© MA Estudio
メキシコの小さなビーチタウン イェラパのジャングルの中に建つ〈TARASANA〉は、自然分娩にも対応する多様な設備とヒーリングセンターとしての機能を備えた施設です。身体、心、精神、環境など、全体的な視点で健康や治療を捉える「ホリスティック」という考え方を反映しています。
母胎のような安心感と幸福感を呼び起こし、肉体的・精神的な癒しを提供する聖域的な施設として、周囲の環境と調和した建築を目指す MA Estudioが設計しました。
- 機能性だけでなく、人間の精神性を高める手段としての建築
- ドーナツのような「トロイド」形状を採用した無支柱空間
- 構造に等間隔に設けられた隙間が生み出す光と影
(以下、MA Estudioから提供されたプレスキットのテキストの抄訳)
© MA Estudio
© MA Estudio
© MA Estudio
© MA Estudio
© MA Estudio
© MA Estudio
© MA Estudio
その好例が、生物の細胞分布から着想を得た、建築家パオロ・ソレリによる都市システム「アルコロジー(建築と生態学の融合)」である。(Jaivier Senosian, bioarchitecture, 2017, 「In search of a space,」 p.18)
Sketch © MA Estudio
Sketch © MA Estudio
© MA Estudio
© MA Estudio
© MA Estudio
© MA Estudio
© MA Estudio
© MA Estudio
© MA Estudio
© MA Estudio
© MA Estudio
Master Plan © MA Estudio
Plan © MA Estudio
Elevation © MA Estudio
Section © MA Estudio
Section © MA Estudio
© MA Estudio
© MA Estudio
以下、MA Estudioのリリース(英文)です。
Centro Holístico T.A.R.A.S.A.N.A
Location Yelapa, Jalisco, MexicoTechnical specifications and Descriptive Memory
Tarasana is situated within the Yelapa community, nestled amidst the lush jungle and alongside the western Sierra Madre mountains of Mexico. Serving as a holistic hub, Tarasana offers versatile amenities, including options for natural childbirth either in water or on a bed. Additionally, it operates as a healing center that accommodates a diverse range of activities.The project proposal aims to establish a comprehensive environment where babies, women and men can reconnect with their inherent nature and the world around them. Inspired by Mathias Goeritz’s Manifesto of Emotional Architecture, which advocates for elevating human spirituality through architectural design, the goal is to rescue architecture from its current state of purely material functionality.
Central to this endeavor is the creation of spaces that evoke a sense of security and well-being akin to the maternal womb. These spaces are intended not only for childbirth but also for nurturing the bond between parent and child, including the involvement of fathers. The overarching concept is to craft environments that harmonize with the human body, reminiscent of the womb, not as a regression but as a means of reconciliation.
Named Centro TARSANA, this adaptable facility serves as a sanctuary for both physical and spiritual healing, while also fostering opportunities for diverse activities.
Conceptualization and prototype
Based on the principles of bionics, derived from the Greek words bios (life) and ikos (unity), which encapsulate the concept of creating artificial constructs based on living systems, the term was first introduced by Jack E. Steele in 1958.Bionics strives to develop functionalities and forms that mimic the behavior of living organisms, achieved through meticulous observation, in-depth research, analysis, and synthesis. Rather than mere replication, bionics posits that any model can offer novel ideas for designing methods tailored to specific contexts and users. An exemplary instance is Paolo Soleri’s urban system, Arcology (a blend of Architecture and Ecology), inspired by the cellular distribution in organisms (Jaivier Senosian, bioarchitecture, 2017, “In search of a space,” p.18).
The structure and form of TARASANA are based on the archetype of the Toroid, characterized by an energy pattern resembling a doughnut—a continuous surface with a central opening. This energy dynamic sustains itself in a primary pattern, with energy flowing through one end, circulating around the center, and exiting through the other side.
In the toroid, principles of Sacred Geometry such as the Great Void, the Law of Unity, the Law of Duality, and mathematical pillars like Phi, Pi, and Euler are found ( Psychogeometry 2021 Article #10 “Human Toroids and their Functioning”).
The function of ferrocement, concrete, and steel in TARASANA embodies the convergence of seemingly irreconcilable opposites, akin to yin and yang, light and shadow, and feminine and masculine principles. Ferrocement, the precursor of reinforced concrete, offers high plasticity, enabling molding and sculpting. Its metallic skeleton directs vertical rods to a concentric ring, creating a monolithic form that aligns with the principles of the toroid. This ensures self-support, eliminating the need for independent vertical supports
Light and shadows
The structure is connected by evenly spaced intervals surrounding it, overlapping and converging toward a central ring. These overlapping elements create gaps that permit the entry of light, which then diffuses gently and evenly throughout the interior spaces. Throughout the day and across seasons, the angle and intensity of sunlight shift, resulting in a dynamic interplay of projected and reflected light. This interplay casts nuanced shadows reminiscent of a womb, contributing to a sense of warmth and tranquility within the spaceVentilation
The spaces formed between the walls and the surrounding structures facilitate the ingress of winds from various angles throughout the day, akin to a propeller. This design engenders an organic propulsion mechanism, enabling rotation in response to the wind.Materials
The walls are coated with the tadelakt technique, primarily composed of lime and burnished to resemble vernacular ancient finishings, creating textures that are smooth to the touch. This technique offers comfort by regulating temperature and humidity levels, while its fungicidal properties help prevent the growth of fungi.Inspiration
Enchanted by the flawless beauty of its design and the graceful curves that bestow upon it an almost monastic ambiance, the “Museum of Art” conceived by architect Ryue Nishizawa beckons admirers. Inspired by the architectural ethos of Javier Senosiain, which advocates for the emulation of natural systems and harmonizing architecture with its environment, the genesis of this masterpiece emerges. “The concept sprouted from a vision of crafting a space tailored to human beings, attuned to their ecological, physical, and emotional requisites,” elucidates the architect, a foremost proponent of this architectural doctrine in Mexico.Similarly, in the artful manipulation of windows and skylights within the visionary work “Palais Bulles” by architect Antti Lovag, echoes resonate. Delving into his creative process, the architect elucidates, “The essence lies in sculpting a space finely attuned to the human condition, considering its ecological, physical, and psychological dimensions.” Thus, through these architectural endeavors, a profound symbiosis between human needs and the built environment is manifested.
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