


©︎ Yao Lu


©︎ Yao Lu



ペンシルバニア大学の多面体構造研究所(Polyhedral Structures Laboratory)、ビラノバ大学、ニューヨーク市立大学、ダルムシュタット工科大学、最先端のデジタルファブリケーション技術を駆使した建築ファブリケーション企業イベントスケープ(Eventscape)という分野を横断した、デザイナー、研究者、実践家のチームが開発しました。

(以下、Polyhedral Structures Laboratoryから提供されたプレスキットのテキストの抄訳)


©︎ Yao Lu

〈Tortuca〉は、幾何学に基づく構造形状決定手法であるPGS(多面体図形静力学:Polyhedral Graphic Statics)を用いて設計され、乾式で組み立てることができる13の中空ガラスユニットにより構成された、効率的で革新的な構造システムである。また、ガラスを使用した新たな建築言語の提案でもある。



5軸ウォータージェットカッターによるガラス部材のカット ©︎ Yao Lu


5軸CNCルーターによるアクリル部材のフライス加工 ©︎ Yao Lu





©︎ Yao Lu





PolyFrameにより作成した基本形状 ©︎ Yao Lu


ガラスとアクリルによる側面板と接続機構 ©︎ Yao Lu






©︎ Yao Lu


©︎ Yao Lu


©︎ Yao Lu

以下、Polyhedral Structures Laboratoryのリリース(英文)です。


A team of designers, researchers, and practitioners from Polyhedral Structures Laboratory at University of Pennsylvania, Villanova University, The City College of New York, Technical University of Darmstadt, and custom architectural fabrication company Eventscape created an ultra-thin hollow glass bridge named Tortuca.

Designed with Polyhedral Graphic Statics (PGS), a geometry-based structural form-finding method, Tortuca presents an efficient and innovative structural system constructed by the dry assembly of thirteen hollow glass units (HGU). It also proposes a new language for glass that is carefully treated, structurally informed, fabrication-aware, and environmentally responsible. Each HGU of Tortuca is made of 1 cm (3/8 inch) glass deck plates and 2 cm (0.7 inch) acrylic side plates precisely cut with 5-axis abrasive waterjet cutting and CNC milling to match the structural geometry. The structure spans 3.2 m (10.5 ft) with a mass of only 250 kg (550 lbs), where the float glass is the primary load-bearing material. Thanks to the efficiency and light weight of the construction system, a single person can assemble and disassemble the structure without needing a crane or additional labor. Moreover, this research explores the potential of using an extremely delicate material such as float glass for the primary structural system to encourage minimizing the material and energy demands in buildings and infrastructural projects. Additionally, it shows how utilizing the material in its purest format could simplify the recycling process after the life cycle of the structure has ended. Also, this research project is achieved by collaboration across different institutions, from design to engineering, from theoretical to practical, and from academia to industry. We appreciate the value of breaking disciplinary boundaries and joining forces from multiple fields.


The generation of the base geometry (Figure 3) is achieved through PolyFrame (Nejur and Akbarzadeh 2021), a Rhino plug-in that implements PGS. The generated form diagram with thirteen polyhedral cells is then optimized regarding global dimensions, individual edge lengths, and face angles, to better satisfy the fabrication constraints and increase the ease of the subsequent fabrication process. As a result, the bridge dimension is set to 3.2 m(L) × 1.3 m(W) ×0.55 m(H), the thicknesses of the polyhedral cells are set to around 100 mm, and each cell is constrained to a size that one person can handle during the construction process.


After obtaining the base geometry of the bridge, each polyhedral cell is materialized as one HGU. The HGU details and the steel abutments that hold all HGUs are devised based on the material selection and fabrication constraints. Each of the two top and bottom faces of every polyhedral cell is materialized as a glass deck plate using 9.5 mm annealed glass. For the smaller side faces, they are materialized as either 9.5 mm thick glass side plates or 21 mm thick acrylic side plates, depending on whether they need to accommodate the connection mechanisms with the neighbor HGUs (Figure 4). Improved from a precedent (Lu et al. 2021), the connection mechanism between neighboring HGUs contains two pocket channels on the pair of facing side plates and a locking strip that has a butterfly shape section profile. Between the neighboring HGU deck plates and between the HGUs and steel abutments, Surlyn sheets cut with a 3-axis CNC router are placed and used as the interface material preventing direct glass-to-glass, and glass-to-steel contact.


