
世界のさまざまな気候と自然を体感できる園芸アトラクション施設〈The Leaf〉

〈The Leaf〉

©︎ Ema Peter Photography

〈The Leaf〉

©︎ Ema Peter Photography

カナダの都市ウィニペグにて、動物園なども展開する広大なアッシナボイン・パークに建てられた〈The Leaf〉は、世界のさまざまな気候と自然を体感できる園芸アトラクション施設です。

自然界にも多くみられるフィボナッチ数列と自然自体から形成された特徴的な屋根や有機的なフォルムにより、植物のシンプルさと複雑さを同時に表現しています。KPMBアーキテクツ(KPMB Architects)とアーキテクチャ49(Architecture49)が設計しました。

(以下、KPMB Architectsから提供されたプレスキットのテキストの抄訳)

〈The Leaf〉

©︎ Ema Peter Photography

〈The Leaf〉

©︎ Ema Peter Photography


カナダ西部の玄関口である都市ウィニペグのアッシナボイン・パーク(Assiniboine Park)にオープンした〈The Leaf〉は、自然にインスパイアされたデザインは新しい世代の想像力をかき立てる。


〈The Leaf〉

©︎ Richard Seck

〈The Leaf〉

©︎ Ema Peter Photography

2022年に完成した、35エーカーの広さを誇る〈The Leaf〉は、4種の植物バイオーム(植物の類型を束ねる大分類)と、バタフライガーデン、クラスルーム、レストラン、カフェを含んでいる。

KPMBアーキテクツにとって初となる園芸アトラクションである〈The Leaf〉は、植物と人間の関係に焦点を当てたインタラクティブな環境と、園芸、植物、環境に焦点を当てた持続可能な先例を特徴とするデスティネーションである。

〈The Leaf〉

©︎ Ema Peter Photography

〈The Leaf〉

©︎ Ema Peter Photography

〈The Leaf〉は、管理団体であるアッシナボイン・パーク・コンサーバンシー(Assiniboine Park Conservancy)による再開発計画の主要部分を構成している。

2009年以来、アッシナボイン・パーク・コンサーバンシーは、アッシナボイン・パーク動物園や〈The Leaf〉といった新たな命を吹き込むことで、100年以上の歴史をもつこの敷地の再生に取り組んでいる。

〈The Leaf〉

©︎ Ema Peter Photography

〈The Leaf〉

©︎ Ema Peter Photography


KPMBアーキテクツは、同じく建築事務所であるアーキテクチャ49、構造設計事務所の Blackwell Structural Engineers、ランドスケープデザインを得意とする HTFC Planning & Designと共同で、自然界への理解と認識を深めるというコンサーバンシーの使命を反映した〈The Leaf〉のデザインを開発した。


〈The Leaf〉

©︎ Ema Peter Photography

屋根の複雑なケーブルネット構造は、ひまわりやオウムガイの殻に見られる緩やかな螺旋状の網目を活かして設計されており、〈The Leaf〉を包むようにエレガントに広がり、咲き誇る花を連想させる。

さらに、〈The Leaf〉内に戦略的に配置された照明と頭上に吊るされたリフレクターにより光が空間全体に跳ね返り、自然の月明かり、雷雨、オーロラの効果を再現することができる。有機的で曲線的なフォルムは、〈The Leaf〉とその周辺の約400エーカーの公園内に植生するさまざまな植物のシンプルさと複雑さを同時に表現しているのである。

〈The Leaf〉

©︎ Ema Peter Photography

KPMBアーキテクツのパートナーであるミッチェル・ホール(Mitchell Hall)は、次のように語る。



〈The Leaf〉

©︎ Richard Seck

〈The Leaf〉

©︎ Richard Seck


〈The Leaf〉は、地域社会がどのように自然を訪れ、触れ合い、学ぶかを形成する上で重要な役割を担っている。

〈The Leaf〉には、400種以上のユニークな植物が繁茂する4つのバイオームがある。ハートリー&ヘザー・リチャードソン熱帯バイオームは、カナダで最も高い屋内滝を眺めながら、来館者の発見を促す蛇行した小道が特徴である。地中海バイオームでは、ギリシャ、イタリア、南アフリカ、チリの自生植物の鮮やかな色彩、質感、香りが楽しむことができる。

