
大スパンや有機的な形状など 木材のさまざまな表現を見せる空間〈ホーンズツリー〉


Photo by Mario Wibowo


Photo by Mario Wibowo


Photo by Mario Wibowo


ジャカルタに拠点を置く建築・インテリアデザインスタジオであるセニマン・ルアン(Seniman Ruang)が設計しました。

(以下、Seniman Ruangから提供されたプレスキットのテキストの抄訳)


Photo by Mario Wibowo


Photo by Mario Wibowo


Photo by Mario Wibowo


Photo by Mario Wibowo


木材サプライヤーであるKayu Lapisの初のショールームである〈ホーンズツリー〉は、サステナブルであることの価値と自社製品の品質を顧客に伝えるための半教育的なギャラリーである。また母なる木の庇護をイメージしたフォルムにより、合板素材の限界に挑戦している。

FSC森林認証を受けているKayu Lapisは、環境に配慮した技術でサステナブルな木材を提供するだけでなく、インドネシア・カリマンタンの森林にて、次世代の木々を育てている。このような取り組みを進めるKayu Lapisのショールームとして、インテリアデザインに用いる素材を自然由来のものとすることで、自然や品質、社会に対して責任をもって賢く建材を選ぶという意識を、顧客に喚起したいと考えた。


Photo by Mario Wibowo


Photo by Mario Wibowo


Photo by Mario Wibowo



中央のツリーの下部には合板トレイの層を回転させながら配置し、上部は木の枝をイメージした、薄く曲げた円形の合板により構成されている。ツリーの上端には、ライティングデザインスタジオ ErreLuceがデザインした丸い膜が貼られた間接照明が、変化する太陽光を表現している。

直径6mのドーム天井は、木の樹冠を表現しており、30層の照明付き円形薄板合板で覆われている。天井材の一部を透明なアクリルとし、ドーム天井の内部構造を覗けるようにすることで、Kayu Lapisの木材加工のノウハウを紹介している。これらの木構造は、工場にて製作したプレファブ材を現場にて手作業で設置した。


Photo by Mario Wibowo


Photo by Mario Wibowo


Photo by Helen Agustine


Photo by Helen Agustine


Photo by Mario Wibowo





Photo by Mario Wibowo


Photo by Helen Agustine


Photo by Helen Agustine


Photo by Helen Agustine


Photo by Mario Wibowo


Photo by Helen Agustine


Photo by Helen Agustine


Photo by Helen Agustine


Photo by Helen Agustine


Photo by Helen Agustine


Photo by Helen Agustine








Ceiling dome structure


Mother tree


Parametric bench

以下、Seniman Ruangのリリース(英文)です。

Project name: Honestree
Project location: Open Door, Alam Sutera, Tangerang Selatan.
Completion: December 2022
Building area (m²): 39
Owner: Kayu Lapis

Interior Designer: Seniman Ruang

Lighting Consultant: ErreLuce
Builder: Kayu Lapis & Median Contractor
Photo & Video: Mario Wibowo

Project Description:
In promoting sustainability to the customer, merely selling sustainable products usually are not sufficient. Communicating the importance and the benefit of being sustainable in choosing materiality provided with examples of real applications becomes inevitable for many sustainable product suppliers. Honestree, the first showroom of Kayu Lapis, is designed by Seniman Ruang as a semi-educational gallery to communicate the company‘s sustainable value and quality of products to their customer, by testing the limits of working with plywood materials in a form that is inspired by the shelter of a mother tree.

As FSC certified wood suppliers company, Kayu Lapis not only delivers sustainable wood materials with environmentally friendly technology but also grows and nurtures some sustainable forests in Kalimantan, Indonesia for the future generation of trees. “In a circle of life, what is given by nature shall return to nature.” By incorporating all sustainable natural materials into this interior design, we hope to encourage awareness among customers in selecting building materials wisely and responsibly toward nature, quality, and society. Various types of wood with their different capabilities, joints, and finishes are presented both as interactive objects and as a real application of interior elements for people to come and learn.

The design tells the story of how nature can inspire the form of architectural space through the abstraction of human experience in nature in the composition of layers. This 39 sqm retail space forms a radial composition, surrounded by layers of big slab products with a mother tree installation at the center, displaying samples of diverse wood species. The center tree is made of layers of rotating plywood trays, which bloom towards the top with the shape of peeled circular layers made from thin and bent plywood to resemble tree branches. On the top end of the tree, a round membrane with indirect light designed by ErreLuce is applied with frequent changes of the light warmth as an expression of changing sunlight.

The center space manifests an experience of sitting under a big shady tree, with six meters diameter dome ceiling illustrating the shelter of the tree, entirely constructed by engineering wood structures and covered by 30 layers of illuminated circular thin plywood. The wood structures are shown to customers by replacing some of the ceiling material with transparent acrylic for people to peek inside the dome ceiling, to demonstrate Kayu Lapis’s expertise in wood structure processing. The installation of the wood structure became the primary challenge, as it was pre-fabricated and then installed on-site manually. The round ceiling dimension is a bit different from the existing walls thus it needs adjuster structures behind the covering walls to make the square walls perfectly the same size as the diameter of the dome ceiling.

Inspired by the organic shape of the earth’s topography, a circular parametric bench is installed under the dome, and made of several layers of plywood, joined and lined around the center tree. The bench serves as an experimentation of plywood precision, computation and craftmanship more than its functional purpose as sitting, which has gone through several failures of joints and readjustment to finally achieve the final shape.

Each layer of the big slab display uses two sliding tracks for easy moves and appears hanging on the wall with its individual linear lighting. The Plug-in-and-off-rack system allows changes in the grid display shelf to accommodate different sizes of products through tongue and groove plywood joinery. To achieve zero waste design, the interior designer tried to experiment and suggest casting all plywood waste from the construction into modular timber terrazzo as salable flooring material products.

The design endeavors to break the belief about wood’s disadvantage as a heavy and rigid material, becoming a material that can be used for large spans, and produces rounded space and organic details.

Timber Structure: Kayu Lapis
Plywood: Kayu Lapis
Accoustic ceiling panel: Kayu Lapis
Timber terrazo Floor: plywood waste of Kayu Lapis & collaboration with Nakedstone
Membrane lighting: Barrisol
Hardware system: Hafele
Electrical: Simon
Air Conditioner: Daikin

「Honestree」Seniman Ruang 公式サイト


インドネシア 関連記事






【購読無料】空間デザインの今がわかるメールマガジン TECTURE NEWS LETTER



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  • 木材の可能性を示すショールーム、大スパンや有機的な形状など 木材のさまざまな表現を見せる空間〈ホーンズツリー〉インドネシア・セニマン・ルアン