©︎ Dane Alonso
©︎ Dane Alonso
メキシコに建つ〈プログレソ地質博物館(Progreso Museum of Geology)〉は、「博物館」という文化的要素に「広場」という公共空間を統合した建築です。植民地時代の都市レイアウトやマヤ文明に由来する仕上げ材「チュクム(メキシコ・ユカタン地方にのみ生育するチュクムの木の樹脂を混合した石灰岩ベースの漆喰)」を取り入れることで、マヤの伝統的な知見と現代建築のアプローチを融合させています。
メキシコを拠点とする設計事務所エスタディオMMX(Estudio MMX)が設計しました。
(以下、Estudio MMXから提供されたプレスキットのテキストの抄訳)
©︎ Dane Alonso
©︎ Dane Alonso
©︎ Dane Alonso
©︎ Dane Alonso
©︎ Dane Alonso
©︎ Dane Alonso
以下、Estudio MMXのリリース(英文)です。
Progreso Museum of Geology
The project of the new Geology Museum in Progreso, Yucatán, is conceived as a cultural element and a public space, developed as a single project. The different parts of the program are consciously related to each other and to the context, through different environments in the open space.
The square generated by the project is organized on the sides of a central corridor, through which you can access both the interior spaces and cross the square towards the boardwalk accompanied by gardens and fountains. Two large raised gardens flank the corners of the square, allowing you to walk down the slopes to enjoy new views at different heights.
A contained square generates a landscaped path in front of the public service spaces, which now enjoy a green and shaded area. The museum’s cafeteria and workshops are separated from it to provide service to the entire square, thus allowing the connection of the different activities that the project allows and involving the museum’s daily life with the urban dynamics of the city.
The museum, which occupies the southeast corner of the square, consists of eight exhibition volumes which can be subdivided into two larger volumes to allow a permanent exhibition space and another multipurpose space to hold events or a temporary exhibition, both served by a volume of offices, a volume of research and catalog spaces and one intended for a warehouse.
The volumes of different heights are scattered covering the square, allowing to create habitable spaces inside and a roof that can be crossed from corner to corner, with landscape elements. The materiality of the museum, covered entirely in chukum (a natural finish of Mayan origin) ensures its durability and low maintenance cost.
The design of the volumes and their arrangement in the public space generate paths accompanied by light, shadow and vegetation that give the square a new character rich in experiences that evoke ideas of Mayan architecture along with the colonial heritage of the urban layout. The museum consciously synthesizes local Mayan knowledge with contemporary architectural approaches, thus generating a new identifiable and appropriable public space for the people of Progreso.
Design: Estudio MMX
Location: Progreso, Yucatán
Team: Diego González, Fernanda Hinojosa, Francisco Martínez, Lorena Nuñez, Armando Palacios
Photography: Dane Alonso
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