
スタジオ・マルカが設計した 紛争地帯の分離壁の上につくり出す平和のための空間〈ウォールド・シティ〉

〈ウォールド・シティ(Walled City)〉

©︎ Studio Malka

〈ウォールド・シティ(Walled City)〉

©︎ Studio Malka

〈ウォールド・シティ(Walled City)〉は、ヨルダン川西岸の全長730kmに及ぶ分離壁の上に構成された、国境や宗教を越えて領土と民族をつなぐ線状都市です。


フランス・パリを拠点に活動するスタジオ・マルカ(Studio Malka)が設計しました。

(以下、Studio Malkaから提供されたプレスキットのテキストの抄訳)

〈ウォールド・シティ(Walled City)〉

©︎ Studio Malka




〈ウォールド・シティ(Walled City)〉

©︎ Studio Malka

このプロジェクトは、スタジオ・マルカの設立者ステファン・マルカ(Stéphane Malka)と建築家であり理論家でもあった故ヨナ・フリードマン(Yona Friedman)との対話とプロジェクトをまとめた書籍「Utopies Croisées」に端を発している。


〈ウォールド・シティ(Walled City)〉

©︎ Studio Malka

〈ウォールド・シティ(Walled City)〉

©︎ Studio Malka

この〈ウォールド・シティ〉は、モジュール式複合施設「ポケット・オブ・アクティブレジスタンス(Pocket of Active Resistance)」により構成されている。これは、抑圧に対抗し、現在の政策に代わるシナリオを創造するため、常に反抗と反乱が取り巻く状態において、生活と争いの新しいシステムを提供するものである。


〈ウォールド・シティ(Walled City)〉

©︎ Studio Malka



〈ウォールド・シティ(Walled City)〉

©︎ Studio Malka

〈ウォールド・シティ(Walled City)〉

©︎ Studio Malka



〈ウォールド・シティ(Walled City)〉

©︎ Studio Malka

〈ウォールド・シティ(Walled City)〉

©︎ Studio Malka

〈ウォールド・シティ(Walled City)〉

©︎ Studio Malka

〈ウォールド・シティ(Walled City)〉

©︎ Studio Malka

〈ウォールド・シティ(Walled City)〉

©︎ Studio Malka

以下、Studio Malkaのリリース(英文)です。

Pocket of Active Resistance (PRA)

In the Israeli-Palestinian caesura, the political institutions no longer envisage the situation of peace. Interestingly, at most active period in the history of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, we where talking about a «peace process»;
The semantic field alone sums up the distance taken from peace itself.
Solutions have to be taken by force by non governmental spontaneous organizations and take direct actions, avoiding processes.

It is in this momentum that the Studio Malka has developed Walled City, a linear city installed on the West Bank separation wall, a logical follow-up to the Self-Defense project in Paris. This project is stemmed from Utopies Croisées’s book of conversations and projects with the late architect Yona Friedman.

Walled City offers a space of reunification, a link between territories and peoples, beyond borders or religions. This linear city is installed on the West Bank separation wall, from Hebron to Jenin via Bethlehem and Jerusalem.
This so called security barrier was built since 2002 in the West Bank, and declared as an illegal entity and a violation of international law by decision of the International Court of Justice in 2004.

In reaction to oppression and with the desire to create an alternative scenario to current policies, the Pocket of Active Resistance (PRA) is a spontaneous complex, offering a new system of life and contestation, in permanent state of dissidence and insurrection.
As this linear bridge city is made up of modular units, the PRA allows the community to grow rapidly by unifying not only local but also international activists and protagonists for peace.
Wall City besiege this 730km long structure in order to create a safe zone, allowing a sufficient state of protection to dwell forums and assemblies that generate alternative political scenarios.

The aim is to pacify first the thickness of a wall and inhabit this No Man’s Land, above the walls that separate peoples, then the area and gradually pacify an entire region;

The PRA is a state within the state, an insurrectionary pocket that aims to establish a necessary schism and provide shelters in order to develop this autonomous zone.
Walled City offers an “alter-socius”, a political solution in the sense of Politeia, which refers to the constitution of a community. The separation wall becomes then a space of unified common resistance, a link between human beings creating a self-proclaimed and self-regulated independent pacifist nation, in reaction to the extremist policies and fundamentalist ideologies that infest the whole region.

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【購読無料】空間デザインの今がわかるメールマガジン TECTURE NEWS LETTER


線状都市 関連記事



サウジアラビアとNEOMが発表した垂直にも展開する未来都市〈THE LINE〉


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  • 国境を超えて人々をつなぐ壁の上の線状都市、スタジオ・マルカが設計した 紛争地帯の分離壁の上につくり出す平和のための空間〈ウォールド・シティ〉イスラエル、パレスチナ