©︎ Sebastian van Damme
オランダ・ロッテルダムの川に浮かぶ〈フローティングオフィス・ロッテルダム(FOR:Floating Office Rotterdam)〉は、気候変動に対応するサステナブルなオフィスビルです。川の水を活用した熱交換システムや屋根に設置されたソーラーパネルによりエネルギーを自給自足し、カーボンニュートラルを実現します。
アムステルダムを拠点とする建築事務所パワーハウス・カンパニー(Powerhouse Company)が設計しました。
(以下、Powerhouse Companyから提供されたプレスキットのテキストの抄訳)
©︎ Mark Seelen
©︎ Marcel IJzerman
©︎ Marcel IJzerman
©︎ Sebastian van Damme
〈フローティングオフィス・ロッテルダム〉はGCA(Global Center on Adaptation)のためのオフィスビルである。
©︎ Sebastian van Damme
©︎ Sebastian van Damme
©︎ Marcel IJzerman
©︎ Marcel IJzerman
パワーハウス・カンパニーの建築家でありプロジェクトリーダーであるポール・サンダース(Paul Sanders)は次のように語る。
©︎ Sebastian van Damme
©︎ Mark Seelen
©︎ Mark Seelen
パワーハウス・カンパニーの創設者であるナンネ・デ・ルー(Nanne de Ru)は次のように語る。
©︎ Sebastian van Damme
©︎ Sebastian van Damme
©︎ Sebastian van Damme
©︎ Mark Seelen
©︎ Mark Seelen
©︎ Mark Seelen
©︎ Mark Seelen
©︎ Mark Seelen
©︎ Mark Seelen
©︎ Mark Seelen
©︎ Mark Seelen
Construction ©︎ Sebastian van Damme
Construction ©︎ Sebastian van Damme
Construction ©︎ Marcel IJzerman
Sustainability Axonometry
Site plan
Ground floor
1st floor
2nd floor
West Facade
North Facade
East Facade
South Facade
Section A-A
Section B-B
以下、Powerhouse Companyのリリース(英文)です。
Floating Office Rotterdam (FOR)
A Vessel for Change
Moored at Rijnhaven port in Rotterdam, Powerhouse Company’s floating office for the Global Center on Adaptation is a building for a new age. Self-sufficient and carbon-neutral, it will float – rather than flood – if water levels rise due to climate change. Fun as well as functional, it also forms a key element in a newly redeveloped port environment by providing public waterside space – and even a swimming pool.
FOR the future
We designed our floating office to reflect the values of its inhabitants: the Global Center on Adaptation. This Rotterdam NGO aims at promoting planning, investment, and technology to mitigate climate change. Our climate-resilient office is both an illustration of the center’s mission and an inspiration for others. With its own solar energy source and water-based heat-exchange system, it’s completely self-sufficient.
‘The building structure is designed in wood and can easily be demounted and re-used. It’s ready for the circular economy.’
– Paul Sanders Project Project Leader, Architect at Powerhouse CompanyThe use of wood as a main construction material reduces the carbon footprint of the building dramatically. Overhanging floors balconies create permanent sun shading which allows for large windows with plenty of daylight flooding into the office floors. Besides the offices, FOR also feature public facilities: a restaurant with a large outdoor terrace, with as a special addition a floating swimming pool in the Maas River.
‘Designing a sustainable, floating office building was a very challenging commission and we approached it in an integrated way. By using the water of the Rijnhaven to cool the building, and by using the roof of the office as a large energy source, the building is truly autarkic.’
– Nanne de Ru, founder of Powerhouse Company‘Our technical and sustainable systems are so well integrated with our design that they feel quite matter-of-fact’
– Albert Takashi Richters Associate Architect at Powerhouse CompanyAbout Powerhouse Company
Powerhouse Company is an award-winning architecture office based in Rotterdam, the Netherlands. Founded in 2005, it has grown into a multidisciplinary office of around 100 professionals, with international studios in Beijing, Oslo and Munich. Prizes include the Dutch Design Award, the Maaskant Prize and the AM/NAI Award.
About the Global Center on Adaptation
The GCA is a global knowledge center that supports countries, organizations and companies with knowledge and advice in the field of climate change.
Project credits
Architect: Powerhouse Company
Developer: RED Company
Client: Global Center on Adaptation, Municipality of Rotterdam
Financing: ABN Amro
Project management: DVP
Contractor: FOR Building VOF (consisting of Bouwbedrijf Valleibouw B.V. and Bouwbedrijf Osnabrugge B.V.)
Contractor floating foundations: Hercules FC
Structural engineer: Bartels & Vedder
Wood structure engineer: Solid Timber
MEP installations & sustainability: DWA
Wood structure: Derix Gelamineerde Houtconstructies
Building installations: Roodenburg Groep
Glass: iFS Building Systems
Steel: W. Ten Ham Plaatwerk
「Floating Office Rotterdam (FOR)」Powerhouse Company 公式サイト