


The SurfBench by KALD from KALD on Vimeo.


その独特な動きから今年の2月にSNSにて話題となった同製品がより改良を重ね、11月初旬に正式に製品化されました。南ドイツを拠点に活動するデザインスタジオ KALDが設計しました。

(以下、 KALDから提供されたプレスキットのテキストの抄訳)

〈SurfBench〉 KALD

© Francesca Bandiera

〈SurfBench〉 KALD

© Francesca Bandiera




〈SurfBench〉 KALD

© Francesca Bandiera

KALDの創設者であるキム・アンドレ・ランゲ(Kim André Lange)は次のように語る。


〈SurfBench〉 KALD

© Francesca Bandiera



〈SurfBench〉 KALD

© Francesca Bandiera



〈SurfBench〉 KALD

© Francesca Bandiera


デザインスタジオ KALDへの質問や連絡はこちらから

〈SurfBench〉 KALD

© Francesca Bandiera

〈SurfBench〉 KALD

© Francesca Bandiera

〈SurfBench〉 KALD

© Francesca Bandiera

〈SurfBench〉 KALD

© Francesca Bandiera

〈SurfBench〉 KALD

© Francesca Bandiera

〈SurfBench〉 KALD

© Francesca Bandiera

〈SurfBench〉 KALD

© Francesca Bandiera

以下、 KALDのリリース(英文)です。

KALD launches the SurfBench – Redefining Seating Spaces through Curiosity and Interaction.

The SurfBench furniture piece seeks to engage people in spaces with limited or no means of distraction, helping make time pass more quickly. By encouraging users to explore the behavior of the wave with their hands, the bench not only imparts valuable insights into physics but also sparks spontaneous dialogue between strangers.

“A well-designed object not only meets practical and aesthetic needs. It also makes the user feel welcome in their environment by responding to their subconscious needs.” – Kim André Lange

When the user imparts movement onto the bench, they generate waves that mimic the physical behavior of water. A robust mechanism evokes a smooth chain reaction of the wooden seat elements that continues till the wave hits an obstacle and changes its direction. Once all the introduced kinetic energy is expended, the wave returns to its motionless resting position.

After three years of rigorous spatial analysis, design process, refinement, and technical development, the bench is now being manufactured in Northern Italy, adhering to the highest standards in quality. Officially launching in early November 2023, it is ready to be implemented in various settings such as lobbies, waiting areas, cultural institutions, shops, and residential spaces. Available in three standard lengths with the option for custom lengths upon request, this bench seamlessly integrates into any architectural environment.

The bench’s well-balanced motion operates without the need for motors or electricity. The gentle, non-motorized wave-like movement bears no impact on the comfortable seating experience which the bench facilitates. To ensure a sustainable, extended lifespan, each movable component is thoughtfully designed for easy replacement, offering virtually no limits on its longevity.

In motion videos and informational materials are available on
For upcoming questions or contacts, please forward or company email:

SurfBench 公式サイト

 KALD 公式サイト


【購読無料】空間デザインの今がわかるメールマガジン TECTURE NEWS LETTER

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  • 利用者の動きに反応し波のようにうねるベンチ〈SurfBench〉