
止揚する家 / 廣田真治+アークエイト


(English below)

止揚 (しよう、独:アウフヘーベン / Aufheben)とは、「異質や対立などの2つの要素」が、それぞれの本質を失うことなく、より高い段階で1つにまとめられることを意味する。「双対(そうつい)関係」あるいは、「双対性がある」と表現される。







A house that connects indoors and outdoors in a snowy country that tends to be closed

Aufheben means that two elements, such as opposites or opposites, are brought together at a higher level without losing their respective essence. It is described as “dualistic” or “dualistic in nature.”

In this project, the two elements are the interior and the exterior, and I explored what kind of manner is desirable if “aufheben” or “duality” is to be embodied in a house. I propose what possibilities there are in a house if the spaces are to aufheben each other.

The site is located in Nagaoka City, Niigata Prefecture. The Shinano River flows nearby, and the surrounding environment is peaceful with a rural landscape. The site has many commercial and educational facilities nearby, including a childcare support center and an art museum, allowing for a well-balanced lifestyle of stillness and movement. The site is also close to the nationally famous Nagaoka Fireworks Festival in summer, making it an attractive area with a lively town, history, and the warmth of its residents.
However, Nagaoka City has a lot of snow. In winter, the snowfall can be as much as 2 meters. In general, building a house in a snow country tends to be defensive and closed. Although this project site is located in a bustling area of Nagaoka City, I feel that “home” and “community” are often divided.
It is not that defensive and closed-minded is bad. It is essential for living with snow. However, in this project, there was a desire to make the house a place where various activities can be held, such as storytelling, a gallery for rent, and community exchange. Because we are in a snowy country, we strongly believe in the importance of connecting with the local community, so we collaborated with a local construction company that knows how to build houses in snowy countries and took on the challenge of creating a space with “aufheben” in mind.

The plan is an extremely simple 11.50m x 4.55m rectangle. The building’s structure is based on the wood-frame construction method, but the front facade has large openings as much as possible. To embody the concept of “aufheben of the inside and the outside,” the conventional concept of the house was unraveled, and the walls, corridors, functions, lines of flow, and fit were reconstructed.
In addition, we set the privacy level (PLv) and planned a private space (higher PLv) toward the north and continuity between “home” and “outside” (lower PLv) on the south side of the road.
In this plan, the unique use of “xxxx room” is excluded whenever possible. For example, there is no entrance. Upon entering the building, one is immediately connected to the earthen floor, studio, kitchen, and living room. When the wooden double doors are opened, the building is connected to the external stage and the external space, creating a dual relationship in which the inside is opened to the outside, and the outside is brought into the inside. The key element that connects the inside and outside is the earthen floor, which can be used outside even though it is inside. Instead of using the foundation height of a house in a snowy country, we tried to keep the first-floor level as low as possible to bring it closer to the external space. The passage of time in the exterior space is incorporated into the interior space, creating continuity as the boundary between the two spaces is ambiguously traversed.
The kitchen was placed in the center of the building to create a space that is open to the community and used for multiple purposes. By placing the kitchen at the center of the building, it is possible to see in all directions, allowing for safe and secure housekeeping and helping to support a variety of activities.

The floor and ceiling are made of simple structural plywood with a clear urethane coating, and the finish materials are limited to concrete, white, and aluminum. The master bedroom on the second floor has a deep balcony to block direct sunlight and reduce the cooling load in the summer, thus saving energy through architectural techniques.

A year after the house was completed, children from the neighborhood began to visit on weekends. The house, which is open to the community, naturally attracts children, their parents, and conversation, and a small community is being nurtured. By creating a space that combines two different elements, inside and outside, through an intermediate area, I believe I have found a way to create a house that embraces the idea of “aufheben.” On a sunny day, the wooden fittings will be opened up to create a continuous table to the stage, and many people will share a wonderful time without the boundary of “home” and “outside.” This is in line with the ancient Japanese style of street and alley-like stores and large entrance halls. I also think that the change of feeling the external space while being in the internal space of Katsura Rikyu could be a way to pass on the idea of “aufheben” to the present day by embodying it.

Despite being located in an area with heavy snowfall, we created a house that is open to the community by “aufheben” the interior and exterior. This was a challenging project even for a construction company in a snowy area, and I would like to send my utmost praise to them for their efforts in creating a beautiful space. (Shinji Hirota)



造作キッチン:Wood Worker

撮影:Shinji Hirota


【project aufheben】

【project aufheben】

Location: Hasugata, Nagaoka-shi, Niigata, Japan
Principal use: Residential / Studio
Client: Nami Hirota
Completion: 2019

Architects: Shinji Hirota + Arceight
Design team: Shinji Hirota + Kenichi Imai* + Reiko Seki* (*Arceight ex-employee)
Structure engineer: Masayoshi Yoshioka Sekkei
Equipment: Masaaki Ofuchi / Choken sekkei
Wood Door: Kimado
Kitchen: Wood Worker
Stairs: Kenta Hayashi / Arceight
Contractor: Keisuke Arisaka, Satoru Watanabe, Kenta Hayashi / Arceight

Photographs: Shinji Hirota

Construction type: New Building
Main structure: Wood
Building scale: 2 stories
Site area: 173.35m²
Building area: 52.30m²
Total floor area: 93.72m²
Design term: 2017.11-2018.06
Construction term: 2018.08-2019.07

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