
バイオベース・地産材・取り外し可能という3原則のもと建てられた〈The Voice of Urban Nature〉

〈The Voice of Urban Nature〉Overtreders W

© Jorn van Eck

オランダのアルメールで開催された国際園芸博覧会フロリアード2022(FLORIADE 2022)のために建てられた〈The Voice of Urban Nature〉は、その名の通り都市の自然の声を展示することで、人と自然がいかに一体化し、互いに補強し合えるかを示すパビリオンです。

木材やヘンプクリートといった100%バイオベースかつ地産の材料で建てられており、すべての建築要素は取り外し可能なため、エキスポ終了後、一部はアルメールに、もう一部はアムステルダムに移設されます。より持続可能な未来のために建築に対する新しい視点を開発している、アムステルダムを拠点に活動する建築スタジオ Overtreders Wが設計しました。

(以下、Overtreders Wから提供されたプレスキットのテキストの抄訳)

〈The Voice of Urban Nature〉Overtreders W

© Jorn van Eck

フロリアード2022のために、アルメール市とアムステルダム市からの依頼のもと設計された〈The Voice of Urban Nature〉は、建築業界の未来に大きな影響を与えることを目的とした小さな建物である。


〈The Voice of Urban Nature〉Overtreders W

© Jorn van Eck


それぞれ建築デザイン、ランドスケープデザイン、展示デザインを担当したOvertreders W、De Onkruidenier & Joost Emmerik、KossmannDeJongは、〈The Voice of Urban Nature〉を1つの統合された空間とレイヤーの物語としてデザインした。デザインは敷地全体に広がり、人と自然がどのように協力し、互いを補強し合えるかを多面的に示している。

〈The Voice of Urban Nature〉Overtreders W

© Jorn van Eck




〈The Voice of Urban Nature〉Overtreders W

© Jorn van Eck

このような地域の素材へのアプローチを実現するためには、パビリオンの建設業者であるFiction Factoryが設計プロセスの最初から関与することが不可欠であった。彼らは最終設計が完了する前に必要な材料の収穫を開始し、100%地産かつバイオベースであり、取り外しも可能にするという原則がすべてのディテールにおいて妥協なく実行された。


〈The Voice of Urban Nature〉Overtreders W

© Jorn van Eck




〈The Voice of Urban Nature〉では庭、展示、建物が一体となっている。

島のように配された有機的な形状の庭は、オープンな木造フレームで遊び心たっぷりに縁取られている。この黒いフレームの中のいくつかのパネルには、イラストレーターであるPaul Faassenによる風変わりで少しトゲのあるドローイングが展示されており、共に視覚的なマニフェストを形成している。


〈The Voice of Urban Nature〉Overtreders W

© Jorn van Eck




〈The Voice of Urban Nature〉Overtreders W© Jorn van Eck建物と生活の庭には、人間が建築資材として利用できる作物が植えられているが、同時に都市の自然が動物たちに生活空間を提供していることも明らかにされている。色と香りが爆発的に広がる食の庭では、サツマイモや仙女の舞など、おなじみの作物やあまり知られていない食用作物を発見できるだろう。


〈The Voice of Urban Nature〉Overtreders W

© Jorn van Eck


〈The Voice of Urban Nature〉によって、デザイナーたちは保守的な建築界に、建築への持続可能な循環型アプローチが、堅牢で現代的で壮大なデザインにつながることを示したいと考えている。


〈The Voice of Urban Nature〉Overtreders W

© Jorn van Eck



〈The Voice of Urban Nature〉Overtreders W

© Jorn van Eck


〈The Voice of Urban Nature〉は、地産のバイオベース建材を使うことで、人口密集地でも魅力的な建築が可能であること、そして農業と建築の転換が、よりクリーンで美しく豊かな住環境につながることを示している。

〈The Voice of Urban Nature〉Overtreders W

© Jorn van Eck


〈The Voice of Urban Nature〉は、より大規模で、拡張可能で、かつ永続的な発展の第一歩である。その実現には伝統的な方法を取り入れつつ改善することが重要であり、Overtreders Wはこの理念を守り続けている。

〈The Voice of Urban Nature〉Overtreders W

© Jorn van Eck

〈The Voice of Urban Nature〉Overtreders W

© Jorn van Eck

〈The Voice of Urban Nature〉Overtreders W

Exploded view

〈The Voice of Urban Nature〉Overtreders W


〈The Voice of Urban Nature〉Overtreders W

Front and Rear Elevations

〈The Voice of Urban Nature〉Overtreders W

Side Elevations

以下、Overtreders Wのリリース(英文)です。


The Voice of Urban Nature designed for the municipalities of Almere and Amsterdam for the Floriade Expo 2022 is a small building intended to have a large impact on the future of the building industry. Built from 100% biobased, locally sourced materials and intertwined with nature, the pavilion exhibits the voices of local urban nature, illustrating how people and nature can unite and reinforce one another. The primary construction applies striking black-coated timber modules filled with a pink hemp-lime, demonstrating how biobased construction can close local cycles and strengthen both local ecosystems and the regional economy.

Overtreders W, de Onkruidenier, Joost Emmerik and KossmannDeJong designed ‘The Voice of Urban Nature’ as one integrated spatial and layered narrative. The design extends over the entire plot and shows in multiple ways how people and nature can work together and reinforce one another.