〈The Leaf〉

©︎ Ema Peter Photography


〈The Leaf〉を囲むガラスの壁は、周囲の庭園を直接眺めることができる広大な眺望を提供し、内部の景観や植栽と周囲の公園をつないでいる。

〈The Leaf〉

©︎ Tom Arban Photography

〈The Leaf〉

©︎ Tom Arban Photography

アーキテクチャ49マニトバ支部のマネージングプリンシパルであるリー・マコーミック( Lee McCormick)は次のように語る。

「極端な気候のウィニペグに住む者として、どんなに頑健な人でも、寒く乾燥した長い冬からの休息はありがたいものである。手頃な料金で親しみやすい〈The Leaf〉は、冬の砂漠の中における都会のオアシスであり、人々を周囲の気候から一時的に遠ざけ、遠い国の植物と結びつけてくれる。」

〈The Leaf〉

©︎ Tom Arban Photography

〈The Leaf〉

©︎ Tom Arban Photography


カナダ最大級のETFE膜の建築物である〈The Leaf〉は、ウィニペグという北米で最も気温差の激しい地域の1つにて、従来の温室建築資材に比べて熱性能が相対的に向上した、注目すべき素材を紹介している。ETFEの屋根は、弾力性があり軽量で、優れた透明性をもつため、屋内のバイオームに十分な太陽光が届き、収容される植物種のニーズに応えることができる。

〈The Leaf〉には、自然換気や地下水流を利用したオープンループ地熱システムといったサステナブルな機能が組み込まれており、それぞれのバイオーム内の温度を効果的に調節しており、さらにミストファンを利用することで、最適な湿度を保ちながら、植物と来場者の両方に涼しさを提供している。

〈The Leaf〉

©︎ Ema Peter Photography

〈The Leaf〉

©︎ Tom Arban Photography

〈The Leaf〉

©︎ Ema Peter Photography

以下、KPMB Architectsのリリース(英文)です。

KPMB Architects and Architecture49 showcase The Leaf, a new horticultural attraction where visitors can experience global climates in the heart of the Canadian Prairies

Located at Assiniboine Park in Winnipeg, the gateway to the Canadian West, KPMB’s design inspired by nature captures the imagination of new generations

Winnipeg, Manitoba — KPMB Architects presents The Leaf at Winnipeg’s Assiniboine Park. The complex sees the addition of The Leaf – a project spanning 35 acres – housing four plant biomes, including a new butterfly garden, classroom, restaurant, and coffee bar. Marking the first horticultural attraction designed by KPMB Architects, The Leaf is a destination that features an interactive environment that focuses on the relationships between plants and people, and a sustainable precedent focusing on horticulture, plants, and the environment.

The Leaf constitutes a major part of Assiniboine Park Conservancy’s redevelopment plan. Since 2009, the Conservancy has been rejuvenating the century old grounds to breathe new life into the heart of the park, Assiniboine Park Zoo and, most recently, The Leaf.

The Leaf – the crown jewel of Assiniboine Park

KPMB Architects, in partnership with Architecture49, Blackwell Structural Engineers and HTFC Planning & Design, developed a design for The Leaf that reflects the Conservancy’s mission to promote greater public understanding and appreciation for the natural world. The hallmark of the novel design, The Leaf’s roof, takes its shape from nature and the Fibonacci sequence. The gentle spiral net found in sunflowers and nautilus shells is extrapolated in the roof’s intricate cablenet structure, which elegantly unfurls around the body of the The Leaf, reminiscent of a blossoming flower. To further the design, lights within the The Leaf were placed strategically on a diagrid 33 metres from grade and reflectors hang overhead allowing the light to bounce throughout the space to replicate the effect of natural moonlight, thunderstorms, and the Northern Lights. The organic, curvilinear form echoes at once the simplicity and complexity of the many plant species housed within The Leaf and in the nearly 400 acres of surrounding parkland.

