
サフディ・アーキテクツが中国に設計した 海とつながる人間中心の集合住宅〈アビタ秦皇島〉


Photographer: SFAP © Safdie Architects

Photographer: SFAP © Safdie Architects

モシェ・サフディ(Moshe Safdie)率いるサフディ・アーキテクツ(Safdie Architects)は、1967年の〈アビタ67〉のビジョンを基にした、最大規模の「人間的な高密度住宅」を実現する〈アビタ秦皇島(Habitat Qinhuangdao)〉の第2期工事を完了しました。



  • 50年以上にわたって進化させ続ける理念「すべての人に庭園を」
  • 海側からセットバックしプライベートなテラスを生み出す建築デザイン
  • 各住宅ブロックをつなぎつつ、都市と海をつなぐ眺望回廊
  • アートセンターやレストラン、庭園などにより提供する豊かな文化とレジャー体験

(以下、Safdie Architectsから提供されたプレスキットのテキストの抄訳)

Photographer: SFAP © Safdie Architects

Photographer: SFAP © Safdie Architects


2025年1月、サフディ・アーキテクツと中国のインフラプロジェクトやホテルの運営を手がけるケリー・プロパティズ(Kerry Properties)は、中国・北京の東200マイルに位置する秦皇島市(しんこうとうし)の海沿いに建つ高密度住宅地〈アビタ秦皇島〉の第2期工事が完了したことを発表した。

サフディ・アーキテクツがこれまでに手がけた最大の住宅プロジェクト〈アビタ秦皇島〉により、1967年に手がけた〈アビタ67(Habitat 67)〉の構想における、「人間的な高密度住宅の実現」というビジョンは達成された。

Photographer: SFAP © Safdie Architects

Photographer: SFAP © Safdie Architects



Photographer: SFAP © Safdie Architects

Photographer: SFAP © Safdie Architects


〈アビタ秦皇島〉は、サフディ・アーキテクツの創設者モシェ・サフディ(Moshe Safdie)が1967年のモントリオール万博のために手がけた都市住宅プロジェクト〈アビタ67〉で取り入れられた原則と価値観を基に設計されている。


Photographer: SFAP © Safdie Architects

Photographer: SFAP © Safdie Architects




Photographer: SFAP © Safdie Architects

Photographer: SFAP © Safdie Architects




Photographer: SFAP © Safdie Architects

Photographer: SFAP © Safdie Architects

サフディ・アーキテクツのシニアパートナーであり、このプロジェクトの責任者であるショーン・センサー(Sean Scensor)は次のように語る。


Photographer: SFAP © Safdie Architects

Photographer: SFAP © Safdie Architects




Photographer: SFAP © Safdie Architects




Photographer: SFAP © Safdie Architects

Photographer: SFAP © Safdie Architects



2010年、サフディ・アーキテクツは、異なる規模、密度、気候、文化的背景でそのコンセプトを検証する1年間の研究フェローシップ「アビタ・オブ・ザ・フューチャー(Habitat of the Future)」で、その基本原則を再検証した。

Photographer: SFAP © Safdie Architects

Photographer: SFAP © Safdie Architects

〈アビタ秦皇島〉は、この研究から得られた洞察を活かして設計されており、サフディ・アーキテクツが近年手がけた他の都市型住宅開発プロジェクト、シンガポールの〈スカイアビタ(SkyHabitat)〉(2016年)、スリランカ・コロンボの〈アルタイル・レジデンス(Altair Residences)〉(2021年)、エクアドル・キトの〈コーナー・タワー(Qorner Tower)〉(2022年)も同様である。


