
Hakusangu Ashio-sha

白山宮 足王社 / AUAU建築研究所






Create a place for the foot god

This shrine enshrines ”Ashinazuchi”, the god of feet, which was planned to be located beside the main shrine on a small high mountain surrounded by rice fields.
Initially, the goal was to expand the route to the main shrine and create a place for worshippers to stay in the Shinto shrine(Sha / O-Yashiro), but this evolved into a project to create the Hakusangu Ashio-sha, a place dedicated to the god of feet.

Originally, there is the “relieve pain stone(Itami-tori-Ishi)” in the precincts, and it is said that if a worshiper strokes it, it will relieve the pain in the legs and back, and it has been loved by people as the god of sports. The stone was enshrined by travelers on the road to pray for the safety of their feet along the way, and it is like a Taoist god who is very close to people.

In designing the Hakusangu Ashio-sha, the basic axis of the shrine is north-south, so that visitors can follow a variety of paths, rather than a straight line. The shrine is built from a combination of thin trees, and visitors are invited to worship while feeling the sunlight leaking through the gaps between the trees and the wind from the forest.

Behind the deity is a “cave approach” filled with light and soft curves of wood. When you step into this place, touch the “relieve pain stone(Itami-tori-Ishi)”, and leave, you will realize that you are one with the forest. This shrine does not simply worship the absolute presence of God from a distance, but rather it leans, touches, and walks alongside the familiar God who is part of the forest. It is a series of relationships assembled as a space. (Akitoshi Ukai)

【白山宮 足王社】

建主:白山宮 足王社

設計担当:鵜飼昭年 望月大地
構造設計:藤尾 篤 / 藤尾建築構造設計事務所
照明デザイン:飯塚邦一 / YAMAGIWA


床材:ニューヨーカー NYK-60-4、NYK-36-4(名古屋セラミックス)
手すり・フェンス:St-FB-6×60mm 溶融亜鉛メッキ(東海鋼建)
開口部:木製サッシ スプルス框戸(美津濃)
壁材:米ヒバ 55×115mm(美津濃)
屋根:ニスクカラー ギングロ(日鉄鋼板)

【Hakusangu Ashio-sha】

Architects: AUAU Architect & Associates
Client: Hakusangu
Location: Hongocho, Nisshin-shi, Aichi-ken, Japan
Year: 2017

Design Team: UKAI Akitoshi, MOCHIZUKI Daichi
Structure design: Fujio and associates
Lighting Design: IIZUKA Kuniichi / YAMAGIWA
Contractor: Komajuken+Mizuno

Building area: 75.87m²
Total floor area: 51.05m²
Main structure: Wood, and Steel
Design term: 2015.06-2016.06
Construction term: 2016.07-2017.06

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