


© Ananya Singhal

© Edmund Sumner

インドのラジャスタン州に建つ〈サード・スペース(Third Space)〉は、家庭や学校を超えた境界のない第3の場所として計画された、非営利団体のための学習・文化センターです。


イギリスとインドを拠点とする建築事務所 Studio Saarが設計しました。

(以下、Studio Saarから提供されたプレスキットのテキストの抄訳)

© Edmund Sumner

© Edmund Sumner

Studio Saarは、ラジャスタン州ウダイプールに、学校やボランティアと共に地域の課外活動を行う非営利団体Dharoharのための新しい学習・文化センター〈サード・スペース〉を完成させた。


© Ankit Jain

© Ankit Jain




© Ankit Jain



© Edmund Sumner

© Edmund Sumner


〈サード・スペース〉の活動、プログラム、カリキュラムは、80ヘクタールの丘陵地帯を再び野生化させることを目指す、DharoharとStudio Saarによる森林再生プロジェクトの一環である。


© Edmund Sumner

© Ananya Singhal




© Edmund Sumner



© Edmund Sumner



© Ananya Singhal

冒険的なプレイスケープとして機能する屋上は、パルクールやスケートボードのためのスペースを提供し、Webb Yates Engineersとのコラボレーションで設計された、竹で編まれた日除けのためのキャノピーを備えている。


© Ananya Singhal

© Ananya Singhal

Studio Saarのマネージング・パートナーであるアナンヤ・シンガル(Ananya Singhal)は、次のように語る。



© Ankit Jain

Dharoharの責任者であるシバニ・シンガル(Shivani Singhal)は次のように語る。


「Studio Saarは、このビジョンの実現と、イノベーションとつながりを促進する空間づくりをサポートしてくれた。私たちは、人々がこのスペースに集い、生涯学習者となることで、私たちがまだ想像できないような方法で、都市や国家が改善されることを願っている。」

© Ananya Singhal

© Ankit Jain

© Ananya Singhal

© Ananya Singhal

© Ananya Singhal

© Ananya Singhal

Ground Floor Plan

Basement Plan

First Floor Mezzanine Plan

Second Floor Plan

Third Floor Plan

Fourth Floor Plan

Fifth Floor Plan

North Elevation

West Elevation

Section A-A

Section B-B

以下、Studio Saarのリリース(英文)です。

Studio Saar completes new discovery centre for local community in Udaipur, Rajasthan

Anglo-Indian architecture practice Studio Saar has completed a new learning and cultural centre in Udaipur, Rajasthan for Dharohar, a not-for-profit organisation working with schools and volunteers to provide extra-curricular activities in the area. Third Space: The Haveli of Creativity, Curiosity and Community is a learning and discovery centre for all ages, that offers world-class facilities for educational programmes, informal learning, socialising and performing arts.

Intended as a ‘third space’ – a place without boundaries beyond home or school, local children and people of all ages are encouraged to encounter and explore diverse, hands-on activities to better understand more about the world and their place within it. The new centre can host up to 2,000 visitors a day, offering a broad range of activities and workshops, providing much-needed resources to the people of Udaipur.

Third Space is designed to foster Dharohar’s key principles of openness, accessibility, and inclusivity, resulting in a free, unrestricted space which ignites curiosity, creativity and a sense of community for visitors, volunteers and staff. The new centre features a flexible entrance space for performances and community gatherings, a cinema, performing arts theatre, an interactive exhibition of science and technology, tinkering and maker spaces, workshopping and co-working spaces, a library, a café and retail space, and a lookout tower to take in surrounding views.

Third Space’s activities, programmes and curriculum are connected to 80 hectares of hills that are being rewilded as part of a reforestation project by Dharohar and Studio Saar. The ambitious project will see local flora and fauna returned to the area to increase biodiversity and the integration of both projects will provide further opportunities for learning, connecting the community with the local ecosystem that sustains it.

The building’s design draws inspiration from traditional havelis courtyard homes, featuring a central courtyard surrounded by a series of cloisters and shaded external circulation space. The facades feature intricate patterned Jali screens that provide ventilation while connecting the inside to the outside. Small, cantilevered niches in the façades, known as gokhra, act as wind catchers, playing a key role in the building’s passive cooling strategy and doubling as playful alcoves for reading, meeting and relaxing. A curved steel deck weaves around the courtyard and serves as a viewing platform allowing visitors to observe the programme of activities, climbing wall and performance area below. The structure is populated by native trees and planting at multiple levels, aiding with wayfinding, and bringing nature into the heart of the centre.

