
河口湖の森の家 / 山縣洋建築設計事務所






構造は1階がRC造、2階が一部鉄鋼で補強された木造となっている。凍結深度が1mのため、基礎は地中深く下げる必要があるため、コストを下げるためにも1階のRC造の部分をなるべくコンパクトにする必要があった。木造の2階部分は1階のRCの躯体の上に南側で3.64m、北側で1.82m跳ね出して載っている。南側の3.64mの跳ね出しは鉄骨のブレースで補強されている。また積雪荷重による屋根面のたわみ防止として、テラスのスチールサッシの枠をL型の鉄骨柱と兼用させて鉛直荷重を負担させている。(山縣 洋)

A villa with a simple linear beauty floating on an open slope in the forest

The site is located in a villa area near Kawaguchi Lake. Entering through the villa entrance and approaching the site through the lush forest, the view suddenly opens. The surrounding villas are scattered throughout the lush forest, but this site was cleared, and there was only one coniferous tree about 20 meters high growing on the property’s southern edge. Since there were no trees to block the view from the surrounding road, it was difficult to open the property to the surrounding area unconditionally.

Surrounded by a U-shaped curved road, the site has a height difference of about 3.8 m and is a gently sloping site with a slight depression in the shape of a mortar. When I first visited the site, the topography itself was very beautiful. We proceeded with the design while considering how to utilize the beauty of this topography as much as possible.

The image of a simple rectangular building, long in the east-west direction, floating on the site’s north side, was conceived. Next, the floor was leveled to follow the slope, and finally, the roof was gently sloped in the same direction as the slope. The plan also has a slightly inclined trapezoidal shape, which gives the building a curious appearance that changes depending on the direction of view.

The pilot is on the first floor and can accommodate two cars. It has an entrance, a water closet, and a storage room. The second floor is a one-room space with no door, but the space is divided by the difference in floor level, creating different atmospheres depending on how the door is opened. The view from the street needs to be considered, so it is difficult to open the space unconditionally like a typical villa, and the view from the street is relatively controlled. The terrace, which opens to the outside, is not projecting outward, but rather is recessed into the volume of the building. The roof is covered, and a hip wall rises on the exterior wall side, creating an outside room similar to an enclosed interior space, where one can feel the pleasantness of the outside air.

The structure is RC on the first floor and wooden on the second floor, partially reinforced with steel. Because the freezing depth is 1 m, the foundation needs to be lowered deep into the ground, so it was necessary to make the RC portion of the first floor as compact as possible to reduce costs. The second floor of the wooden structure is 3.64 m above the RC frame of the first floor on the south side and 1.82 m on the north side. The 3.64 m overhang on the south side is reinforced with steel braces. To prevent deflection of the roof surface due to snow loads, the steel sash frames of the terrace are used in combination with L-shaped steel columns to bear vertical loads. A house consisting of a “tower” with layers of functions and a “pavilion” with liberating margins. (Yo Yamagata)



担当:山縣 洋、安藤浩士*、諸星千絵

撮影:Forward Stroke



【House in Kawaguchiko Forest】

Location: Minamitsuru-gun, Yamanashi, Japan
Principal use: Villa
Client: Individual
Completion: 2024

Architects: Yo Yamagata Architects
Design team: Yo Yamagata, Hiroshi Ando*, Chie Moroboshi
Structure design: Sakane Nobuo / Sakane Structural Design
Planting: Michiko Tokumitsu / TOKUZOU
Construction: Takiguchi Kenchiku

Photographs: Forward Stroke

Construction type: New Building
Main structure: Mixed
Building scale: 2 stories
Site area: 677.29m²
Building area: 76.03m²
Total floor area: 143.54m²
Design term: 2022.06-2023.04
Construction term: 2023.05-2024.05

*mark: former staff

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