Ceramic House Facade from Studio RAP on Vimeo.
〈セラミックハウス(Ceramic House)〉は、オランダの首都アムステルダムのショッピングストリートに位置するブティックのファサードを「セラミックの3Dプリント」、「アルゴリズミックデザイン」、「職人による焼付け」という先進テクノロジーと職人技の融合により構築したプロジェクトです。
デジタルマニュファクチャリングとコンピュテーショナルデザインを組み合わせたさまざまなプロジェクトを手がけるロッテルダムの建築事務所 Studio RAPが設計しました。
(以下、Studio RAPから提供されたプレスキットのテキストの抄訳)
©︎ Studio RAP
©︎ Studio RAP
©︎ Studio RAP
©︎ Studio RAP
このような観点からStudio RAPは、建築の設計と実現プロセスにおける建築家の重要な役割を取り戻すことを目指している。
©︎ Studio RAP
Studio RAPは、アムステルダムで最も高級なショッピングストリート、ピーテル・コネリス・ホーフト通りにあるブティックにおいて、3Dプリントされたセラミックタイルで構成された、一際目を引くファサード用の外装材をデザインし、生産を開始した。
©︎ Studio RAP
©︎ Studio RAP
Studio RAPは、自社で制作したデジタルデザインアルゴリズムを用いて、歴史的都市アムステルダムにおける釉薬セラミックの装飾性とデザインボキャブラリーの再解釈を探求している。
©︎ Studio RAP
©︎ Studio RAP
Studio RAPによる高度なアルゴリズミックデザインのディテールと、それを実現する大規模な3Dプリント技術により、これらのデザインは建築事務所内にて内製化されている。これにより、周囲の建物と一線を画すラグジュアリーなブティックが誕生したのである。
©︎ Studio RAP
©︎ Studio RAP
©︎ Studio RAP
©︎ Studio RAP
©︎ Studio RAP
©︎ Studio RAP
©︎ Studio RAP
©︎ Studio RAP
©︎ Studio RAP
©︎ Studio RAP
©︎ Studio RAP
©︎ Studio RAP
©︎ Studio RAP
©︎ Studio RAP
©︎ Studio RAP
以下、Studio RAPのリリース(英文)です。
In the complex world of contracts, contractors, and construction the architect’s role in architecture is narrowing down to becoming a stylist that only uses catalog products. Where project objectives related to costs and benefits took over the more subjective approach to the design of the built environment which includes matters like social, cultural, contextual, and aesthetic considerations. This thinning role of architects doesn’t stop at the profession itself but has long-lasting effects on people’s lives, as they undergo the outcome of the architect’s work every day. In this perspective, Studio RAP is explicitly aiming at reclaiming such a significant role for the architect in the designing and realisation process of the built environment. To show how such a central role in the designing and realisation of a building process could work they took matters into their own hands and combined architecture with entrepreneurship, manufacturing, and contracting. This is expressed in craftsmanship combined with cutting-edge technology that brings custom-made ornaments back into architecture. The Ceramic House is a statement to enrich the world with a new architectural language, breaking barriers by innovating how the world is envisioned, built, and experienced. And above all to make the world more exciting and diverse.Ceramic House
Studio RAP designed and started production of the facade cladding of an eye-catching boutique in Amsterdam’s most luxurious shopping street, the P.C Hooftstraat. The facade will be composed of 3d-printed ceramic tiles and is expected to be realized in the summer of 2022. By fusing the advanced methods of ceramic 3d printing, algorithmic design, and artisanal glazing, the architectural potential of ceramics and ornaments of the 21st century is revealed. The algorithmic ornaments on this facade refer to the craft of knitting garments, resulting in an exciting design language.Algorithmic design
Using digital design algorithms, produced in-house, Studio RAP explores a reinterpretation of the decorative qualities and design vocabulary of glazed ceramics in the historical city of Amsterdam. The design replicates the silhouette of the original facade, continuing the characteristic tripartite of the street and maintaining the overall character of the site. The scale, size, type, and color of the ornaments and materials are synced with the neighboring buildings.Artisanal glazing
The four and a half meter high plinth consists of three columns and an architrave. The shopping window is pushed back, creating a deep reveal. At street level, the facade is cladded in large 3d-ceramic-printed tiles of approximately 40 x 20 cm, glazed in pearl white, with a subtle shade of yellow. The ornamented tiles start out plain at ground level and become more expressive higher up. The facade of the higher floors is composed of 3d-printed bricks, which have been glazed in three different shades of red. The bricks are composed alongside the original masonry cross bond and have abstract ornamentation. These bricks are glued into laser-cut stainless steel cassettes, referring to the original flushes. The ornamentation of the bricks is most expressive at the bottom of this part of the facade.3d-clay-printing
The design aims to inspire people around the world with a contemporary expression of digital craftsmanship, reinterpreting historical classics in new and exciting ways. The façade also refers to the collection of the nearby Rijksmuseum, where a large collection of ceramics from all over the world is stored. The highly differentiated and algorithmically designed details will be realized by using Studio RAP’s large scale 3d-printing technology, produced in-house at the architecture firm. This results in a luxury boutique that aspires to stand out amongst the surrounding buildings.Client: Warenar Real Estate
Location: P.C. Hooftstraat, Amsterdam (NL)
Architect: Studio RAP
Co-Architect: Gietermans & Van Dijk
Contractor facade cladding / 3d-ceramic-printing: Studio RAP
Firing and glazing: Royal Tichelaar
Main contractor: Wessels Zeist (VolkerWessels)
Visuals: Virginlemon
Photos: Studio RAP
「Ceramic House」Studio RAP 公式サイト