〈MADE LIM〉は、韓国に建つ120年の歴史を誇る教会を、既存の構造やレンガ、ステンドグラスはそのままに、自然あふれる体験型の展示スペースやベーカリーを含む文化複合施設へとリノベーションした建築です。
ブランドの名前でもある〈MADE LIM〉は、文化の森を意味する「MADE 林」と、自然へと回帰しようとする人間のDNAに訴えかける休息を提供する「may-dream」というブランドの理念を反映したものとなっており、時間を宿した、新たな建物では作りえない独自のブランドストーリーを構築しています。
韓国の設計事務所 NONESPACEが設計した、歴史的な建築物を保存するだけでなく現代に適合させ活用する「アダプティブリユース・プロジェクト」です。
できるだけ教会の既存の仕上げ材であるレンガやステンドグラス、講堂として使われていた構造体は解体せずに保存することとした。これは 歴史の保存という意味もあるが、経済的、環境的な観点からも望ましいことでもある。
ブランドの名前でもある〈MADE LIM〉は、文化の森を生み出すというブランドの哲学を込めた「MADE 林」と、自然へと回帰しようとする人間のDNAに訴えかける休息の本質と自然への願いを込めた「may-dream」という意味を併せもつ。
〈MADE LIM〉の空間における最大の特徴は、既存のレンガやステンドグラス、窓枠はそのままに、仕上げ材だけを塗り重ねる方式で構成された点である。
我々を含む多くの建築家は、過去の痕跡を消し去る宿命を背負っているが、〈MADE LIM〉という再生建築プロジェクトは、過去と現在が共存できることを示している。
Project Form
Project name: MADE LIM
Company name: NONESPACE
Website: www.none-space.com
Contact e-mail: none-space@naver.com
Project location: 875-1 Eulwang-dong, Jung-gu, Incheon, Korea
Completion Year: 2022
Building area (m²): 1570.27m²Project Description
A church with 120 years of heritage
As with modern architecture, if it is a 120-year-old building with accumulated time and history, we
have difficulty in daring to determine or estimate its value.So, we have planned with the highest priority on establishing a new brand story based on the
accumulated time and establishing it as a cultural space, rather than erasing the traces of time and
the past or replacing them with completely new ones.For that reason, I’ve thought that a unique story embracing time could not be felt in a new building,
furthermore, that the condensation of collective memories would be a universal value to be
preserved and a result of culture.Using bricks, stained glass, and structures used as auditoriums, which are the existing finishing
materials of the church, is not only meaningful in terms of preserving history, but also desirable
from an economical and environmental point of view.This place contains Made forest “MADE 林”, which embodies the brand’s philosophy as a forest of
culture, and may-dream, a brand that embodies the essence of rest and wishes for nature in the
DNA of humans who wish to return to nature.Forest Hall (Main Hall) is composed of Bakery & Dining, Performance Hall, while Detached Forest
House (Private House) and Heritage Hall (Dharma Hall) consist of experiential exhibition spaces.There exist traces of old history and culture in the present time, and the traces of layers of memories
and time are sometimes reflected in our perception and life. Many architects, including us, were
born with the fate of erasing the traces of the past. Anyway, we hope that the past and the present
time can coexist through this project of regeneration architecture.As with modern architecture, if it is a 120-year-old building with accumulated time and history, we have difficulty in daring to determine or estimate its value.
So, we have planned with the highest priority on establishing a new brand story based on the accumulated time and establishing it as a cultural space, rather than erasing the traces of time and the past or replacing them with completely new ones.
For that reason, I’ve thought that a unique story embracing time could not be felt in a new building, furthermore, that the condensation of collective memories would be a universal value to be preserved and a result of culture.
Using bricks, stained glass, and structures used as auditoriums, which are the existing finishing materials of the church, is not only meaningful in terms of preserving history, but also desirable from an economical and environmental point of view.
This place contains Made forest “MADE 林”, which embodies the brand’s philosophy as a forest of culture, and may-dream, a brand that embodies the essence of rest and wishes for nature in the DNA of humans who wish to return to nature.
Forest Hall (Main Hall) is composed of Bakery & Dining, Performance Hall, while Detached Forest House (Private House) and Heritage Hall (Dharma Hall) consist of experiential exhibition spaces.
There exist traces of old history and culture in the present time, and the traces of layers of memories and time are sometimes reflected in our perception and life. Many architects, including us, were born with the fate of erasing the traces of the past. Anyway, we hope that the past and the present time can coexist through this project of regeneration architecture.