“For The Leaf, we wanted to create a transcendent experience that centres nature and sustainability. We wanted to do something innovative, something extraordinary, that could be enjoyed year-round in a city with extreme climates. The structure is inspired by nature with a roof that unfurls like a petal and the diverse biomes inside encourage curiosity, learning and delight at every turn. The architecture goes beyond a mere place to house and showcase these climate biomes. The building itself is designed as an ode to the beauty of nature so visitors can feel the respect for the earth and environment from the very first look.” – Mitchell Hall, KPMB Partner

The Leaf will play a critical role in shaping how communities arrive at, interact with, and learn about nature. The Leaf houses four biomes where more than 400 unique plant species flourish. Visitors start in the Hartley and Heather Richardson Tropical Biome featuring a meandering pathway that encourages visitor discovery, with Canada’s tallest indoor waterfall in view. The Mediterranean Biome brings together the most vibrant colours, textures and fragrances of native plants from Greece, Italy, South Africa, and Chile. The Babs Asper Display House celebrates the art of horticulture with a rotating schedule of dynamic floral displays that will change four to five times per year, exploring seasonal and global themes. Lastly, Shirley Richardson Butterfly Garden provides access to a canopy walkway that wraps around the waterfall and overlooks the Tropical Biome. Glass walls running the perimeter of The Leaf provide expansive views, and connect the interior landscapes and plantings with the surrounding park, providing direct views of the surrounding gardens.

“As Winnipegger’s we celebrate the extremes of our climate, however even the hardiest of us appreciate a break from the long cold dry winter. The Leaf is an affordable, approachable and accessible urban oasis in the winter desert that transports one temporarily away and connects all people to plants in faraway lands. The facility is a fantastical technical achievement that elevates the spirit through the amplification of the natural systems to allow visitors to reawaken their appreciation of the horticultural world while the outside world is in hibernation.” – Lee McCormick, Managing Principal, Architecture49 Manitoba

The Leaf, one of Canada’s largest Ethylene Tetrafluoroethylene (ETFE) buildings, showcases a remarkable material that has a relatively improved thermal performance compared to conventional greenhouse construction materials. Winnipeg experiences one of the most significant temperature ranges in North America. The ETFE roof provides a resilient and lightweight material with exceptional transparency that allows ample sunlight to reach the indoor biome and cater to the needs of the plant species housed within. The Leaf incorporates sustainable features such as natural ventilation and an open-loop geothermal system made possible by subsurface water flow, which effectively regulates temperatures within the distinct biomes. Additionally, mist fans are utilized to provide cooling for both the plants and visitors while maintaining optimal moisture levels.

The Leaf’s outdoor gardens, designed by HTFC Planning & Design, connect the building to the outdoors, and provide opportunities for social and community interaction. The outdoor gardens at The Leaf stretch across 30 acres of gardens and greenspace in the southeast corner of Assiniboine Park, with six unique areas to explore, including the Indigenous Peoples Garden, Kitchen Garden, Sensory Garden, Performance Garden, Seasonal Garden, and The Grove.

About KPMB Architects

KPMB is an internationally recognized practice based in Toronto. The firm’s wide-ranging work has earned over 400 respected awards, including 18 Governor General’s Medals, Canada’s highest honour. The firm’s 150 highly collaborative professionals form interdisciplinary teams to develop innovative, regenerative design solutions that meet clients’ needs and address the major challenges of our time. Guided by their vision and anchored by their values, the firm is committed to shaping a more equitable and sustainable future through architecture and design.

About Architecture49

Architecture49 has over half a century of experience in designing award-winning projects worldwide, focusing on creating inspiring spaces that improve health, social vitality, and sustainability in communities. They believe in a multi-disciplinary approach and can shape urban infrastructure according to Canadian principles of honesty, diversity, practicality, and regionalism. Architecture49 navigates a diverse range of urban and rural contexts, blending contemporary glass with centuries-old stonework in some cities and utilizing local expertise in extreme weather conditions. They respond to the unique character of each region while maintaining a consistent vision of collaboration, quality, and creative design.

About Assiniboine Park

For over a century, Assiniboine Park has served Winnipeg as a hub of year-round activity, a joyful gathering place, and a natural oasis where visitors can connect with nature and each other. The Park is home to popular attractions like the Assiniboine Park Zoo and The Leaf. Winding trails, wide open green spaces, and breathtaking gardens encourage people to get outdoors and be active. Educational programs, free outdoor entertainment at the Lyric Theatre, public art galleries, unique event venues, and a great variety of events and activities provide amazing opportunities for learning, celebration and recreation year-round. With attractions that blend the best of physical activity, sight-seeing, dining and nature into one unforgettable experience, Assiniboine Park is the perfect place to relax and play in every season.

「The Leaf」KPMB Architects 公式サイト


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  • 植物のシンプルさと複雑さを表現する有機的な温室〈The Leaf〉KPMBアーキテクツ、カナダ