コンクリート1トンにつき1トンのCO2が大気中に排出されるが、木造建築では同じ割合でCO2を封じ込めることができる。


〈LG ThinQ Home〉

©︎ Fran Parente

〈LG ThinQ Home〉

©︎ Fran Parente

〈LG ThinQ Home〉

©︎ Fran Parente

〈LG ThinQ Home〉

©︎ EGR Team

〈LG ThinQ Home〉

©︎ EGR Team

〈LG ThinQ Home〉

©︎ EGR Team

〈LG ThinQ Home〉

Site Plan

〈LG ThinQ Home〉


〈LG ThinQ Home〉


以下、Estudio Guto Requenaのリリース(英文)です。

LG ThinQ Home
by Estudio Guto Requena + PAX Arquitetura

A Home connected to the future.

In an environment where civil construction is one major contributors to carbon footprints it becomes a necessity to invest in new ways of designing and building.

The LG ThinQ Home is a collaborative digital fabrication project that seeks to disseminate a sustainable construction method through a global collaboration platform, the wikihouse. From the availability of the construction system, it is possible to develop a variety of forms, adaptable to different project demands. A house connected with new technologies, built from naval pine plywood sheets, manufactured on a CNC machine, and assembled only by fittings. There are three axes of porticos articulated by a connector module covering walls and ceiling with prefabricated wooden boards.

A clean, waste-free, organized and efficient work site. The external structure (ports and wooden boards) which occupies an area of ​​100 m² was assembled in just 10 days. While traditional concrete constructions emit 1 ton of CO2 into the atmosphere for every ton of concrete, wooden construction sequesters carbon dioxide in the same proportion.

The external structure is covered with waterproofed vegetable fiber tiles, a type of light covering, made from recycled paper. Inside the House, the wooden panels are the finishing, bringing comfort and elegance. They are the setting for the mix of Brazilian design furniture and works of art selected by Guto Requena, from the rich collection of Galeria Nara Roesler.

The interior space consists of a living room, dining room, kitchen, bedroom, two balconies and LG showroom. All materials and finishes were designed to generate a minimum of non-recyclable waste. The Stainless-Steel Kitchen was specially designed for the LG ThinQ House, which allows for a smooth surface that meets the legal requirements of hygiene, from the use of stainless steel that stands out for its high performance, durability and for being fully recyclable.

The curatorship of furniture and objects by Guto Requena seeks to present ascendant names of Brazilian design, added to classics, such as Jorge Zalszupin by Etel Design, Pax.Arq, Studio Rain by Breton, Daniel Jorge, Karol Suguikawa, Humberto da Mata, Lucas Neves, Marcelo Ligieri, Inês Schertel, Alva Design and Maria Cândida Machado (Dpot). Among the furniture, part of the products is designed by Estudio Guto Requena, such as the Alma Lamp, the Nóize chair, the Delírios armchair, vases Once Upon a Time and the Love Project. In addition to the launch of the new pieces as Buffet Attraction, Dreaming Bed and Heartwall, both digitally designed through parametric programming and manufactured in CNC, in a similar language to the structure concept of the house.

The choice of wood, original furniture and light finishes provides a warm, inviting and introspective environment. The showroom is a brand experience highlighted by its immersion in the main LG color. The whole home is connected by an intelligent automation system made possible by LG ThinQ technology that aligns design, artificial intelligence, sustainability and health care, proposing a new way of living and interacting with our home.

Design, art and technology integrated to build a Connected Home.
A possible alternative for a sustainable future.

