©︎ Snøhetta, NoMy
ノルウェーのデザイン事務所スノヘッタ(Snøhetta)とノルウェーのスタートアップ企業NoMyは、自然界の菌と農業や製紙業などから出る廃棄物を活用した防音材〈菌糸体によるリジェネラティブ建材(Regenerative Building Materials with Mycelium)〉を開発しました。
©︎ Snøhetta, NoMy
©︎ Snøhetta, NoMy
スウェーデンのストックホルムにあるEY・ドーベルマン・サリー・ラボ(EY Doberman Sally Lab)の音響を改善するためのプロジェクトである。
©︎ Snøhetta, NoMy
©︎ Snøhetta, NoMy
©︎ Snøhetta, NoMy
©︎ Snøhetta, NoMy
©︎ Snøhetta, NoMy
©︎ Snøhetta, NoMy
©︎ Snøhetta, NoMy
Regenerative Building Materials with Mycelium
In our pursuit of reducing the building industry’s environmental footprint and accelerating the world’s transition to sustainable building material, Snøhetta recently initiated a collaboration with Norwegian startup NoMy. Specialized in making new products from a from the root-like structure of fungi, NoMy was approached with a challenge: Can we create a building material that doesn’t just take from nature, but which also gives back to it?
Together, the team developed an innovative solution to improve the acoustics of the interiors at the EY Doberman Sally Lab in Stockholm, Sweden. Using forest fungus and waste products from agriculture, paper production and other sources, NoMy grew a material with soundproofing qualities, which is naturally fire resistant and 100% compostable in nature.
With regards to the functionality, the product is an acoustic element performing to industry standards. However, the texture of the material also makes it an art piece in itself, with an aesthetic that inspires curiosity for the natural world.
At the core of both the collaboration and result, is the notion that all of life is interdependent. Innovation thrives when working together, collectively creating a better future.
Creating the acoustic element from Mycelium demonstrates that it is possible to make the move from sustainable to regenerative also when it comes to building materials. From net zero to net positive in our impact on the world.
Categories: Interior, Product Design, Education & Research, Product & Packaging, Sustainability, Work Spaces
Timeline: 2021
Status: Completed
Location: Stockholm, Sweden
Client: NoMy
「Regenerative Building Materials with Mycelium」Snøhetta 公式サイト
NoMy 公式サイト