©︎ Andrea Maretto for Kéré Architecture
西アフリカに位置するブルキナファソの都市レオに、ディエベド・フランシス・ケレ率いるケレ・アーキテクチャが設計した、地元のクリニックのための宿泊施設〈Doctors’ Housing〉。
©︎ Andrea Maretto for Kéré Architecture
(以下、Kéré Architectureから提供されたテキストの抄訳)
NPO「Operieren in Afrika e.V.」が運営しているレオ外科クリニック&ヘルスセンターは、医療支援の提供だけでなく、客員の専門医と現地の医師との間で「知識やノウハウの交換する機会の確立」を使命とした施設である。
〈Doctors’ Housing〉は、クリニックのボランティアおよび常駐スタッフのための宿泊施設として、このビジョンを拡張するものである。
©︎ Andrea Maretto for Kéré Architecture
〈Doctors’ Housing〉は、5つの居室が中庭を囲むように配置された建築である。中庭には、キッチンやトイレ、ダイニングエリア、テラスなど、さまざまな共用設備が用意されている。
©︎ Andrea Maretto for Kéré Architecture
隣地に建つクリニックと同じく、〈Doctors’ Housing〉もモジュール方式で設計されており、コンクリートブロックと圧縮安定化アースブロック(CEB)の二重壁で構成されている。
©︎ Andrea Maretto for Kéré Architecture
©︎ Andrea Maretto for Kéré Architecture
©︎ Andrea Maretto for Kéré Architecture
©︎ Andrea Maretto for Kéré Architecture
©︎ Andrea Maretto for Kéré Architecture
©︎ Andrea Maretto for Kéré Architecture
©︎ Andrea Maretto for Kéré Architecture
以下、Kéré Architectureのリリース(英文)です。
Doctors’ Housing / Léo / Burkina Faso
Project Credits
Local Title: Doctors’ Housing
Location: Léo, Burkina Faso
Architect: Kéré Architecture, Diébédo Francis Kéré
Design Team: Jaime Herraiz Martínez, Diego Sologuren Martin
Contributors: Andrea Maretto, Dominique Mayer, Laura Bornet, Valeria Molinari
Construction supervision: Association Dolai, Diébédo Francis Kéré, Nataniel Sawadogo
Landscape design: Kéré Architecture
Client: Operieren in Afrika e. V.
Building Area: 950m²
Design & Planning phase: 2016-2017
Construction phase: 2017-2018
Status: CompletedProject Description
Since its initial opening in 2014, the Léo Surgical Clinic and Health Center has been operating at full capacity under the direction of the non-profit organization Operieren in Afrika e.V.. The mission of the project was not only to provide much-needed facilities for surgery and medical assistance, but also to establish an exchange of knowledge and expertise between visiting medical specialists and local doctors. The Léo Doctors’ Housing extends this vision by providing accommodation for the Clinic’s volunteer and resident staff.
It consists in 5 separate apartments arrayed along a common courtyard. The courtyard contains a range of shared amenities including a garden, kitchen, restrooms, dining area, and terraces to relax after full-days-work. Each of the single-bedroom apartments is outfitted with its own private living room, garden and outdoor terrace. The apartments are equipped with their own private shower and toilet, amenities that are rare in houses in the area.
Similar to the Clinic, the Doctors Housing is also designed as a modular system. The construction consists of a double-layer wall of concrete block and compressed stabilized earth block (CEB). The dual layer adds structural integrity while increasing thermal mass to help keep the interiors cool. A coating of colored plaster protects the exterior walls against weathering while imparting an articulated effect on the whole of the façade. The interior ceiling is designed as a singular vault made of CEB with the ends left open for ventilation and daylighting. A roof of corrugated metal sheet is pulled away from the ceiling, protecting the interiors from excessive heat gain through the material while also sheltering from rain and the sun. The slope of the roof directs rainfall into an onsite water reservoir which is used for irrigation.
A perimeter wall of concrete block protects the privacy and security of the housing complex. The landscape design within the complex is made to fulfill a variety of important functions for the inhabitants. A system of drainage ponds absorb and retain rainwater, a much needed resource in the hot and arid climate. Vegetation such as water lilies is introduced to prevent water evaporation in the hot sun while living fish eat the larvae of mosquitos and other disease-transmitting insects. The collected water will not only feed this ecosystem, it will provide a cooling effect for the areas surrounding the housing. The gardens and landscaping thus create a private sanctuary for the doctors of the Léo Surgical Clinic and Health Center.
「Doctors’ Housing」Kéré Architecture 公式サイト