© Zaha Hadid Architects
© Zaha Hadid Architects
(以下、Zaha Hadid Architectsから提供されたプレスキットのテキストの抄訳)
ザハ・ハディド・アーキテクツ(Zaha Hadid Architects)とシカゴを拠点とするアーキアジェンダ(ArchAgenda)は、世界のデザインコミュニティにおける「仮想コミュニケーションハブ」となるメタバース〈METROTOPIA〉を発表、ローンチした。
バーチャル・ヴェネツィア建築ビエンナーレのオープニングイベント「ナレッジ・トランスファー(Knowledge Transfer)」の開始とともに始動した〈METROTOPIA〉は、OMAやUNStudio、MADアーキテクツ、藤本壮介建築設計事務所、そしてザハ・ハディド・アーキテクツなど、世界有数の建築スタジオによる作品を展示している。
Masterplan ©︎ Zaha Hadid Architects
Masterplan ©︎ Zaha Hadid Architects
〈METROTOPIA〉は、Unreal Engine 5で構築されたマルチプレイヤー仮想環境であり、デザインされたオブジェクトや空間の特性や品質を忠実に視覚化できるリアルな設定の中で、リアルなコミュニケーションのための空間音響を備えている。ホストとなるプラットフォームは、〈METROTOPIA〉のテクノロジーパートナーでもあるMytaverseである。
MainBuilding ©︎ Zaha Hadid Architects
MainBuilding ©︎ Zaha Hadid Architects
オーディトリアム ©︎ Zaha Hadid Architects
現在、アーリーアダプターは、NFTやメタバースデザインを通じてWeb 3.0を開拓している。しかし、空間ブラウジングナビゲーションやリアルタイムでのマルチユーザー・インタラクションを可能にする「没入型のデジタル空間」としてのメタバースが、まもなく誰もが参加できるようになることは間違いないだろう。
〈Four Frankfurt〉by UNStudio
〈Landmark Tower〉by 藤本壮介建築設計事務所
〈Landmark Tower〉by 藤本壮介建築設計事務所
〈The Hospital of the Future〉by OMA
〈NFTism exhibition: Open Book〉by ザハ・ハディド・アーキテクツ for Kenny Schachter
〈Nodeul Island〉by Minimaforms
〈The Cloudscape〉by MADアーキテクツ
〈Mexico Monde D’eau Hotel Resort〉by LAVA
〈Museum of Contemporary Art and Planning Exhibition (MOCAPE) 〉by Coop Himmelb(l)au
〈RuiXue Multi-Hall〉by Archi-Union Architects
〈Leeza Soho Tower〉by ザハ・ハディド・アーキテクツ
〈Leeza Soho Tower〉by ザハ・ハディド・アーキテクツ
〈Leeza Soho Tower〉by ザハ・ハディド・アーキテクツ
PlatformScreenshot: 〈The Hospital of the Future〉by OMA
PlatformScreenshot: 〈Nodeul Island〉by Minimaforms
PlatformScreenshot: オーディトリアム
PlatformScreenshot: 〈RuiXue Multi-Hall〉by Archi-Union Architects
以下、Zaha Hadid Architectsのリリース(英文)です。
Metrotopia Metaverse launches with ‘Knowledge Transfer’ virtual exhibition and vernissage
A Venice Architecture Biennale collateral eventZaha Hadid Architects and Chicago-based ArchAgenda announce and launch METROTOPIA, a unique metaverse venture dedicated to becoming the virtual communication hub for the global design community.
The Metrotopia Metaverse launches on the 18 May 2023 with the vernissage and opening of a virtual Venice Architecture Biennale exhibition entitled ‘Knowledge Transfer’ displaying current works from some of the world’s leading architecture studios including OMA, Morphosis, Coop Himmelb(l)au, UnStudio, MAD, Sou Fujimoto, Archi-Union, LAVA, CAP, EcoLogic Studio and ZHA.
The exhibition responds to the overarching theme of the 18th Venice Architecture Biennale put forward by Lesley Lokko, “The Laboratory of the Future”. Metrotopia is a segment of the Architecture Biennale collateral event that includes CityX, a swarm of virtual pavilions hovering above Venice showing the research work of architecture teachers from around the world, as well as a physical exhibition at Palazzo Ca Zenobio hosted by the New York Institute of Technology and presenting student works from many schools of architecture. Metrotopia will also contribute to the Chicago Architecture Biennial later this year.
ZHA principal Patrik Schumacher explains: “We have invited leading firms to feature their most future-oriented work inside Metrotopia. Some of us noted that recent Biennales diverged from presenting the major architectural designs of our time. Our idea therefore is to foreground architecture’s actual contribution to urban development, in its most advanced incarnations.”
Metrotopia Metaverse is multi-player virtual environment built with Unreal Engine 5, featuring spatial sound for realistic communicative interaction within a lifelike setting that allows the character and quality of designed objects and spaces to be faithfully visualized. Metrotopia’s technology partner and hosting platform is Mytaverse.
Aspiring to become a virtual city and creative culture-industry hub for the wider design ecosystem, Metrotopia brings together all design disciplines including urban design, architecture, interiors, furniture design, product design, fashion design, graphic design, plus related schools, galleries, museums, exhibitions, Design weeks, Biennales, awards and conferences, as well as related publishing houses, magazines and web-media.
Metrotopia’s first incubator building and an initial urban core has been designed by ZHA with intervisible spaces now available. More architects and interior designers will soon come together to create a diverse, multi-authored cityscape delivering the kind of co-location synergies we cherish in the most vibrant city districts.
Schumacher elaborates, “While we are transferring the technology developed by the gaming industry, Metrotopia leaves all associations with video-gaming behind. Our audience are creative professionals looking to expand their cultural communication, global reach and ways of displaying, networking and collaborating.
“While early adopters have been those in the ecosystem who are pioneering Web 3.0 via NFTs, or via metaverse designs, there can be no doubt that the metaverse as an immersive web that enables spatial browsing navigation, real-time multi-user interaction and crowd experiences will take off with everybody onboarding soon enough. Once adoption crosses a certain threshold irresistible network effects will be unleashed. Metrotopia stands ready to anticipate and embrace this moment.”
18 May virtual launch event within Metrotopia Metaverse:
• 17:00 – 18:00 CEST: Press Preview with contributors
• 18:00 – 19:00 CEST: Vernissage
• 19:00 – 21:00 CEST: Panel Discussion with editors and authors of ‘Five Critical Essays on the Crit’. Penny Lewis, Patrik Schumacher, Alex Cameron. Moderated by Austin WilliamsRSVP to daniela@archagenda.com with your name and email address to register your attendance and receive your personal access link (required) to the 18 May virtual Press Preview within Metrotopia
19 May conversation at Palazzo Ca Zenobio, Venice:
• 14.00 – 15.00 CEST: Reinier de Graaf discusses his new book ‘architect, verb’ with Patrik Schumacher (this public event will be live-streamed to Metrotopia)
「METROTOPIA」Zaha Hadid Architects 公式サイト