
健軍の住宅 / T/H




具体的には、ほとんどの床を1階に計画し(老後を見越した施主の要望でもある)、残った1 室を2階に載せ、その外周にあたる部分を粗い布で覆われた半透明な壁とする。その壁は、さまざまな方向から陽光を取り込み、表面に幾重かの光の窓を映し出す。半透明な壁は見る角度によって透明性が変化し、重なり合って、まるでくぐもった雲のような複雑さを生み出す。壁はいわば45cmの空気の層であり、居室から壁の中、そして小屋裏の天窓へと建物全体で繋がって緩やかな風を生み出している。諸室は半透明な壁を介して、仕切られると同時に繋がっているため、家族間のプライバシーを確保しつつも、壁に漏れ込む部屋の灯りや音、匂いが気配を伝え合っている。

曇りの日には天空光で満たされた行燈のようになり、日が暮れ始めると夜の帳が織り込まれる。日々刻々と変わっていく、建築に包まれ、自然に包まれる、そんな住宅である。(樋口耕介、瀧 翠)

A house with several 45cm air layers as a blank space to let nature in

The site is located on a gentle north-facing slope along a valley road in the eastern part of Kumamoto City, in a quiet residential area. A house for a couple and their three children was planned. A bright and airy was the client’s request.

When considering the relationship with the natural environment, it is often treated as a problem of boundary with the outside, which tends to be driven to the extreme situation of balancing two conflicting choices: to have a close relationship with nature and make the architecture itself disappear (transparent), or to maintain privacy and block out the outside world (opaque). Here, we aim to create a house that is neither of these, but rather a house in which nature is woven into the architecture (translucent). It is both artificial and natural at the same time. This may sound contradictory, but we believe that such architectural ambivalence has the potential to become a rich environment in itself.

Specifically, most of the floors are planned on the first floor (at the client’s request, in anticipation of his retirement), and the remaining rooms are placed on the second floor, with a translucent wall covered with a rough fabric around its perimeter. This wall allows sunlight to enter the room from different directions, creating several windows of light on its surface. The transparency of the translucent wall changes depending on the angle from which it is viewed, overlapping each other to create a complex effect like that of muffled clouds. This wall is a 45cm layer of air, so to speak, that connects the entire building from the living room to the skylight in the shed, creating a gentle breeze. Rooms are separated yet connected by translucent walls, ensuring privacy between family members, while at the same time allowing light, sound, and smells from the rooms to pass through the walls and communicate their presence to each other.

On cloudy days, the house becomes like a lantern filled with skylights, and when the sun begins to set, the night curtains are woven into the house. It is a house enveloped by nature through its ever-changing architecture. (Kosuke Higuchi, Midori Taki)



担当:樋口耕介、瀧 翠

撮影:Katsuhisa Kida / FOTOTECA


【House in Kengun】

Location: Kumamoto-shi, Kumamoto, Japan
Principal use: Residence
Completion: 2022

Architects: T/H
Design team: Kosuke Higuchi, Midori Taki
Structure engineer: TECTONICA
Planting: BROCANTE
Contractor: UEDA HOME

Photographs: Katsuhisa Kida / FOTOTECA

Construction type: New Building
Main structure: Wood
Building scale: 2 stories
Site area: 280.88
Building area: 116.38m²
Total floor area: 138.91m²
Design term: 2021.03-2021.12
Construction term: 2022.01-2022.08

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小杉湯となり / T/H

上空のような環境をシェアする 銭湯のある暮らしを実践する場

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