
上田のシェルター / 野口修+DAT/株式会社 都市環境研究室





敷地性状や自然環境、ライフスタイルと細かく調停しながら、かといって調停結果が、形態や仕上げに混在した印象を与えない単純な形式を目指した。(野口 修)

Shelter-like residence with the ability to adapt to changes in the surrounding environment

This residence is located across the Chikuma River from downtown Ueda City, Nagano Prefecture, in an area converted to residential land since the Shinkansen bullet train came on board. The site is (1) tangent to the road in north and south directions. The north side of the road is a designated road for vehicles shared by neighboring residential areas, while the south side is closer to the main road (national highway) for walking access to the community. (2) In the vicinity of the site are old houses, rice paddies, an automobile factory, and residential land, which are expected to be converted to residential land or rebuilt in the future. The site is in a cold region and receives about 40 cm of snowfall every winter. The snow quality is light and often blows with the wind.

In the layout and floor plan, we considered the overall image of the site while reconciling the characteristics of the site and the natural environment.
As a result, for (1), it was decided to set the public entrance on the north side and the private entrance on the south side, corresponding to the character of the north-south roads. As for (2) and (3), we avoided having a completely open garden or opening to the outside of the site and instead created a courtyard in the interior of the building, which is used as a circulation system.
The courtyard here opens to the living corridor on the south side of the conservatory and is intended to serve as a sort of alley with high daily activity. At the same time, the courtyard opens widely into the interior of the building. The opening of the exterior wall, which was kept to a minimum in consideration of blowing snow, is supplemented by ventilation and lighting. The sliding sashes used for the openings are widely pulled apart to ensure free passage and spatial continuity between the living and children’s rooms facing east and west. At the same time, when closed, they also serve to diffuse the line of sight.
The use of fittings to create a continuous and diffuse relationship between spaces is intended to accommodate both the present needs of the client’s family, whose children are young and require close protection and the future needs of the family, which demand privacy. In addition, the glass balustrades above the partitions create a sense of cross-sectional continuity, and the white paint enhances the diffuse impression of the building.

In the cross-sectional plan, an arch shape that spans north-south was created.
This shape prevents snow from falling in the east-west direction, which is closer to the neighboring property, and allows for efficient division of the interior spaces with different heights for different purposes simply by inserting partition walls.
The structure consists of C-shaped ropes (150 x 65 mm) with a pitch of 455 mm along the arched beams, which are supported by 100 mm square columns arranged on the exterior of the building in a honeycomb-style curved surface sandwiched between plywood panels. The partition walls are wooden, allowing for the future transformation of the family.

In the surrounding area, commercialized houses are beginning to be built on land that has been rezoned. It takes 1.5 hours by bullet train. With the loss of a sense of distance, the landscape becomes homogenized. Suppose we are to find a form that is in harmony with a sense of place, which tends to become diluted. In that case, returning to the original significance of housing construction in this location seems necessary.
The starting point of this housing is shelter. Among the concepts required for housing, I thought that such a concept would be important in an area with a harsh natural environment. However, it is not intended to create an interior environment isolated from the surroundings by a strong outer wall.
While carefully mediating with the site characteristics, natural environment, and lifestyle, we aimed for a simple form that does not give the impression that the results of the mediation are mixed in the form and finish. (Osamu Noguchi)



設計:野口修+DAT/株式会社 都市環境研究室
担当:野口 修

撮影:石黒 守


【Shelter in Ueda】

Location: Ueda-shi, Nagano, Japan
Principal use: Residence
Client: Individual
Completion: 2002

Architects: Osamu Nogutchi + DAT/Corporation Urban Environment Laboratory
Design team: Osamu Nogutchi
Structural Design: Umezawa Structural Engineers
Construction: Yajima Koumuten

Photographs: Mamoru Ishiguro

Construction type: New building
Main structure: Steel
Building scale: 1 story
Site area: 548.60m²
Building area: 217.58m²
Total floor area: 206.63m²
Design term: 2001.04-2001.08
Construction term: 2001.09-2002.04

Other works


つくば未来館 / 野口修+DAT/株式会社 都市環境研究室


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