
SHouse HM 蓼科の第二住居 / STA土屋辰之助アトリエ







"Second residence" that combines the site shape and regional characteristics

The changes in social conditions caused by the spread of the new coronavirus that became apparent from the beginning of 2020 are still ongoing with no end in sight. This has a major impact on the way we work and live, especially accelerating migration and two-location living without regard to urban living.

On the other hand, people are spending more and more time in their homes due to working from home and online communication, and many of them may feel cramped in the convenient and stimulating but not so spacious living space in cities. The client lives in Tokyo but has the opportunity to work all over the country. With the increase of work in the Shinshu-Nagano area, in particular, he decided to demolish the old villa he had inherited and move to a new site in the same villa area to create a new base for his “second home. He had visited this place often since he was a child, he was very attached to the place and liked the quiet environment of the villa. The design process began with the selection of a site in the villa area. Still, in the end, we rediscovered a site with gentle undulations and soft sunlight adjacent to the original villa site.

We decided to place the living room and terrace on the southeast side of the house, away from the road in the villa, not along the contour line but orthogonally to the topography that descends toward the northwest. By doing so, the living room terrace is raised about 1.8 meters above the ground, giving the feeling of floating in the air, surrounded by trees.
The living room and terrace are raised about 1.8 meters above the ground, giving the feeling of floating in the air, surrounded by trees.

To polymerize the unusualness of a vacation home and the everydayness of a second home, the exterior skin is composed of openings to connect with nature. At the same time, the bedrooms and workspace can be closed off with sliding door walls. As a three-dimensional space, the two volumes exist within the cover of the large gable roof, and the living room, dining room, and kitchen feel like pseudo-external spaces as intermediate areas. The living room, dining room, and kitchen feel like pseudo-external spaces as intermediate areas. The “outer wall” of the attic on the second floor is an openwork wall like a lattice to keep the connection with the first floor and the atrium both in terms of air and space.

Interestingly, even though the design was based on the current conditions described above, the space is similar to that of a traditional Japanese house, such as the “Honmune zukuri” style often seen in Shinshu. Furthermore, in terms of landscape, the asymmetrical roof shape is similar to one of the landscapes of Chino, where one side of the roof of a storehouse is used as a hipped roof. I believe this results from a process that took into account the shape of the site and the regional characteristics of the environment one by one. (Shinnosuke Tsuchiya)




撮影:井上 登


【SHouse HM】

Location: Nagawa-machi, Chiisagata-gun, Nagano, Japan
Principal use: Residential
Client: Individual
Completion: 2020

Architects: Shin Tsuchiya and Associates
Design team: Shinnosuke Tsuchiya, Tomoya yamasaki, Yuyang Wang
Structure engineer: Hideyuki Hagiuda / KAP
Contractor: Tateshina Workshop, Yajima-Kenchiku

Photographs: Noboru Inoue

Construction type: New Building
Main structure: Wood
Building scale: 2 stories
Site area: 1424.00m²
Building area: 118.66m²
Total floor area: 169.13m²
Design term: 2019.10-2020.04
Construction term: 2020.05-2020.10

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