


©︎ Mytaverse

ザハ・ハディド・アーキテクツ(Zaha Hadid Architects、以下ZHA)が、リベルランド自由共和国のメタバース空間〈リベルランド・メタバース(Liberland Metaverse)〉を設計しました。



LIBERLAND METAVERSE – Cyber-Urban Crypto Incubator by Patrik Schumacher


©︎ Mytaverse


〈リベルランド・メタバース〉は、リバタリアン(自由主義者)のミクロネーションであるリベルランドの開発を推進することを意図した自由な仮想現実空間であり、急成長するWeb 3.0産業におけるネットワーキングとコラボレーションの場となることを目的としている。

また、テクノロジーによる繁栄には、起業家精神を伴った自由度が必要であることを知る「リバタリアンのコミュニティ 」と、自分たちの目指すイノベーションには、パーミッションレスの交流の場が必要不可欠であることを知る「ブロックチェーンの力を得たWeb 3.0開発者のコミュニティ」の2つのコミュニティが互いに協調し合い、共存している空間である。



©︎ Mytaverse




DeFi Plaza ©︎ ZHA



パラメトリシズム:ZHAのパートナーであるパトリック・シューマッハ(Patrik Schumacher)氏が提唱する現代の前衛建築のスタイルの1つ。デザインのすべての要素をパラメータにより変化させ、相互に適応させることを意味する。


DeFi Plaza ©︎ Mytaverse


DeFi Plaza ©︎ Mytaverse





Incubator ©︎ ZHA


Incubator ©︎ ZHA


仮想環境の主な利点は、世界中からアクセスでき、適応的でパラメトリックな 可変性を持っていることであり、私たちは、仮想空間と物理空間が混ざり合うことを予想している。これは、〈リベルランド・メタバース〉の概念にも表れている。



Incubator ©︎ ZHA



価値のインターネット:Internet of Value(IoV)。インターネットを通じて情報やデータが場所や時間を問わず瞬時に伝達・交換できるのと同様に、金融資産をはじめとするあらゆる「価値」資産の交換が瞬時に実行できるシステム。


Exhibition Centre ©︎ ZHA


Incubator ©︎ ZHA


ヴィタリック・ブテリン(Vitalik Buterin:暗号通貨イーサリアムの考案者である起業家兼プログラマ)が論じたように、クリプトプラットフォームのプロジェクトにおいて最も重要な要素である通貨は、より広いエコシステムとコミュニティにおける正当性を示すものである。だからこそ私たちは、オープンで、分散化したコミュニティが所有する透明性のあるDAOとして組織されたメタバースが、中央集権的なベンチャー企業よりに勝ると信じている。




City hall ©︎ ZHA


City hall ©︎ ZHA





City hall ©︎ ZHA


City hall ©︎ Mytaverse


エンターテイメントも完全に除外するわけではないが、それはこの中のほんの一部に過ぎない。フィクションは社会の自己反省や教育において生産的な役割を果たすが、ゲームの世界や、ゲームの世界と結びついた仮想世界や メタバースの多くは、思想的に退行した空想の世界である。


City hall ©︎ ZHA


City hall ©︎ ZHA




Exhibition Centre ©︎ ZHA





Exhibition Centre ©︎ ZHA


Exhibition Centre ©︎ ZHA




Masterplan Diagram


Liberland Metaverse Modules


The Liberland Metaverse Explained – Patrik Schumacher London 2022

Liberland Metaverse
designed by Zaha Hadid Architects,
powered by Mytaverse

Mytaverse powers the immersive, VR interaction and communication technology in the Liberland Metaverse venture. Zaha Hadid Architects’ design is deployed within Mytaverse, an enterprise 3D immersive platform being used by Liberland to bring the city to life.

While the Liberland Metaverse is meant to spearhead the development of Liberland as a libertarian micro-nation it will also function as free standing virtual reality realm in its own right with the ambition to become the go-to-site for networking and collaboration within the burgeoning Web 3.0 industry, i.e. the metaverse for metaverse developers and the crypto ecosystem at large. The two communities – the community of libertarians who understand that the technology powered prosperity potentials of our times require a revolution in the degree of entrepreneurial freedom and the community of blockchain empowered Web 3.0 developers who realise that their amazing innovative flourishing depends on a permissionless realm of interchange – are congenial and overlap to a significant degree.