Photographer: SFAP © Safdie Architects

Photographer: SFAP © Safdie Architects

Photographer: SFAP © Safdie Architects

Photographer: SFAP © Safdie Architects

Photographer: SFAP © Safdie Architects

Photographer: SFAP © Safdie Architects

Photographer: SFAP © Safdie Architects

Photographer: SFAP © Safdie Architects




以下、Safdie Architectsのリリース(英文)です。

Safdie Architects Marks Completion of Habitat Qinhuangdao Phase II
The promise of Habitat ’67’s groundbreaking vision for humane, high-density housing is achieved in Safdie Architect’s largest residential project to date—on a beach in Qinhuangdao, China.
January, 2025 (Qinhuangdao, China) – Safdie Architects and Kerry Properties announce the completion of the second phase of Habitat Qinhuangdao, a high-density residential complex located on the coast of the Bohai Sea, 200 miles east of Beijing, China. This phase more than doubled the size of the initial development, which opened in 2016, to form a vibrant community of over 1,800 households with access to over 40 acres (16 hectares) of gracious public gardens, terraces, and recreational spaces on the ground and in the sky, which is going to fully interpret the positive impact and role of architectural space on community building.
Habitat Qinhuangdao’s design draws on the principles and values pioneered in Habitat ’67, Moshe Safdie’s groundbreaking urban housing project created for the 1967 World Exposition in Montreal. More than 50 years later, Habitat Qinhuangdao reaffirms the concept as highly scalable and widely transferable. By prioritizing daylight, natural ventilation, views, and outdoor green space, Habitat Qinhuangdao creates a vital waterfront neighborhood that nurtures community and fosters connection to nature—conditions that deliver quality of life rarely achieved in large-scale, high-density development.
“The demand for quality multi-family housing in China’s growing cities has allowed us to apply the principles that informed Habitat ’67 at a greater density,” said Moshe Safdie, Founding Partner of Safdie Architects. “By breaking down the mega-scale, Habitat Qinhuangdao is a model for high-density housing where the amenities surpass that of the typical high-rise complex without sacrificing the structure’s efficiency or humanity.”
For Habitat Qinhuangdao, Safdie Architects organized the housing into a series of stacked residential blocks of 16 stories that are offset and surrounded by gardens at the base and linked via skybridges at the 17th and 32nd floors. The buildings’ stepped and staggered forms create private terraces, balconies, and solariums and enclose grand “urban windows”—view corridors between the city and the sea—that humanize the scale and connect the development to its context. The buildings’ long elevations face east, west, and south to take in sunshine. North-facing interiors borrow light that filters through the large urban windows. As a result, the development feels bright, airy, and open.
“In Kerry Properties we had an ambitious client who saw how our design philosophy would resonate with the local culture and context,” said Sean Scensor, Senior Partner, and Partner-in-Charge of the project for Safdie Architects. “When you stagger and offset units from one another, stepping the buildings away from the sea, you create beautiful terraces that make each unit feel like a penthouse. The project is simultaneously visually intriguing and inherently rational.”
Surrounding the buildings are a series of intensively planted parks that celebrate Qinhuangdao’s natural landscape and support both passive and active recreation. Each park offers residents a different experience, rich and layered with varied topography, diverse flora, and engaging amenities, which include adventure playgrounds, a landscaped amphitheater, planted promenades, and water features. Additional community gardens and pool areas occupy the skybridges that link the residences and provide novel outdoor experiences amidst views of the sea, city, and the sky.
The 160,000 square meter community public space and landscaped gardens not only foster intimate communication and harmonious coexistence between humans and nature but also provide multiple daily social spaces.
