
いろどり歯科・こども歯科室 / 1-1 Architects





上記のとおり、目的地として設定した各諸室は、部屋の容積やしつらえに少しずつ変化を与えている。患者にとっても医院のスタッフにとっても、別の目的地へと移動した際には、建築 / 植栽 / 光などのあらゆる事象が、その人が先刻まで居た部屋とは違った環境をつくり出し、待ち受ける。この医院の中では、建築や外部環境が変化していくなかで、いくつもの異なる空間体験を積み重ねていくことになる。



A clinic with rooms at the end of a long corridor to create a series of spatial experiences

The site is long in shape from north to south, facing a four-lane arterial road to the north and a four-meter wide residential road to the south, giving depth and openness to the townscape along the arterial road. The plan is to build a new dental clinic here, specializing in cosmetic and orthodontic services and pediatric dentistry.

As a patient, we feel empirical that the dental office can take us from one place to another. For example, receptionist → waiting room → toothbrush corner → treatment room → x-ray → treatment room → waiting room → accounting. To make these actions themselves the structure of architecture, we made each of the places mentioned above into a destination and planned the “→” as a passage to the destination. Specifically, to follow the direction of the site, a long, flat passageway is set in the center of the building, and the necessary rooms that serve as destinations are placed on either side of the passageway. In the corridor, the ceiling whitens out, which deviates from the human scale, and the end of the corridor is treated like a door to give a sense of extension. The entire space is planned as an external sensory space where the state of light changes throughout the day. In the center of the building, the sensory exterior, which changes with natural light, is connected to each room, preventing excessive consideration of privacy from leading to a sense of confinement.

Each of the rooms as a destination is gradually changing the volume and setting of the room. When we moved to a different destination, both for the patient and the staff, all kinds of events such as architecture/planting/light created a different environment than the room we were in earlier and waited for us. Users will accumulate several different spatial experiences as the architecture and external environment change.

An arched “boundary” was designed between the corridor and the rooms. This shape, which is not symmetrical at the top and bottom, elicits an affordance of a breakthrough as a passable opening, making those standing in the passage aware of what lies ahead. Furthermore, the analogy of repeated arch shapes encourages the passage to be regimented in the Gestalt principle. The smallmouths of the arches are covered with metal paint, and their expressions change dramatically depending on the light, making them somehow like foreign objects. Passing through this “boundary” is the liberation from the vague passage and reaching the destination.

Concerning the exterior, the pathway protrudes not only in the plan but also in elevation, assuring the town of the orientation of the site. In contrast to the corridor, the rooms on both sides of the building are designed not to give a sense of oppression or protrusion to the neighboring house, while balancing privacy and openness as a dentist’s office through different opening plans and planting plans. (Yuki Kamiya + Shoichi Ishikawa)



設計:1-1 Architects(ICI NO ICI Architects)

撮影:1-1 Architects


【Clinic NK】

Location: 294-1 Suwacho-nakairi, Aisai, Aichi, Japan
Principal use: Dental clinic
Completion: 2019

Architects: 1-1 Architects
Design team: Yuki Kamiya + Shoichi Ishikawa
Structural engineer: Tatsumi Terado Structural Studio
Landscape: Enzo
Contractor: Marucho home

Photographs: 1-1 Architects

Structure: Wood
Building scale: 2 stories
Site area: 808.91m²
Building area: 192.37m²
Total floor area: 227.13m²
Design term: 2016.10-2017.08
Construction term: 2017.09-2018.04

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  • Clinic NK / いろどり歯科・こども歯科室 / 1-1 Architects