Liberland is well known in crypto circles and has built up a following of would be citizens of over 600,000. This gives our project a head-start with respect to achieving its ambitions.

The metaverse is the future of the internet and it is architects rather than graphic designers who will design its sites and spaces. The key analogy is no longer the magazine with separate pages but the city and its seamless web of spaces. Co-location synergies will unfold and order the distribution of sites and enable an intuitive browsing navigation full of discoveries and serendipitous encounters, as well as vivid crowd interactions.

In Liberland parcels of land will be sold with covenants in accordance with a nested system of different planning regimes: a central curated urban core, surrounded by a layer of districts where we encourage urban self-governance, and finally zones where the absence of urban planning allows for a spontaneous order via a free-wheeling discovery process.

The architectural and urban paradigm that is most congenial to this idea of a differentiated, evolving, multi-author urban field is: parametricism. We therefore predict that the development of the metaverse will boost parametricism. This will also feed back into physical architecture because most organisations and clients will have both real and virtual venues.

As long as we have physical bodies we’ll need physical environments. Virtual environments are as real as physical environments and social reality exists and continues seamlessly across this divide. (For us the metaverse has nothing to do with escape into a video game fiction.) Virtual and physical environments are ideally designed together. The key advantages of virtual environments are their global accessibility and their adaptive, parametric malleability. We foresee the interweaving of virtual and physical spaces. This is also anticipated in our conception of the Liberland metaverse. Its land is a one-to-one digital twin of the physical land mass of Liberland (beautifully situated at the Danube river between Serbia and Croatia). Our conception of the metaverse is based on realistic design and photo-realistic rendering. We believe this, at least in the initial stages of metaverse development, allows for the fullest exploitation of the city analogy, utilising our innate and learned intuitive cognitive capacities with respect to orientation, wayfinding and the reading of subtle aesthetic social atmospheres and situations. This realism in our cyber-urban conception also allows for the later physical realisation of the designed metaverse spaces in the physical Liberland, to any desired extent.

Two powerful innovations are coming together in the metaverse we envision: the immersive internet allowing for a new level of life-like spontaneity in social interactions and the internet of value allowing for truly global economic collaboration without gatekeepers, no matter which passport participants hold. We conceive of the metaverse as an open platform, based on freely circulating open source insights and technologies, building on and participating in the culture of permissionless innovation that has fuelled the crypto ecosystem in recent years. As Vitalik Buterin has insightfully argued, the most crucial currency for crypto platform projects is legitimacy within the wider ecosystem and community of participants. That is why we believe that the open, decentralised, community owned versions of the metaverse – organised as transparent DAOs – will win out over centralised corporate ventures. This fits into an emerging world where the end to stagnation and a boost to prosperity for all requires that centralised power blocks give way to global markets and discourses. The metaverse will in turn accelerate this larger transformation.

The Metaverse as Opportunity for Architects – Patrik Schumacher London 2022

The metaverse is being built as we speak, rapidly. But who is designing it? Who should design it? My thesis is that the design of the metaverse falls within the remit of the discipline of architecture and the wider design disciplines, not video game artists. According to my theory of architecture and design video game developers/artists are not designers, they do not belong to the discipline of design but to the entertainment industry. The Metaverse is where much of the architectural action and innovation will be happening in the coming period. I also believe that the metaverse offers a potent opportunity for parametricism – the only natively digital, computational and truly contemporary architectural style – to make strides towards the hegemony it long aspires to within the discipline.

