
入母屋の離れ / TATTA / 富永大毅建築都市計画事務所







A wooden one-story house designed by folding the past and the future

It is a project to rebuild a wooden house built in the early Showa era as a “retirement home” for an elderly couple.
The site has a large garden, luxurious in the center of Tokyo, with a two-story house over 80 years old and the main house built in the 1970s in the L-shape. It wasn’t easy to renovate or extend the old house anymore, so it was demolished and rebuilt. A more past couple is a client who lives here, and a kid couple with two grandchildren will eventually move to an empty main house.

A two-story house with a total floor area of ​​45.95m2 was rebuilt as a 70.92m2 one-story house while maintaining the L-shaped positional relationship with the main house across the garden. The roof has a simple roof structure, “Irimoya-style” it is a traditional Japanese structure, as like a “Dutch gable roof.”
And through the glass windows provided in the roof’s triangular part, the sunlight through the leaves of the garden trees planted on the south side of the site will fall to the first floor. Even if you close the curtains on the first-floor window facing the garden, we can feel the outside world by opening this barn.Also, assuming that the family of four children’s households will live in the barn’s attic, it will be able to renovate into a two-story building with a floor beam on the ceiling.

The floor’s height on the first floor was set according to the main buildings that are built side by side. The height from the garden’s ground and the ground line is 60cm, which makes you feel that you are far from the garden. Therefore, we tried to bring the eaves out toward the garden and take the Goyomatsu tree in the garden under the eaves to bring it closer to the garden. The terrace under the eaves is hung from above to make a gap with the ground, and the original garden stone is laid there. It is also a deep edge of the eaves, and for grandchildren in the main building playing in the garden, it became a space like a pavilion.

Since the road on the west side of the site is affected by a road of the Building Standards Act, it was necessary to remove the massive fence of Otani stone during the rebuilding work. It was carefully disassembled, and what was not broken was reconstructed as a fence, the rest was used as garden stones, and the broken one was laid on ” Inu-Bashir” it is the grooves under the roof where raindrops fall.

During the dismantling work before rebuilding, we picked up materials that could still be used as materials, and carved cypress beams and zelkova floorboards to finish the ceiling. The delicate crossing is also reused as a ceiling design.

This house was designed to maximize the use of resources that have existed since the early Showa era and to see what this house should be in 15-20 years and to fold the past and future times. (Daiki Tominaga)



設計:TATTA / 富永大毅建築都市計画事務所


延床面積 70.92m²

Location: Kitaku, Tokyo
Principal use: Residence
Completion: 2017

Architects: TATTA
Design term: Hiroki Tominaga, Yae Fujima
Stractual Design: DIX
Exterior Design: oikos landscape architects inc.
Construction term: Maezawa builiding contractor

Photographs: Takumi Ota

Main structure: Wood
Building scale: 2 stories
Building area: 81.68m²
Total floor area: 70.92m²
Design term: 2016.7-2017.5
Construction term: 2017.6-2017.12

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