レンガの波が誘う 自然と共鳴する空間

見る角度で変化する波の配置により海を表現する中国の映画館〈Haikou Gaoxingli Insun Cinema〉


© Jonathan Leijonhufvud

中国の島である海口に位置する〈Haikou Gaoxingli Insun Cinema〉は、地域の特徴である海をレンガを用いて表した映画館です。

浜辺の砂を想起させるレンガを活用してうねる波を表現しており、さまざまな高さに立ち上がるレンガの波は、見る角度により異なる印象を与えます。テーマを空間に可視化するインテリアデザインを数多く手がけるOne Plus Partnershipが設計しました。

(以下、One Plus Partnershipから提供されたプレスキットのテキストの抄訳)

© Jonathan Leijonhufvud

© Jonathan Leijonhufvud




© Jonathan Leijonhufvud

© Jonathan Leijonhufvud




© Jonathan Leijonhufvud



© Jonathan Leijonhufvud

© Jonathan Leijonhufvud

© Jonathan Leijonhufvud

© Jonathan Leijonhufvud

以下、One Plus Partnershipのリリース(英文)です。

Haikou is an island in China, it’s situated on the north coast of Hainan Island, the South China Sea is around the island.

We wanted to create something related to the ocean because Haikou is surrounded by the ocean, but we wanted to create something unique and we didn’t want to use the color blue like the ocean, so we decided to use the brick material for the theme of our design. Because bricks are made of sand which lay on the beach.

Looking at this, you can perfectly build a story in your mind. This is timeless, just as bricks can be used to create beautiful and durable spaces that can’t be worn down and improve as they blow their birthday cake.

In this cinema there is sun that shines in. There aren’t many cinemas with windows that allow the sun to shine in. We precisely placed bricks to look like waves, these waves layered in such a way where you can see them all from any angle. All the skillfully positioned lights that hide themselves in the nook, and the air vent that you can only notice if you look up. If you looked at it from a certain angle the pieces of brick were placed so no piece would be the same length. Moving on you could see tables and chairs arranged with the tips of waves and curved ends flaring out like a bell. While the bricks walked up to make walls, painted with shades of topaz. If you observed the bricks in great detail, they were rough on the surface, but the atmosphere is softer than you imagine. Essence of the lobby can be captured in the darkest dark or in broad daylight. The bricks are carefully rearranged like the books of the midnight library. I walk around as I notice the small waves on the floor, they are painted gray on the sides which I can see from a mile away. Lights echoing onto them preventing those to trip, all of this isn’t just for the aesthetic, it’s done to prevent damage to guests and visitors. If you look around you can see the waves that turn into countertops and booths, with all curves swooping in different directions.

Around the corner, pipes that raced around the ceiling, blocks of color made with velvety fabric that you could taste. The colors matched the atmosphere as anyone could smell happiness as if it was a thought. Rings of light that floated around the pillars like the Iron Ring of Prometheus. On the floor, you can see a bubbly mascot looking up right at me, with actions of him floating, dancing, and skipping over the floor. Skipping over, is a copper blended chair as it hugs anyone around with autumn air. We didn’t miss our goal, the colors resemble kids with pastels that paint around in chairs and pillars that keep the areas together like a cage.

In the first auditorium you could see the blinding colors swooping around the walls like a paintbrush maneuvering through the walls. The colors and texture could be sensed from any room around. The dimensional fabric was cut in such a way where it looked like a fresh piece of wood, they were overlapped with colors that connected to the lobby outside. The warmth of the chairs arranged in the chosen pattern that look like a florist’s atelier with a faint scent of lavender and peonies. We wanted to make waves with colors that aren’t original, with ingredients that aren’t simple.

Into the second auditorium, the edges made with panels in colors that mimic tiger lilies and rough bricks. Illuminations like margin lines that went from up to bottom. Standing at the top of the auditorium the silhouette’s of the curves that rose high enough to avoid those to get hurt, again this isn’t just for the aesthetic, but from an angle you can see the slight resemblance of the south china sea that wraps around the island like a warm blanket. Hearing the warmth like euphoria.

Project Name: Haikou Gaoxingli Insun Cinema
Project Location: Haikou, China (Mainland)
Design Firm Name: One Plus Partnership Limited
Lead Designer: Ajax Law and Virginia Lung
Design Firm Location: Quarry Bay, Hong Kong (Greater China)
Photography Credits: Jonathan Leijonhufvud


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  • レンガの波が海を表現する中国の映画館〈Haikou Gaoxingli Insun Cinema〉One Plus Partnership