Before HGU fabrication and bridge assembly, a static numerical finite element analysis is conducted using ANSYS, which follows the previously established analysis sequence as explained by Yost et al. (2022). The result shows that the bridge successfully sustains its self-weight.


The glass parts are cut using 5-axis abrasive waterjet cutter (Figure 5), and the acrylic parts are milled using 5-axis CNC router (Figure 6). The assembly process consists first of the construction of the individual HGUs (Figure 7) followed by the assembly of the entire bridge (Figure 9). The heaviest HGU of the bridge weighs about 23.3 kg, meaning that the assembly process can be handled by one person without any heavy construction machinery. Moreover, most material can be easily dismantled and recycled at the end of its life cycle as a consequence of the dry assembly process.


Lu, Yao, Alireza Seyedahmadian, Philipp Amir Chhadeh, Matthew Cregan, Mohammad Bolhassani, Jens Schneider, Joseph Robert Yost, Gareth Brennan, and Masoud Akbarzadeh. 2022. “Funicular Glass Bridge Prototype: Design Optimization, Fabrication, and Assembly Challenges.” Glass Structures & Engineering 7 (2): 319–330.

Nejur, Andrei, and Masoud Akbarzadeh. 2021. “PolyFrame, Efficient Computation for 3D Graphic Statics.” Computer-Aided Design 134 (May): 103003.

Yost, Joseph Robert, Mohammad Bolhassani, Philipp Amir Chhadeh, Liam Ryan, Jens Schneider, and Masoud Akbarzadeh. 2022. “Mechanical Performance of Polyhedral Hollow Glass Units under Compression.” Engineering Structures 254 (March): 113730.

Lu, Yao, Matthew Cregan, Philipp Chhadeh, Alireza Seyedahmadian, Mohammad Bolhassani, Jens Schneider, Joseph Yost, and Masoud Akbarzadeh. 2021. “All Glass, Compression-Dominant Polyhedral Bridge Prototype: Form-Finding and Fabrication.” In Inspiring the Next Generation: Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Spatial Structures and the Annual Symposium of the IASS, 326–36. Surrey, UK.


This project was supported by University of Pennsylvania Research Foundation Grant (URF), National Science Foundation CAREER AWARD (NSF CAREER-1944691-CMMI), and the National Science Foundation Future Eco Manufacturing Research Grant (NSF, FMRG-CMMI 2037097) to Dr. Masoud Akbarzadeh. It was also supported by Villanova University Summer Grant Program (USG) to Dr. Joseph Yost. The multi-axis milling, metalwork, and other facilities were supported by Eventscape NY.


Principal Investigators: Masoud Akbarzadeh (Polyhedral Structures Laboratory, University of Pennsylvania), Joseph Robert Yost (Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Villanova University), Mohammad Bolhassani (The City College of New York), Jens Schneider (Technische Universität Darmstadt)
Project Architect: Yao Lu (Polyhedral Structures Laboratory, University of Pennsylvania)
Project Team: Yao Lu, Ali Seyedahmadian, Philipp Amir Chhadeh, Matthew Cregan, Mohammad Bolhassani, Thomas Lee, Matthew DeLissio, Vincent Micozzi, Tristan Fischer-Smith, Joseph Robert Yost, Jens Schneider, Gareth Brennan, Masoud Akbarzadeh
Structural and Computational detailing: Yao Lu, Masoud Akbarzadeh
Structural Analysis: Philipp Amir Chhadeh and Mohammad Bolhassani
Structural Load Testing: Joseph Robert Yost and Mathew Cregan
Fabrication and Assembly: Yao Lu, Ali Seyedahmadian, Thomas Lee, Vincent Micozzi, Tristan Fischer-Smith, Gareth Brennan
Five-Axis Milling Services: Eventscape NY
Plywood Formwork: Eventscape NY
Metalworks: Eventscape NY
Five-Axis Waterjet Services: AquaJet Services LLC

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