
K-Hairsalon / PAN-PROJECTS & mok architects





異なる色や素材を、各エリアの機能に合わせて組み合わせていくことで、各空間の機能的な要求に対応すると同時に、外部から内部へとシームレスに連結する空間性を生み出し、狭小なスペースを広い外部のコンテクストと結びつけることで、空間に奥行きをもつ豊かで多様なインテリア空間を達成した。(八木祐理子、高田一正+森田美紀、小林 優)

A compact hair salon connected to the city by materials and gradations

K-hairsalon is an interior design project for a private-owned hair salon in Ise, Japan. The client wishes the salon to be accessible for everyone where all citizens can comfortably visit as if they visit their familiar café.
The project consists of various tones of colour interacting unique exterior of existing building that intends to connect the interior space with exterior thus to the surrounding urban context.

The existing building where the salon locates in the ground level has an iconic appearance which all the façade elements are painted in various tones of pink. Rather designing interior space apart from its outstanding character of the existing, the team determined to bring its iconic colour scheme as a design concept in order to create sequential experience of colour that bridges outside and inside together.

The design started with defining the function of colours as the key spatial element of the project, and the team determined to utilize it to identify the function of different areas in the salon. By developing gradational sequence from bright pink tone of exterior to the dark red wall finish at the deepest area in the salon, the design creates layered depth within a small interior space.

The reception area is defined by mixed furniture constituted with bright colour tiles with lacquered plywood shelve combined by light pink aluminium partition that integrates the bright pink exterior to inside. Cutting area situates in the middle is identified with continuous dark pink drawers creating intimate atmosphere. Shampoo area at the inmost space is made private with deep red wall where customers can relax while having their service.

〈K-hairsalon〉achieved the rich interior experience within a relatively small space by creating spatial layers of colour that sequentially connects outside to inside; the hair salon that opens up to the city welcoming in all the visitors. (Yuriko Yagi, Kazumasa Takada + Miki Morita, Suguru Kobayashi)



設計:PAN-PROJECTS & mok architects
担当:八木祐理子、高田一正(PAN-PROJECTS)+ 森田美紀、小林 優(mok architects)




Location: 2147-3, Nagaya, Misono-cho, Ise-shi, Mie, Japan
Principal use: Salon
Client: Salon Epoque
Completion: 2018

Architects: PAN-PROJECTS & mok architects
Design team: Yuriko Yagi, Kazumasa Takada / PAN-PROJECTS + Miki Morita + Suguru Kobayashi / mok architects
Contractor: Iwasa Koumuten

Photographs: Yosuke Otake

Total floor area: 45.00m²
Design term: 2017.09-2018.03
Construction term: 2018.04-2018.05

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