The metaverse I want to contribute to supports and becomes part of productive societal life and an integral part of social production and societal reproduction. This serious type of metaverse does not offer an alternate reality or second life or any escape from social reality or societal life but instead enhances society and enables fulfilling, productive lives. Entertainment is not altogether excluded, but it is only a small part of this. Fiction plays a productive role in societal self- reflection and education, but the world of video games and many of the virtual worlds and metaverses tied up with the world of video games are all too often ideologically regressive fantasy worlds. To be sure, the video game industry has developed all the amazing digital technologies that are now ready to be emancipated and transferred to greater tasks. The computer game market is big, but it is only a small niche compared to the generalized concept of virtual interaction spaces that will now invite and frame all domains of human interaction: knowledge exchange, professional collaboration, cultural communication, art, education, political engagement etc. etc. We will never get away from real physical architecture altogether, as long as we have bodies. Also, there will probably never be a total virtual substitution even of all physically embodied social communications. However, no domain will remain untouched by these new opportunities, and no physical space will remain without virtual competition and potential substitution.

The life process of society is a communication process that is ordered via a rich typology of communicative situations. It is the designed environment, both physical and digital, that distributes, frames, stabilizes and coordinates these distinct situations and unfolds them within a designed order that allows us to self-sort as participants of various specific social interactions. The designed spaces – real or virtual – are themselves communications: they are communications that define, premise and prime the communicative interactions that are expected to take place within the respectively framed territory.

All design is about framing social interactions. This is also true for virtual interactions. Any design project in this space involves the three parts of the architect’s project I have distinguished in my theory of architecture: the organisational project, the phenomenological project and the semiological project. In the context of the metaverse I must add the dramaturgical project, representing interaction design. The semiological project is crucial: While all urban spaces are also information-rich navigation and interaction spaces, this information-rich communicative charge and capacity is the very essence of all virtual spaces and the Metaverse. To design architectural projects, real or virtual, implies the development of a spatio-visual language, with a much enhanced communicative capacity, to create navigable and legible information- rich environments for multiply layered societal interactions, purposes and audiences. The metaverse promises co-location synergies, just like cities, and an immersive 3D layered visual field makes many more interaction offerings simultaneously navigable, recognisable and accessible than 2D pages with scroll down menus. How to maintain perceptual tractability and legibility in the face of richness and complexity is the designer’s task and core competency with respect to both city and metaverse.

There is another reason why architecture will take the lead in Metaverse design: All organisations – firms, cultural institutions, charities etc. – will host virtual spaces in the metaverse. Most of them will retain their urban premises too. It makes sense that both physical and virtual premises are congenial extensions of each other, and are designed together. I further predict that our physical urban and architectural environments will transform and become interfaces to these virtual worlds. This means users can enter the virtual worlds not only individually from their homes via headsets or laptops but together with others via large panoramic screens and other spatial interfaces. We’ll experience the metaverse from shared physical social spaces, from within our work spaces and public urban spaces. So I predict a mixed reality and a cyber-urban fusion. If this is true it is again important to design real and virtual spaces together, as a continuum.

Architecture and the design disciplines must gear up to take on this task and massive, soon snowballing market.

Theses on the advent of the Metaverse – Patrik Schumacher London 2022

Thesis 1: Total Transformation
The metaverse will deliver vivid tele-presence, co-location synergies, explorative browsing, immersiveness, collective experiences etc.. The uptake of this opportunity will be universal.
All websites will spatialise, all organisations will move into the metaverse, all physical venues will be augmented or substituted by functionally equivalent virtual venues.

Thesis 2: A Single Reality
The metaverse is neither a game, nor fiction. Virtual reality in the metaverse will be no less real than the physical reality in our cities. Physically and virtually mediated social communicative interactions are equally significant and together form an undivided continuous social reality. There will be both competition and cooperation within and across these realms.

Thesis 3: Cyber-urban Fusion
Cyberspace will fuse with urban space implying a radical transformation of built architecture and urban life. Urban and architectural spaces become interfaces and windows into the virtual world. Mixed reality – mixing physical and virtual co- presence -will be pervasive.

Thesis 4: Global Meta-metropolis
There will be many metaverses but the factors that promote big world cities – agglomeration economies (service efficiencies & servicing long tails) & co-location synergies in terms of collaborative networks – will also drive concentration in large metaverse platforms.