Total Area (building + landscape) = 502,25m²
Building Area (House): 99,53m²

LG ThinQ Home is an open-source project, which intends to democratize and simplify sustainable housing construction. Built from naval pine plywood boards, machined by mechanical hand and assembled by fittings resulting in a 0% impact of residue on the work.
The smart automation system helps to reduce electrical energy consumption by automatically switching off the lighting at scheduled times and adjusting the light intensity according to daylight. The absence of infrastructure and reduction of materials, given the use of wireless sensors, reduces the impact of waste in construction and allows the reuse of 100% of equipment at the end of the event.
Tile made of vegetable fibers waterproofed with asphalt and thermoset resin. The color is composed of mineral pigments. It is a lightweight cover system. The tile has EDP Sustainability certification, which guarantees the use of more than 50% of the material recycled in its manufacturing process. In addition, the tiles contribute to obtaining Green Ratings in sustainable projects.
The External floor is draining which contributes to rainwater runoff and soil drainage. On the ramp, an antibacterial floor was used, indicated to collaborate with the internal asepsis of the house and very convenient in combating Covid.
The showroom’s interior floor, Econyl Regenerated Nylon, is made entirely from ocean and landfill waste such as industrial plastics, fabric scraps from apparel companies, old rugs and “ghost nets.”
Revolution® is used inside the house. It is a floor made of vinyl and polyester, which allows high resistance and practicality in its use. Indicated for high traffic areas, it is easy to maintain and clean, and can be used indoors and outdoors. The carpet has a textured, non-slip and pleasant-to-touch weave, which is great for thermal and acoustic insulation.
Kitchen countertops are made with Hybriq Quartz, an innovative generation of surfaces composed of a high-performance hybrid formulation of premium minerals, quartz and recycled glass.
LG products combine design, artificial intelligence, sustainability and health care that stand out in the environment. We highlight the Oled evo TV, a great launch of the brand with a slim design and high technology, it can work as an automation hub for the LG ThinQ and allows all the control of the home appliances through its panel.
Kitchen in Stainless Steel Evviva – designed especially for the LG ThinQ House, with fronts and tamponade in this noble material – considered a sustainable material, ecologically correct and 100% recyclable. Stainless steel stands out for its resistance, durability and for meeting the legal requirements of hygiene (it is a smooth and non-porous surface, not accumulating fungi and bacteria).


ARCHITECTURE PROJECT – Estudio Guto Requena + PAX Arquitetura +
INTERIOR PROJECT – Estudio Guto Requena
STRUCTURAL CALCULATION – Carpinteria Estrutura
LIGHTING DESIGN – Foco Luz e Desenho

Guto Requena / Creative Director
Ludovica Leone / Operational Director
Sérgio Sá / Financial Director
Monique Tavares / Project Coordinator
Thatiana Pacheco / Project Coordinator
Mateus Fraga / Architect
João Vargas / Architect
Rodolfo Torres / Architect
Priscila Sati / Architect
Breno Sá Leitão / Architect junior
Damany Santos / Intern (architecture)
Thalissa Bechelli / Communication Coordinator
Paulo Paiva / Communication designer
Ian Diesendruck / Product Coordinator
Orion Campos / Architect (Parametric Design)
Bernardo Yono / Product designer junior
Jasmim Caparroz / Product designer junior
Heitor Espindola / Intern (product design)
Camila Gonçalves / Juntxs Lab – Laboratory of Empathy, Design and Technology Coordinator
Bruno Aricó / Computer scientist

PAX Arquitetura Team
Victor Paixão
Paula Sertório
Raphael Nogueira
Ana Carolina Scarpitti

ASSMEBLY – Crosslam Brasil

Architecture: Unibox, Guardian Glass, Vidros Quitaúna, Braston, Valdeir de Pina, MAC Design São Paulo, INSIDE FILMS
Interiors: By Kamy, Tintas Coral – ref. Presença Feminina, Cosentino, Rocamar Villaverde, Deca, Lumini, Bertolucci Iluminação, AlarmBR, Evviva
Furniture and Decoration: Breton, +55 Design, Etel Design, Humberto da Mata, Arbol Arts, Bunker Design, Dpot Brasil, Novo Ambiente, Duratex, City Design, Mac Design SP, VASAP, Dpot Objetos, Inês Schertel, Alva Design, É pedra Atêlier, Vasos Markaar, Codex Home, Confortomax, Arte e Leitura, Flávia Aranha, Flô Atelier Botânico, Noda Cozinha, Roberto Rebaudengo (Lido Amici di Amici), Do Barro Atêlier, Estudio Guto Requena, PAX Arquitetura
Works of Art: Galeria Nara Roesler e Estudio Guto Requena

Photos: Fran Parente
Mini-Doc: Pedro Urizzi
Time lapse: Jugular Filmes

「CONNECTED HOME – LG ThinQ Home」Estudio Guto Requena 公式サイト


【購読無料】空間デザインの今がわかるメールマガジン TECTURE NEWS LETTER



  • TOP
  • CNCの建築システムにより10日間で建つ住宅、デジタルファブリケーションのプラットフォーム「WikiHouse」を活用した住宅〈LG ThinQ Home〉ブラジル、スタジオ・グート・レクエナ、PAXアーキテクチャ