サウジアラビア王国で進む大規模なスマートシティプロジェクト「NEOM」から、全長170km・高さ500mの直線型高層都市〈THE LINE〉のデザインが発表されました。
NEOM取締役会会長であるサウジアラビア王国のムハンマド・ビン・サルマーン皇太子殿下(HRH Mohammed bin Salman)は2022年7月25日、NEOMが構想する未来都市〈THE LINE〉のデザインを発表した。
〈THE LINE〉のデザインは、道路や車、排気ガスのない、将来の都市コミュニティのあり方を体現している。
今回の発表では、幅200m・全長170km・高さ500mという、〈THE LINE〉の最大の特徴が明らかとなった。
〈THE LINE〉は最終的に900万人の受け入れを予定していながら、面積は34km²という、他の同規模の都市と比べても突出した密度を誇る。これにより、インフラの設置面積が削減され、都市機能においてこれまでにない効率性が実現される。
「昨年の〈THE LINE〉の発表では、都市計画の抜本的な改革をベースに、人間優先の文明的な変革を約束した。」
「今日公開された垂直積層型コミュニティのデザインは、従来の平坦で水平な都市に挑戦した、自然保護と人間の住みやすさを向上させるモデルである。〈THE LINE〉は、今日の都市生活で人類が直面している課題に取り組み、代替的な生き方に光を当てている。」
「NEOMは、世界中のすべての人々が、創造的かつ革新的な方法で世界に名を残すための場所となることだろう。NEOMは『サウジ・ビジョン2030』の最も重要なプロジェクトの1つであり、国家を代表して〈THE LINE〉を提供するという我々のコミットメントは揺るぎないものである。」
〈THE LINE〉では、都市機能を垂直に積み重ねたことにより、人々は3次元的にシームレスに移動することが可能となる。この概念は「ゼログラビティ・アーバニズム」と呼ばれている。
また〈THE LINE〉は、外側のミラーファサードにより、その小さな面積でも自然と調和するというユニークな個性を持っている。
〈THE LINE〉のデザインの発表は、NEOMのフラッグシッププロジェクトである製造・イノベーション都市「OXAGON」や、アラビア湾初のアウトドアスキーを提供するグローバル山岳観光地「TROJENA」の開発、NEOMの2つの子会社である、エネルギー、水、水素を扱う「ENOWA」と「NEOM Tech & Digital Company」の立ち上げに続いて行われた。
HRH Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman announces designs
for THE LINE, the city of the future in NEOMJeddah, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, July 25, 2022 – His Royal Highness Mohammed bin Salman, Crown Prince and Chairman of the NEOM Board of Directors, today announced the designs of THE LINE, a civilizational revolution that puts humans first, providing an unprecedented urban living experience while preserving the surrounding nature. In January last year, His Royal Highness launched the initial idea and vision of the city that redefines the concept of urban development and what cities of the future should look like.
The designs of THE LINE embody how urban communities will be in the future in an environment free from roads, cars and emissions. It will run on 100% renewable energy and prioritize people’s health and well-being over transportation and infrastructure as in traditional cities. It puts nature ahead of development and will contribute to preserving 95% of NEOM’s land.
The announcement reveals the most important characteristics of THE LINE, which is only 200 meters wide, 170 kilometers long and 500 meters above sea level. THE LINE will eventually accommodate 9 million residents and will be built on a footprint of 34 square kilometers, which is unheard of when compared to other cities of similar capacity. This in turn will reduce the infrastructure footprint and create never-before-seen efficiencies in city functions. Its ideal climate all year round will ensure that residents can enjoy surrounding nature when walking around. Residents will also have access to all facilities in THE LINE within a five-minute walk, in addition to a high-speed rail with an end-to-end transit of 20 minutes.
HRH Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman said, “At THE LINE’s launch last year, we committed to a civilizational revolution that puts humans first based on a radical change in urban planning. The designs revealed today for the city’s vertically layered communities will challenge the traditional flat, horizontal cities and create a model for nature preservation and enhanced human livability. THE LINE will tackle the challenges facing humanity in urban life today and will shine a light on alternative ways to live.”
HRH added, “We cannot ignore the livability and environmental crises facing our world’s cities, and NEOM is at the forefront of delivering new and imaginative solutions to address these issues. NEOM is leading a team of the brightest minds in architecture, engineering and construction to make the idea of building upwards a reality.”
HRH continued, “NEOM will be a place for all people from across the globe to make their mark on the world in creative and innovative ways. NEOM remains one of the most important projects of Saudi Vision 2030, and our commitment to delivering THE LINE on behalf of the nation remains resolute.”
THE LINE offers a new approach to urban design: The idea of layering city functions vertically while giving people the possibility of moving seamlessly in three dimensions (up, down or across) to access them is a concept referred to as Zero Gravity Urbanism. Different from just tall buildings, this concept layers public parks and pedestrian areas, schools, homes and places for work, so that one can move effortlessly to reach all daily needs within five minutes.
THE LINE will have an outer mirror facade that will provide its unique character and allow even its small footprint to blend with nature, while the interior will be built to create extraordinary experiences and magical moments. It will be created by a team of world-renowned architects and engineers, led by NEOM, to develop this revolutionary concept for the city of the future.
In order to change business as usual, the city’s design will be completely digitized, and the construction industrialized to a large degree by significantly advancing construction technologies and manufacturing processes. The announcement of THE LINE’s designs is a continuation of NEOM’s progress in the development of its flagship projects such as OXAGON, its reimagined manufacturing and innovation city; and TROJENA, its global mountain tourism destination that will offer the Arabian Gulf’s first outdoor skiing; as well as the launch of two of NEOM’s subsidiaries: ENOWA, its energy, water and hydrogen company; and the NEOM Tech & Digital Company.
About NEOM
NEOM is an accelerator of human progress and a vision of what a New Future might look like. It is a region in northwest Saudi Arabia on the Red Sea being built from the ground up as a living laboratory – a place where entrepreneurship will chart the course for this New Future. It will be a destination and a home for people who dream big and want to be part of building a new model for exceptional livability, creating thriving businesses and reinventing environmental conservation.
NEOM will include hyperconnected, cognitive towns and cities, ports and enterprise zones, research centers, sports and entertainment venues and tourist destinations. As a hub for innovation, entrepreneurs, business leaders and companies will come to research, incubate and commercialize new technologies and enterprises in groundbreaking ways. Residents of NEOM will embody an international ethos and embrace a culture of exploration, risk-taking and diversity.