Thesis 5: Distributed Ownership
Like a city, a metaverse is a shared platform. It will flourish when it is globally accessible, open source, permissionless. This implies a continuously evolving diverse self-organising community of interest, or community of the invested. This is more compatible with the decentralised forms of governance explored within the crypto ecosystem than with corporate proprietorship.

Thesis 6: Metaverse Urban Planning
The strategic meta-policy: Start with a simultaneous plurality of approaches, i.e. to work with several (district-based) planning regimes rather than with a single blanket regime, thereby initiating a comparative experiment and discovery process. The initial market feedback investors, and later the end-user market success of the built results, will guide the selection and differential expansion/contraction process with respect to urban development regimes.

Thesis 7: The Architect’s Take-over
In the coming age of VR empowered cyberspace it will be architects and no longer graphic designers who will design the coming 3D immersive internet: the metaverse.

Thesis 8: Architecture’s Essence Distilled
This expansion of architecture’s remit will further distil the discipline’s essence and core competency, namely the spatio-visual ordering of communicative interaction, upgraded via investment into the subdisciplines of spatiology, phenomenology, semiology and dramaturgy.

Thesis 9: Switching Technological Constraints
While the expansion of the architectural discipline into the virtual realm is seamless and leaves its essential expertise and values untouched, no of the supporting/constraining engineering disciplines is joining this expansion. There is a total substitution of the engineering stack. New collaborators are now imposing new constraints: polygon budgets and transmission bandwidth etc.

Thesis 10: Imperative Realism
The metaverse exploits the analogy of the city, utilising our ability of navigating urban and architectural spaces as well as our ability to recognize places and social situations. This requires a high degree of realism in terms of plausible design and photo-realistic rendering because the semantics attaches to atmospheric values that might not survive abstraction.

Thesis 11: Evolving Beyond Realism
While a close adherence to the analogy with urban architecture is important to begin with, we can expect a gradual emancipation and evolution of metaverse native forms of semiological articulation, navigation and interaction, exploiting the inherently different freedoms and constraints of the medium. However, the expected cyber- urban fusion will always insure a tie back to the physically instantiated urban and architectural semiology.

Thesis 12: Congenial Parametricism
As native digital style Parametricism is congenial with the ambitions of the metaverse and will become the preferred style here. This will feed back into architecture at large and accelerate the dissemination of parametricism. The advantages of a high density, complex, variegated, legible spatio-morphological order and the requirement for continuous adaptation to changing contexts and interaction scenarios, persist in the metaverse and can only be delivered by parametricism.

Project Team

Client: Liberland
Client representative: Vit Jedlicka, Liberland President

Design: Zaha Hadid Architects (ZHA)
ZHA Principal: Patrik Schumacher
ZHA Project Team: Jianfei Chu, Edward Meyers, Taizhong Chen, Cesar Fragachan, Taeyoon Kim, Heba Eiz, Ivan Hewitt, Binru Wang, Vishu Bhooshan, Henry David Louth, Shajay Bhooshan
ZHA Documentation & Multimedia: Edward Meyers, Jianfei Chu, Taeyoon Kim, Vishu Bhooshan, Henry David Louth, Shajay Bhooshan

Metaverse Application & Web Service Development: Mytaverse Mytaverse CEO: Kenneth Landau
Mytaverse Chief Technology Officer: Jaime Lopez
Mytaverse Project Manager: Abraham Kim
Mytaverse Director of Environments and Level Design: Felipe Soares Mytaverse Level Designers: Bannaker Braulio Dacosta, Gustavo Henrique Mytaverse Unreal Engine Developers: Herik Rezende, Tiago Do Santos, Marcos Misurini
Mytaverse Documentation & Multimedia: Micah Bond, Nick Lacroix
Strategy and Project Management: Daniela Ghertovici, Director, ArchAgenda LLC

ZHA 公式サイト

Liberland 公式サイト


【購読無料】空間デザインの今がわかるメールマガジン TECTURE NEWS LETTER


ザハ・ハディド・アーキテクツ 関連記事











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  • 国家のバーチャルな分身としてのメタバース、ザハ・ハディド・アーキテクツが設計した現実とリンクする仮想空間〈リベルランド・メタバース〉