〈BIG コペンハーゲン本社(BIG CPH Headquarters)〉は、ビャルケ・インゲルス(Bjarke Ingels)率いるビャルケ・インゲルス・グループ(Bjarke Ingels Group、以下BIGと表記)が設計した自社の新本社です。
稀代の建築家 ビャルケ・インゲルスとは何者か?BIGが手がける独創的な建築から住宅開発のスタートアップまで プロジェクトを通して大解剖!
BIG LEAPP(BIGのランドスケープ、エンジニアリング、建築、プランニング、プロダクトのチーム)の力を結集してつくられた建物であり、ドアの取っ手から長さ20mのコンクリートの梁、ガラスのファサードから周囲のランドスケープに至るまで、すべてがBIG LEAPPチームによって形成された。
Name: BIG CPH Headquarters
Completion Date: Fall 2023
Program: Interiors, Work
Status: In Construction
Size in m²: 4, 880
Project type: Office
Client: BIG – Bjarke Ingels Group
Location: Copenhagen, DenmarkPROJECT DESCRIPTION
After two years of construction, BIG’s 4,880 m² new HQ is soon to be completed. Located on a narrow pier in Copenhagen’s Nordhavn neighborhood, the building is set to achieve DGNB Gold, through use of Uni-Green – a new type of concrete developed jointly by BIG and Unicon that has a CO2 reduction of approx. 25%, resulting in a CO2 footprint of 11.3kg CO2 eq/m²/year. Combining the efforts of BIG LEAPP – BIG’s Landscape, Engineering, Architecture, Planning and Product teams – everything from door handles to the 20-meter-long concrete beams, from glass façades to the surrounding landscape, has been given form by the BIG LEAPP team. The HQ further integrates solar and geothermal energy systems that contribute to a 60% reliance on renewable energy.Upon entering the main entrance, BIGsters and guests will find themselves in a Piranesian space, where the inner life of the building reveals itself through diagonal views all the way up to the top floor. Apart from the beams resting on each other, a single stone column of six different types of rock – ranging from dense granite at the bottom to solid marble at the top – carries the structure at the heart of the space. An open stair ricochets from level to level all the way from the ground- to the top floor. Each floor has direct access to a balcony connected to the balcony above and below, forming a continuous 140-meter-long ribbon of outdoor spaces, spiraling from the roof to the quayside like a mountain path.
At the tip of the pier, BIG Landscape is transforming a former parking area into a 1.500 m² public sand park, celebrating the Danish landscapes with sand dunes, rocks and coastal plantings, such as wind-, salt- and flood-resistant species. Towards the north, trees, such as pines and oaks, are planted to provide shelter from the wind, and towards the south, areas with planting, rocks and woods are created to support habitat creation for insects and biodiversity. Long benches are created with reference to the building’s beams and define an urban character of the waterfront promenade.
On the roof, a terrace is conceived as a forest floor, with lush, planted mounds framed by live-edge wooden planks, celebrating Danish craftsmanship and landscapes. On the HQ’s terraces, placed on the exterior of the building, a series of deep planters on the building’s facades allow for rainwater collection and reduced irrigation.
「BIG HQ」BIG 公式サイト