ポルトガル領・アゾレス諸島に属するピコ島の村に建つ〈Cella Bar〉は、島の縁に長年放置されていた小さな建物を再生・拡張したレストラン・バーです。
ポルトガルのアトリエ FCC Architectureと、インテリアデザインスタジオ Paulo Loboが設計しました。
(以下、 FCC Architectureから提供されたプレスキットのテキストの抄訳)
〈Cella Bar〉は、長年放置されていた小さな既存建築物を再生・拡張しつつ、自然のテリトリーとの調和を図ったプロジェクトである。建設を持続可能なプロセスとするため、地域の材料を使用した。
ポルトガル領・アゾレス諸島に属するピコ島のマダレナ村に建つ〈Cella Bar〉は、島の縁に建っている。未使用であった既存の建物を、その形と規模、建築的価値を維持しつつレストラン・バーへと改築した。
以下、 FCC Architectureのリリース(英文)です。
CELLA BAR – Wine & Food
By FCC Architecture + Paulo Lobo
The intervention intended to join harmoniously into the territory, taking into account, the pre-existing volume. The construction systems used local materials, of the territory as a sustainability process.
At the same time, the intervention, needed to expand (programmatic requirements). A new volume arises in the natural landscape. influenced by the social experiences and the landscapes views, a volume that complements the pre-existing form, and organically fits in the natural territory.Context:
The Cella bar building, located in the village of Madalena, Pico Island, in Açores, appears on the margin of the island.
A pre-existing building (unused) is converted into a bar, maintaining its shape and scale, preserving its constructive value.
At the same time, a second element is added to the main volume, with an organic and moldable appearance that “expands” to the sea side, recreating another environment in this same restaurant-bar. The plasticity of the building made of wood has the objective to complement the use of the main building, and also the natural surroundings that envolves the two volumes. Such intervention represents a sculptural form, that faces the sea, once inspired by the shape of whales, the hulls of ships and even, the wine production that characterizes the life and customs of the Island.Localization
Madalena, Pico, Azores, PortugalYear
Project starts – August 2012
Starts of works – September 2013
End of the works – May 2015Area
Construction area – 407m²
Useful area – 322m²Collaborators
Architecture – FCC Arquitectura
Interior design – Paulo LoboSoftware
AutocadPhoto credits
Basalt – volcanic rock of the region
Concrete (structure)
Wood cryptomeria the region (exterior)
Pine riga (interior)
Ceramic rocaBuilders
general contractor – Esfalto Britas
locksmithing – Estraga Ferro
catering equipment – Arco Hotel
「CELLA BAR」 FCC Architecture 公式サイト