
ワラとヤシで葺かれた エコツーリズムへと移行したアマゾンの民族のためのコミュニティ施設〈ナポ・ワイルドライフ・センター・タワー〉


©︎ Torre del Napo


©︎ Torre del Napo

エクアドルの国立公園に住むアニャング族のために建てられた〈ナポ・ワイルドライフ・センター・タワー(The Napo Wildlife Center Tower)〉は、ゲストのためのダイニング施設を有するコミュニティ施設であり、アマゾンで最も高い木造タワーです。


持続可能で環境に優しい建築を追求するエクアドルの建築スタジオ カア・ポーラ・アーキテクチャ(Caá Porá Arquitectura)が、地域の人々とのワークショップを通してつくり上げた建築です。

(以下、Caá Porá Arquitecturaから提供されたプレスキットのテキストの抄訳)


©︎ Torre del Napo


©︎ Torre del Napo


1998年、エクアドルのヤスニ国立公園内に位置するキチュワ・アニャング・コミュニティ(Kichwa Añangu community)は、農耕・狩猟民族としての生活から、エコツーリズムを主体とした生活への移行を決定した。



©︎ Torre del Napo


©︎ Torre del Napo




©︎ Torre del Napo


©︎ Torre del Napo






©︎ Torre del Napo


©︎ Torre del Napo




©︎ Torre del Napo


©︎ Torre del Napo




©︎ Torre del Napo


©︎ Torre del Napo


©︎ Torre del Napo








Site Plan







以下、Caá Porá Arquitecturaのリリース(英文)です。

Architects: Caá Porá Arquitectura, Pinxcel and Kichwa Añangu Community
Engineer: Patricio Cevallos
Construction: Kichwa Añangu Community
Ph: Gabriel Moyer-Perez / Jose Luis Machado

In 1998, the Kichwa Añangu community, located in Yasuní National Park, decided to transition from agriculture and hunting to ecotourism. This transition allowed the community to improve their quality of life while preserving their traditional activities and protecting the unique biodiversity of their territory. Through the creation of the Napo Wildlife Center, an internationally renowned lodge in the continental Amazon, the community has generated various incomes over the last 10 years. The surplus from tourism operations has been used to finance educational, productive, social, cultural, organizational, and conservation projects in the community.

The Añangu community maintains an entrepreneurial vision to continue growing both economically, through tourism, and in the development of education plans and the construction of modern and environmentally responsible infrastructure. To this end, the community has sought the support of external actors for specific projects, such as the construction of the Napo Wildlife Center Tower, which is part of a broader growth plan.

The genesis of the Napo Wildlife Center tower was born out of the necessity for a new dining facility and an elevated observation tower that could be utilized by the community even during inclement weather. As the lodge is situated on a small patch of solid ground within a swamp, seismic activity and soil liquefaction are concerns that must be accounted for. Additionally, the design of the tower was also influenced by the high-velocity winds exceeding 100 km/h that gust through the treetops during storm events.

The new 30-meter-high lookout contains a dining room and a cultural center, which were designed in participatory workshops with all members of the community. During these workshops, a local and international market study was conducted with the aim of increasing the lodge’s presence in the global tourism imaginary. To overcome construction challenges, including transporting materials by river, new forms of construction were proposed based on cultural syncretism, which combined the ancestral knowledge of the community with modern materials. This process resulted in a tower of over 1,200 m2, on 7 floors, with a mixed structure of local wood and recycled oil drilling pipes. The composite columns allowed for a significant reduction in material use, resulting in the tallest wooden tower in the Ecuadorian Amazon and one of the tallest in the country. The recycled drilling pipes are earthquake-resistant and adapt well to strong winds. The roofs were made with traditional toquilla straw and royal palm weaves, which have a lifespan of over 20 years and offer panoramic views of the landscape on each level.

The construction of the Napo Wildlife Center Tower was an achievement and a source of pride for the community. In addition to providing economic income, the project allowed Añangu children to see that it is possible to live in modernity without losing their ancestral traditions.

「Napo Wildlife Center」Caá Porá Arquitectura 公式サイト


エクアドル 関連記事




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