


© Nikolaj Bonde



コペンハーゲンを拠点とする建築事務所 オフィス・キム・レンズショー(Office Kim Lenschow)と、クリエイティブ・スタジオであるナチュラル・マテリアル・スタジオ(Natural Material Studio)の創設者であるボニー・フビラム(Bonnie Hvillum)によるプロジェクトです。

(以下、Natural Material Studioから提供されたプレスキットのテキストの抄訳)

© Nikolaj Bonde



© Nikolaj Bonde




© Nikolaj Bonde




© Nikolaj Bonde



© Nikolaj Bonde



© Nikolaj Bonde



© Nikolaj Bonde



© Nikolaj Bonde




© Nikolaj Bonde





© Nikolaj Bonde

© Nikolaj Bonde

© Nikolaj Bonde

© Nikolaj Bonde

以下、Natural Material Studioのリリース(英文)です。

SMULD – expanding our perception of wood

SMULD is an architectural material installation by Office Kim Lenschow and Bonnie Hvillum of Natural Material Studio that explores new materials based on natural wood binders and sawdust from the Dinesen sawmill in Jels.

The newly opened SMULD exhibition by Office Kim Lenschow and Natural Material Studio installed in the Dinesen showroom gallery in central Copenhagen, invites into a spatial experience with the studies of four new, bio-based building materials based on sawdust. The space functions as portals leading one through the four material portals in a sensory experience, unfold- ing the aesthetics and structure of the sawdust material studies. With an aesthetic and technological approach, the exhibition explores new possibilities within architecture, thus putting the Dinesen vision of utilizing the entire tree trunk in a new perspective.

“The wood and timber industry is predicted to play an important role as we transition the way we build to meet planetary boundaries. If we are to believe that wood can be a path towards a more sustainable solution, we must be careful to utilize the entire tree trunk, from planks and offcuts to shavings, sawdust, and dust. We must also ensure that the materials we develop and use are circular. One way to work with this is by ensuring that the material binder can dissolve without the use of chemicals. We have ensured this by only using the inherent binders of wood itself.” Bonnie Hvillum & Kim Lenschow

The materials
The Danish title ‘SMULD’ means all the small wood shavings and leftovers from the wood working – the whole starting point of the materials and collaboration. The installation is based on nearly two years of material research into the utilization of different types of sawdust from Dinesen – from fine dust to wood chips, the research has been investigating several material directions before zooming in on four promising ones.

01 Flexible
The first portal consists of finely sifted wood plaster and planer shavings cast in a mixture of natural latex. The material opens up possibilities of working with wood as a textile. Expanding the wood’s common areas of use.

02 Insulating
The second portal is a sawdust plaster, consisting of fine sawdust and cellulose plastered onto wood fiber insulation. The material opens up the possibility of optimizing wall layering by proposing how layering can be utilized functionally and aesthetically.

03 Translucent
The third portal consists of finely sifted wood plaster and planer shavings, cast as a liquid mass into paper-thin sheets. The material’s semi-translucent surface, that allows light to flow through, draws references to traditional Japanese shoji.

04 Structural
The panels are cast with a lignin binder in collaboration with the Danish Technological Institute. The material is the first attempt at a structural wood fiber panel with a natural binder, aiming for an aesthetically compelling surface, directly applicable in contemporary architecture.

Last year these materials were used in a more sculptural way by the two studios for the architectural exhibition Reset Materials at Copenhagen Contemporary, however, the aim has always been for the team to explore the possibilities with sawdust within the field of architecture and build environment.

“These new wood materials require new processes and methods working with wood, opening up our usages and understanding of what wood is and can be. These studies are crucial to push our material conceptions and boundaries, not only within the industry but also as human beings.”
Bonnie Hvillum of Natural Material Studio

Cross-disciplinary works
Throughout nearly two years, the architectural practice Office Kim Lenschow and the creative studio Natural Material Studio have now been collaborating with a shared aim of expanding our perception of wood. With both practices based in Copenhagen, they have really discovered the importance and value in learning from each other’s methods and knowhow.

“The cross-disciplinarity opens up completely new possibilities and expands the role of the architect from not only holding the desk work but also being the one carrying out research, innovation and material research. Learning and collaborating across blurs the lines and reinforces a much stronger material understanding when building the future.”
Kim Lenschow of Office Kim Lenschow

Natural Material Studio
Natural Material Studio aims to transform the discourse of design for equal synergies between human, nature and space. Through materials, the studio is proposing a new design typology and terminology based on systemic methodologies. With award-winning founder and director Bonnie Hvillum, and the multidisciplinary team in Copenhagen, Denmark, the creative studio operates in a cross section of art, design, research and architecture with installations, works, commissions and consultancy, centered around their own, biobased materials.
Since 2019 the studio has worked with clients such as Adidas, Noma and Calvin Klein with commissions and collaborations ranging from Design Museum Denmark to Snøhetta. The studio was awarded for their large-scale installation HUMAN NATURE last year during 3days of Design at Copenhagen Contemporary in Denmark, and has exhibited during Milan Design Week, Design Miami and further.

Office Kim Lenschow
Kim Lenschow is the architect and founder of Office Kim Lenschow. The office celebrates a transparent and explicit architecture with a special interest in importance of materials and materiality. Office Kim Lenschow aims to create personally engaging spaces that shape critical thinking. Through architecture and design, we seek to reveal and challenge ingrained values, beliefs, and material narratives in established building practices and ways of life.
In 2022 Kim received the Henning Larsen foundation price, in 2020 price of honor by Dreyers.

Dinesen is a family owned design and production company with roots in the Southern Danish. Since the foundation in 1898 there has through generations been a genuine curiosity into the nature of wood and wood products. Every generation has worked with wood in several ways, but there has always been a wish of aging the tree with respect for the forest. Dinesen wishes to use most of the wood in meaningful products. today Dinesen is an international company with a large production in Jels, with primary production of floor planks.


Natural Material Studio 公式サイト

Office Kim Lenschow 公式サイト

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  • 4つのバイオベースの新建材でつくるインスタレーション〈SMULD〉デンマーク、オフィス・キム・レンズショー、ナチュラル・マテリアル・スタジオ