
Greenpoint Landing / OMA



タワーと基壇は、大きな窓を取り囲むプレキャストコンクリートのパネルで覆われており、伝統的な窓(註:8フィート|約2.43m 四方の窓)がうがたれたファサードに遊び心を与えながら、軽さと多孔質性を提供している。建物の形態と同様に、プレキャストパネルは一連の角度のある平面によって彫るように表情が付けられている。彫られた面は1日中太陽の動きにダイナミックに反応する。この表情は、ブロックごとに垂直・水平・対角で向きを変え、タワーを細分化している。



Redevelopment of a waterfront with two dancing towers and a podium

Greenpoint Landing Block D will be a catalyst in the transformation of the Greenpoint waterfront from a post-industrial edge—formerly home to low warehouses, rope factories and parking lots—to a new neighborhood. Located at the northern-most tip of Brooklyn, the site will be a gateway to the neighborhood beyond and have a unique impact on the Brooklyn skyline.
The new development will extend Eagle Street and Dupont Street to meet a new waterfront esplanade. Between these new connections to the East River, two residential towers rise together on a trapezoidal site cut by the angle of the shoreline.

Like two dancers, the towers simultaneously lean into and away from one another. The taller tower widens toward the east as it rises, maximizing views and creating a dramatic face to the neighborhood and beyond. Its partner steps back from the waterfront to create a series of large terraces, widening toward the ground and the new waterfront park to the North. A ziggurat and its inverse, the pair are intimately linked by the void between them.
Rather than being lifted on a monolithic base or standing in isolation, the towers are framed by two lower volumes on the opposite corners of the block, creating a continuous edge around the block. Along this edge, subtle folds and shifts mark entries and define a smaller grain reminiscent of the often-variegated street edge conditions within Greenpoint.
The towers and podium are clad with precast concrete panels surrounding large windows that play on a traditional punched window façade while providing a lightness and porosity to the massing. Much like the buildings’ forms, the precast panels are carved by a series of angled planes. The carved faces react dynamically to the movement of the sun throughout the day. This expression changes orientation with each block (vertical, horizontal and diagonal), dividing the tower into a finer scale.
Echoing Greenpoint’s pastoral origins as a neighborhood of family farms, two levels of green space open up to the waterfront. Terraces are framed by a collection of common spaces and amenities. Above them, the towers are linked by a bridge programmed with a pool and fitness center looking over the Manhattan skyline.

“We’re excited to begin construction on what will be a new hinge point between Greenpoint and the waterfront. The two towers are flanked by smaller buildings – 7 stories at the corner and 3 stories at the water – to create a continuous yet shifting perimeter around the block. This variegated edge will extend Dupont and Eagle streets to bring activity and access to the East River,” said Jason Long, OMA Partner-in-Charge.

Altogether, Greenpoint Landing Block D aims to establish a platform for a new kind of living: connecting past and future, indoor and outdoor, urban streetscape and waterfront. (OMA)


所在地:アメリカ ニューヨーク州ブルックリン、グリーンポイント


ウォーターフロント・ランドスケープ アーキテクト:ジェームズ・コーナー・フィールド・オペレーション
マリン エンジニアリング:マクラーレンエンジニアリンググループ

戸数:総戸数745戸 335戸(D1)、302戸(D2)、108戸(D3)。手頃な価格帯30%(224戸)、市場価格帯70%(521戸)
分布:スタジオ(ベッドルームなし)25%(183戸)、1ベッドルーム 46%(342戸)、2ベッドルーム 26%(196戸)、3ベッドルーム 3%(24戸)

【Greenpoint Landing】

Location: Greenpoint, Brooklyn, New York, USA
Project: Two residential towers and lower podium with ground floor retail
Client: Brookfield Properties, Park Tower Group
Status: Competition February 2017; Groundbreaking November 2019

Lead Design Architect: OMA
Partner-in-Charge: Jason Long
Project Architects: Yusef Ali Dennis, Christine Yoon
Team: Remy Bertin, Jingyi Bi, Sam Biroscak, Titouan Chapouly, Ken Chongsuwat, Marie-Claude Fares, Yashar Ghasemkhani, Anders Grinde, Wesley LeForce, Chong Ying Pai, Nathan Petty, Andres Rabano, Laylee Salek, Alan Song, Wo Hong Wu, Soojung Yoo, Steven Young, Juan Pablo Zepeda

Executive Architect and Unit Interior Designer: Beyer Blinder Belle Architects & Planners LLP Waterfront Landscape Architect: James Corner Field Operations
Interior and Landscape Architect: Marmol Radziner
Unit Interior Designer: Beyer Blinder Belle Architects & Planners LLP
Structure: DeSimone Consulting Engineers MEP and LEED: Cosentini Associates Façade: Thornton Tomasetti
Lighting: Focus Lighting
Acoustics: Cerami Associates
Civil: Langan Engineering
Wayfinding and Signage: MTWTF
Marine Engineering: McLaren Engineering Group

Site Area: 122,929 SF
Total Area: 850,844 SF

Program: 768,057 SF Residential; 25,888 SF, 8,616 SF Retail; 48,283 SF Parking

Units: 745 Units Total; D1 335 Units; D2 302 Units; D3 108 Units; 30% (224) Affordable, 70% (521) Market Rate

Distribution: Studio (0BR) 25% (183); 1 BR 46% (342); 2BR 26% (196); 3BR 3% (24)

Height: North Tower (D2) 300’; South Tower (D1) 400’

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