The approximately 5,500 square meter art center, which combines exhibition spaces, fine dining, and coffee, along with the landscape and supporting facilities on the ground and in the sky, offers residents a rich array of cultural and leisure spaces. It is not only suitable for community activities such as sports, families, art, humanities, and poetry but also supports special events like seasonal fruit and vegetable picking, sea fishing, and garden exploration, making Habitat Qinhuangdao a vibrant and three-dimensional garden community.
Habitat 67’s animating belief—“for everyone a garden”—continues to propel Safdie Architects’ design approach across typologies, geographies, scales, and decades. In 2010, Safdie Architects reexamined its foundational principles in a year-long research fellowship, Habitat of the Future, which tested the concept at different scales, densities, climates, and cultural contexts. Habitat Qinhuangdao’s design draws on insights from this research, as do Safdie Architects’ other recent Habitat urban housing developments—SkyHabitat in Singapore (2016); Altair in Colombo, Sri Lanka (2021); and Qorner in Quito, Ecuador (2022). While each iteration offers a unique response to site, context, and culture, the underlying goal of the design team is consistent: to create vibrant and livable communities. Habitat Qinhuangdao is the largest built example of these ideals to date.
Project Info
Total built GFA: 401,950 sqm
Phase 1: 152,450 sqm
Phase 2: 244,000 sqm
Sales Office Building (Art Center): 5,500 sqm
Site Area: 194,000 sqm
Design Architect: Safdie Architects, Somerville, MA
Partners: Moshe Safdie, Charu Kokate, Sean Scensor, Chris Mulvey, Warren Mathison
Project Team: David Orens (Project Director), Benjy Lee, Carrie Yoon, Daniel Cho, David Brooks, Fred Kim, Lusha Wainford, Michael Guran, Nan Xiang, Paige Mader, Shiyun Qian, Ye Yang
Local Design Institute: China Shanghai Architectural Design & Research Institute Co. Ltd, Shanghai
General Contractor: China Railway Group Limited
Façade Consultant: 
Phase I – Konstruct Partners, Hong Kong
Phase II – AECOM
Façade Design Institute: Zhejiang Zhongnan Construction Group Co.Ltd
Interior Designers: 
Phase I – BC&A International Ltd., Hong Kong; YASHA Decoration Co., Ltd.
Phase II – QUAD (Lobby Interiors); Yang and Associates Group, Shenzhen (Unit Interiors)
Landscape Design Architect: 
Phase I – SWA Group, Laguna Beach, CA
Phase II – WAA+ Landscape Architects, Shanghai
Landscape Design Institutes:
Ager Group, Beijing
DQLand, Beijing
Lighting Design:
LAM Partners, Cambridge, MA
Brandston Partnership Inc., Shanghai
About Safdie Architects
Safdie Architects is a design studio united in idealism, driven by a spirit of innovation, and guided by the principles that architecture should uplift humanity, evoke optimism, celebrate nature, and aspire to timelessness. Founded by pioneering architect Moshe Safdie, our firm operates as a true collaborative that leverages rigorous research, critical inquiry, collective wisdom, and individual expertise to deliver some of the world’s largest and most complex commissions. Based in Boston, with offices in Singapore, Shanghai, and Jerusalem, Safdie Architects’ considered yet intuitive approach yields projects that transcend their primary purpose to become beloved landmarks whose positive impact reverberates through cities and communities around the world.
About Kerry Properties
Kerry Properties Limited (“Kerry Properties”), incorporated in Bermuda with limited liability, was listed on The Stock Exchange of Hong Kong Limited (Stock code 683) in 1996. Subsidiaries of Kerry Properties (which together with Kerry Properties referred to as the “Group”) have been involved in property investment and development activities in Hong Kong since 1978. As a world-class property company with significant investments in Mainland China and Hong Kong, Kerry Properties is also selected as a constituent stock in the Hang Seng Composite Index, Hang Seng Composite MidCap Index and Hang Seng Composite Industry Index (Properties & Construction). Recognized by reputable sustainability benchmarks, Kerry Properties has obtained the highest 5-Star Rating from Global Real Estate Sustainability Benchmark (GRESB), and is a constituent of FTSE4Good Index Series, Hang Seng Corporate Sustainability Index Series and Hang Seng ESG 50 Index.


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  • 〈アビタ67〉の理念を未来へ受け継ぐ、サフディ・アーキテクツの大規模住宅プロジェクト〈アビタ秦皇島〉中国