Cut-outs from the building’s local white marble screenwork and gokhra are used as floor tiles, creating a positive-negative relationship between facades and floors, while cut-outs from the metal screens form chainmail screens and doors. Waste marble rubble and lome mortar from nearby mines form the masonry walls and marble dust replaces some of the cement and sand content in the concrete mix – resulting in a whiter finish that more effectively reflects the sun’s heat.

The roof acts as an adventurous playscape, offering spaces for parkour and skateboarding, and features a woven bamboo canopy to provide solar shading, designed in collaboration with Webb Yates Engineers. Bamboo was chosen for the canopy and local weavers will be employed in its ongoing maintenance, resulting in a low-cost, low-carbon solution that creates steady local employment and reinforces the preservation of a traditional craft.

Ananya Singhal, Managing Partner of Studio Saar said: “Working on Third Space has been an incredibly exciting and rewarding journey. Throughout the design process, we’ve worked closely with Dharohar to develop a space that will appeal to visitors and staff alike. It was a joy to draw inspiration from the architectural heritage of Rajasthan and have the freedom to reimagine it, bringing multiple uses into a single coherent building that will bring joy to the community for years to come.”

Shivani Singhal, Head of Dharohar added: “Given the right environment and encouragement, people can unlock their limitless potential. This is the vision of Third Space – a place where people come together, explore new ideas, encourage each other, and shift from being consumers to creators. Studio Saar was able to help us realise this vision and create a space that encourages innovation and connection. We hope as people come together in this space to become life-long learners, they will improve tour city and nation in ways that we cannot yet imagine.”

Third Space is now open to the public – to find out more about its programme and activities, visit the Third Space website

Models, photographs, drawings, visualisations and a film of Third Space will be featured alongside Studio Saar’s other significant projects in the practice’s upcoming exhibition Craft, Community and Connection as part of the 2024 London Festival of Architecture (LFA). The exhibition celebrates Studio Saar’s vision of creating uplifting spaces and places for all and is taking place at the Crafts Council Gallery in Angel, London from 07 June until 15 June. To find out more, visit the LFA website:

About Studio Saar
Studio Saar was established by Jonny Buckland and Ananya Singhal in 2019 having collaborated for over a decade. The studio’s architecture is underpinned by the ambition to create sustainable solutions for society, achieved by cross-cultural sharing of emerging ideas, methodologies and technologies.

The practice is split across its two offices in Frome, Somerset and Udaipur, Rajasthan. Its architecture is rooted in understanding the importance of people, culture and place. Whether in Somerset or Rajasthan, the studio’s approach interprets vernacular traditions through a contemporary lens to deliver innovative, relevant, and beautiful design solutions across a range of typologies.

Key schemes include Secure Sanand Factory and Canteen in Ahmendabad, Gujurat; the redevelopment of Udaan Park in Udaipur; the Mayday masterplan for Saxonvale Frome; as well as residences in the UK and India.

Studio Saar is a subsidiary business of Secure Meters, an Indian multi-national smart metering and energy management business with operations in India, UK, Bangladesh, Australia, Italy, Singapore, Switzerland, Sweden, and the UAE.

About Dharohar
Dharohar is a philanthropic institution that is funded and managed by the Singhal Family. The Singhal Family own Secure Meters, an Indian multi-national smart metering and energy management business with operations in India, UK, Bangladesh, Australia, Italy, Singapore, Switzerland, Sweden, and the UAE.

Dharohar believes that everyone is born curious and wanting to learn. Its work fosters that spirit and re-ignites it in adults who find themselves in a rut. Every year, the not-for-profit organisation works with 30 to 40 schools (around 4,000 students a year), with some programmes supporting student’s academic learning and others providing extra-curricular enrichment. Each programme is designed to have a set number of sessions, as well as the opportunity for schools to visit its centre in a shopping mall at their leisure.

Dharohar follows a constructivist and experiential philosophy, helping students build on what they know and develop their own understanding. Its programmes are designed to make participants independent learners, so there is a strong focus on metacognition, and the process rather than a specific knowledge outcome. Underlying its programmes is a layer of socio-emotional learning, helping students navigate the challenges of not understanding, or finding something hard. It tries to include collaborative components where students can help each other learn and support each others’ learning.


Studio Saar 公式サイト


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  • 多様な活動を受け入れるインドの学習・文化センター〈サード・スペース〉Studio Saar