© Mario Wibowo Photography Studio
© Mario Wibowo Photography Studio
インドネシアのバリ島と陸路でつながるスランガン島に建つ〈United-in-Diversity Campus〉は、商業、教育、オフィス、イベントプログラムを組み合わせた複合施設です。
ボリュームを切断する斜めに差し込む軸と建物を覆う大屋根が特徴的な建築です。ジャカルタを拠点に活動するウィリス・クスマ・アーキテクツ(Willis Kusuma Architects)が設計しました。
- 建物を特徴付ける、神聖なアグン山へ向かう斜め軸
- バリの伝統建築「バレ(Bale)」を基に設計
- 閉じたレンガのボリュームと開放的な屋根下空間によるユニークな体験
(以下、Willis Kusuma Architectsから提供されたプレスキットのテキストの抄訳)
© Mario Wibowo Photography Studio
© Mario Wibowo Photography Studio
インドネシア・バリのスランガン島に位置する〈United-in-Diversity Campus〉は、商業、教育、オフィス、イベントプログラムを組み合わせた約60×140mの複合施設である。建物はバリ島で最も高い神聖なアグン山の方角を向いている。
© Mario Wibowo Photography Studio
© Mario Wibowo Photography Studio
© Mario Wibowo Photography Studio
〈United-in-Diversity Campus〉は、熱帯の環境に配慮し、バリの伝統を参考にしながら現代的な施設となっている。
© Mario Wibowo Photography Studio
© Mario Wibowo Photography Studio
© Mario Wibowo Photography Studio
© Mario Wibowo Photography Studio
© Mario Wibowo Photography Studio
© Mario Wibowo Photography Studio
© Mario Wibowo Photography Studio
1st floor plan
2nd floor plan
3rd floor plan
Roof garden plan
以下、Willis Kusuma Architectsのリリース(英文)です。
Located in Kura-Kura Island, Bali, Indonesia, the Kura-Kura Bali Unity-in-Diversity (UID) Campus is a mixed-use facility encompassing an approximately 60 x 140 meter footprint that combines commercial, educational, office and event programmes. The building orients itself in the direction of the sacred Mount Agung, the highest point on Bali Island.
In establishing a general logic on how the plan is defined, the building operates on two intersecting axes, the horizontal-axis—giving the building its horizontal language—as well as a skewed-axis pointed at Mt. Agung cutting into it, which diagonally intersects the building’s longitudinal form and orients its space.
The design builds on the ‘Bale’ vernacular, a traditional Balinese thatched hip-roof structure that is often interpreted as a multipurpose hall for people to gather under. Bale adopts its roofed form by symbolically pointing up to the mountains and to the skies. Willis Kusuma Architects has taken this traditional form, scaling it up into a superstructure to create one giant roof that shelters all its programme underneath it.
It adopts a sensitive understanding of its tropical surroundings, embracing Balinese heritage as a reference point to create a modern facility.
Inspiring its name, the Kura-Kura Bali Unity-in-Diversity Campus’ range of programmes is compartmentalized into distinct brick volumes, hoisted on steel columns that project up to the roof, creating communal open-air spaces—permeable by the weather’s conditions—in and around the solid units.
The ground floor hosts commercial functions and a mini museum. Co-working spaces and classrooms are hosted on the second and third floors, while private office spaces, a function hall and media rooms are hosted on the third floor. Indoor and outdoor amphitheaters create informal gathering spaces. Closest under the massive roof are decks that provide seating areas, enjoying views into the island’s surroundings.
The interaction between the closed brick volumes and all the open-air internal spaces under one roof creates a unique spatial experience, engaging the building’s users dynamically with visual and auditory connections.Main InformationProject Name: United-in-Diversity Campus
Office Name: Willis Kusuma Architects
Office Website: https://williskusuma.com/
Social Media Accounts: Instagram @williskusumaarchitects
Firm Location: Jakarta, IndonesiaCompletion Year: 2022
Gross Built Area: 13100 sqm
Project Location: Serangan Island, South Denpasar, Bali, Indonesia
Program / Use / Building Function: Higher education facilityLead Architect: Willis Kusuma
Lead Team: Laurencia Angelia
Design Team: Marco Victorio, Valenzia Natasha, Seulgi Yoon Suak
Engineering & Consulting > Structural: PT. Cipta Sukses
Landscape Architecture: PT. Bukit Kembar Permai
Interior Design: Cassa Design
General Constructing: PT. China State Construction Overseas Development Shanghai
Engineering & Consulting > Mep: PT. Sumber Daya Agung
Engineering & Consulting > Lighting: MAW DesignPhotographer
Photo Credits: Mario Wibowo Photography Studio
Photographer’s Website: www.mariowibowo.com
Willis Kusuma Architects 公式サイト