The Voice of Urban Nature is built from 100% local and biobased building materials and composed of a combination of wooden building modules filled with hemp-lime and robust structural columns. The raw materials were sourced as locally as possible in the vicinity of Almere and Amsterdam. All timber is sourced from regional forests, harvested for the maintenance of nature reserves, or second-hand wood from demolition projects in Amsterdam and Almere. This involved labour-intensive processes to remove thousands of nails and staples from reclaimed timber. Additionally, the striking black coating for the wood is made from flax oil grown in the fields around Schiphol Airport. Raw materials for the hempcrete include hemp fibers grown in Almere, and a pink pigment obtained from madder plants grown in Brabant. This approach towards local materials meant it was essential for the builders of the pavilion, FictionFactory, to be involved from the start of the design process. They began to harvest the necessary materials before the final design was completed, making sure the 100% local, biobased & demountable principle has been implemented without compromise in all details

All building elements are prefabricated and demountable meaning when the Expo is finished, the pavilion will be partly relocated in Almere and partly in Amsterdam. At the end of the lifespan of the modular building elements, all parts of the pavilion are biodegradable.


The metropolitan area of Amsterdam and Almere has trillions of inhabitants: people, animals, plants, trees, and microbes. How can we organize our cities in such a way that it provides for the necessities of life for all these inhabitants? In the Amsterdam-Almere pavilion at the Floriade Expo, 2022 everyone gets a voice in a garden full of encounters.

On arrival, the pavilion appears to be very solid with only two openings, but when inside you find yourself in an airy walled garden. A short animation introduces you to the urban nature of Amsterdam and Almere. Garden, exhibition and building meander through each other: organically shaped garden islands are playfully framed by open wooden frames. Several panels in these black frames display quirky and somewhat prickly drawings by Paul Faassen, together forming a visual manifesto. Wandering through the landscape you come across QR codes that link to audio encounters with inspiring people, and members of other species from Amsterdam and Almere. They explain how you can commit to a greener future.


The 6 garden islands show the potential richness of urban nature. Each small biotope zooms in on a different theme. The garden of life and death shows the entanglement between plants, soil life and fungal culture. In the pioneer garden all kinds of pioneer plants grow among the building rubble, such as evening primrose, yarrow, and wild carrot. The garden of building and living contains crops that can be used by humans for building materials, but also reveals how urban nature provides living space for animals. In an explosion of color and scent, you will discover familiar and lesser-known edible crops such as sweet potato or elephant ear in the food garden. The garden continues on the roof of the pavilion, which is inaccessible to humans and instead a place where birds and winged insects can nest in nectar plants such as yellow mustard and incarnate clover.


With The Voice of Urban Nature, the designers want to show the conservative construction world that a sustainable circular approach to architecture can lead to robust, contemporary and spectacular designs. Where biobased materials are often gray or beige, the hemp-lime walls are innovatively colored pink and contrasted with the black wood. Furthermore, the material choices and construction techniques intend to demonstrate how both municipalities are taking the necessary steps towards an agricultural and construction transition. In the twentieth century, both sectors were mainly focused on increasing scale and increasing production, in order to accommodate and feed the growing world population. It is now clear that there are enormous disadvantages: Biodiversity is under pressure worldwide, too much nitrogen and CO2 is emitted, raw materials are being exhausted and are becoming waste products at a rapid rate.

Production of biobased building materials offer farmers an alternative to livestock farming, as well as helping to address the urgent need to build more housing in a sustainable and circular manner. The Voice of Urban Nature shows that you can already create attractive architecture in a densely populated area with local biobased building materials, and is an inspiring example for builders and self-builders to change their approach. The pavilion therefore shows that the agricultural and construction transition can lead to a cleaner, more beautiful and richer living environment. Building with hemp is not new, but has been used in small-scale projects in the Netherlands a number of times. What is new, is the application of a modular and demountable building system which, if developed further, offers many possibilities for future architecture. The Voice of Urban Nature is the first step in a larger, scalable and more permanent development, and thus it is important to experiment with and improve traditional methods, an ideology Overtreders W continually follow.


Commissioned by: Municipalities of Almere & Amsterdam
Architectural design: Overtreders W
Exhibition design and art direction: KossmannDeJong
Landscape Design: De Onkruidenier & Joost Emmerik
Construction and urban mining: Fiction Factory
Drawings in exhibtion: Paul Faassen
Gardener: Paul Casteleijn
Horticulturist: Blooming Business
Photography: Jorn van Eck
Animation: Paul Faassen, Bas Mooij, Jonas Leopold


The design of the voice of urban nature is a step in the new radical oeuvre of Overtreders W. With their work the designers want to inspire the conservative construction world to change by showing that the choice for a sustainable circular approach to architecture can lead to to sleek, modern and spectacular designs.

Kossmanndejong designs spatial stories for museums, organisations, events and public space. Recent projects include House of Artisans in Abu Dhabi (UAE), WeTheCurious in Bristol (UK) and Beth Haim in Ouderkerk aan de Amstel.

Artists collective de Onkruidenier consisting of Ronald Boer, Jonmar van Vlijmen and Rosanne van Wijk works on projects in which the search for new symbiotic relationships with a continuously changing adaptation is central. Their work practice is a living ecosystem together with public speculation about future relationships between people and (city) nature.

Emmerik garden design and research creates gardens and outdoor spaces for those people who dare to get close to nature, who want the wild and spontaneous welcome in their living environment. The garden as a room, not of man but of nature.

From April 14 to October 9, 2022, Almere will be the stage for the world horticultural exhibition Floriade Expo 2022. Dutch horticulture will then, together with national partners and partners, present innovations and solutions for sustainable and liveable cities. The theme “Growing Green Cities” is central on the 60-hectare site.

「THE VOICE OF URBAN NATURE」Overtreders W 公式サイト


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  • 地域で素材を収穫・循環し自然に還るパビリオン〈The Voice of Urban Nature〉Overtreders W、オランダ