

〈チロル・アルプスのランドマーク (Landmark in the Tyrolean Alps )〉

©︎ Christian Flatscher

〈チロル・アルプスのランドマーク (Landmark in the Tyrolean Alps )〉

©︎ Christian Flatscher

建築だけでなくプロダクト、マテリアルのデザインまで幅広いプロジェクトを手掛けるノルウェーのデザイン事務所スノヘッタ(Snøhetta)が手がけた、オーストリア西部のスキー場に建つ〈チロル・アルプスのランドマーク (Landmark in the Tyrolean Alps )〉は、アルプスの絶景を室内からも楽しむことができるパノラマルームを備えた展望塔です。



〈チロル・アルプスのランドマーク (Landmark in the Tyrolean Alps )〉

©︎ Christian Flatscher

〈チロル・アルプスのランドマーク (Landmark in the Tyrolean Alps )〉

©︎ Christian Flatscher

スノヘッタは、オーストリア西部のスキー場、スキー・ジュエル・アルプバッハ・ヴィルトシェーナウ(Ski Juwel Alpbachtal Wildschönau)から依頼を受け、海抜2030mの場所に、誰でも利用可能な展望台とパノラマルームを設計した。この木造建築は、ヴィーダースベルガー・ホルン峰のほど近く、ケーブルカー「Hornbahn2000」の山頂駅に隣接する素晴らしいロケーションに位置している。


〈チロル・アルプスのランドマーク (Landmark in the Tyrolean Alps )〉

©︎ Christian Flatscher


このスキー場は、10周年を記念して古くなったスキーリフトの代わりに新しいチェアリフト「Hornbahn 2000」を導入した。これに伴い、訪問者の山での体験を高めるランドマークとして、ケーブルカーのサービスルームの上に展望塔を設計するため、スノヘッタが招待された。


〈チロル・アルプスのランドマーク (Landmark in the Tyrolean Alps )〉

©︎ Christian Flatscher

〈チロル・アルプスのランドマーク (Landmark in the Tyrolean Alps )〉

©︎ Christian Flatscher

スノヘッタ・スタジオ・インスブルックのパートナー兼マネージングディレクターであるパトリック・リュート(Patrick Lüth)は次のように語る。



〈チロル・アルプスのランドマーク (Landmark in the Tyrolean Alps )〉

©︎ Christian Flatscher

〈チロル・アルプスのランドマーク (Landmark in the Tyrolean Alps )〉

©︎ Christian Flatscher




〈チロル・アルプスのランドマーク (Landmark in the Tyrolean Alps )〉

©︎ Christian Flatscher

〈チロル・アルプスのランドマーク (Landmark in the Tyrolean Alps )〉

©︎ Christian Flatscher



〈チロル・アルプスのランドマーク (Landmark in the Tyrolean Alps )〉

©︎ Christian Flatscher

〈チロル・アルプスのランドマーク (Landmark in the Tyrolean Alps )〉

©︎ Christian Flatscher


この山の上にそびえ立つ塔と同じく板張りが施された渓谷の駅も風景に溶け込むように佇んでいる。全体として、新たなケーブルカー「Hornbahn 2000」のための新たな施設は、それぞれの周辺環境と景観に呼応するようなデザインとして表現されている。

〈チロル・アルプスのランドマーク (Landmark in the Tyrolean Alps )〉

©︎ Christian Flatscher

〈チロル・アルプスのランドマーク (Landmark in the Tyrolean Alps )〉

©︎ Christian Flatscher


Snøhetta designs an alpine landmark in the Tyrolean Alps
Commissioned by the Ski Juwel Alpbachtal Wildschönau ski area, Snøhetta has designed a publicly accessible viewing tower and panorama room at 2030 meters above sea level. The new timber building sits on a spectacular spot near the Wiedersberger Horn peak and next to the mountain station of the Hornbahn 2000 cable car. Alpine building traditions and the stunning surroundings inspired Snøhetta’s design for this unique structure.

To celebrate the tenth anniversary of the Ski Juwel Alpbachtal Wildschönau ski resort, the ski area invested in a new chairlift, the new Hornbahn 2000, to replace an outdated ski lift and invited Snøhetta to design a viewing tower on top of the service room of the cable car to create a landmark that enhances the mountain experience for visitors. Called “Top of Alpbachtal”, the design concept for the 13-meter-high timber tower in the Tyrolean Alps references alpine building traditions.

“Timber buildings have a great tradition in the Alpbachtal region. It was obvious for us to use these references and create a modern interpretation. Based on traditional construction methods, the structure could be realized as resource-conserving and sustainable as possible”, says Patrick Lüth, Partner and Managing Director of Snøhetta Studio Innsbruck. “Just as importantly, we developed the design in dialog with the alpine landscape.”

Inspired by traditional design
The new timber structure, which becomes narrower at the top, is clad in shingles handmade by a local shingle maker. A panorama room is available for skiers and also for snowshoe walkers, ski tourers, and hikers in summer. Passing the lift control room, located in the concrete base of the timber building, visitors reach a lounge that is open to the public. Traditional Tyrolean farmhouse parlors inspired the design of this panoramic room on the first floor. The lower part of the two-story room is clad with wooden wall paneling and thus refers to the traditional parlors. In the upper part, on the other hand, the open construction of the roof structure is visible – a reminiscence of the tradition of agricultural building.

The contemporary Tyrolean parlor offers an informal seating landscape with seating areas and wooden platforms. Everyone can choose their own individual place to rest in the freely accessible gathering place. The space is sheltered from the wind but not heated. Here, everyone can take a break without having to consume anything. Large panorama windows provide light and a far-reaching view of the breathtaking scenery and surrounding mountains. As a keyless structure, it also builds on the alpine tradition of shelter structures that can be used during summer and winter.

At the very top of the viewing tower, you can enjoy the unique 360-degree panoramic view of the alpine landscape in the fresh air. And as confidently as the tower on the mountain rises into the sky, the equally shingle-clad valley station nestles into the landscape. All in all, the new structures of the new Hornbahn 2000 cable car present themselves as an ensemble that consciously reacts to the respective surroundings and landscape.

Image credits: Christian Flatscher

Location: Alpbach, Tirol, Austria
​Architect: Snøhetta
Client: Alpbacher Bergbahnen
​Realization: 2020 – 2022
​Size: Rooftop terrace: 40 m²; Panorama room (1st floor): 70 m²; Operation rooms and public toilet (ground floor): 50 m², Technical rooms (underground): 156 m²
​Collaborators: Seilbahnbüro DI Andreas Gröbner, Kitzbühel (Cable Car Planner and Construction Supervision); PlanTEC, Kitzbühel (Structural Engineer); Leitner Ropeways (Cable Car Manufacturer)

「Landmark in the Tyrolean Alps 」Snøhetta 公式サイト



【購読無料】空間デザインの今がわかるメールマガジン TECTURE NEWS LETTER


スノヘッタ 関連記事





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  • スノヘッタによる雪山の山小屋!? アルプスの絶景を堪能する展望塔〈チロル・アルプスのランドマーク〉オーストリア