© Gregori Civera
© Gregori Civera
〈TOVA〉はスペイン初の3Dプリント建築物であり、スペイン・バルセロナ近郊に位置するIAACのValldaura Labsに建っている。クレーンWASPプリンタと100%地元の素材と労働力で建設され、廃棄物はゼロ、CO2排出量もほぼゼロとなっている。
© Mehdi Harrak
© Gregori Civera
© Mehdi Harrak
© Mehdi Harrak
© Mehdi Harrak
〈TOVA〉は、「新欧州バウハウス・アワード2023」における「Shaping a circular industrial ecosystem and supporting life-cycle thinking(循環型産業エコシステムの形成し・ライフサイクル思考の支援)」部門を受賞した。
© Gregori Civera
TOVA is Spain’s first 3D printed building with Crane WASP
3D printed building using local earth
TOVA is the first 3D printed building in Spain, located at Valldaura Labs in Barcelona. It was built with the Crane WASP printer and 100% local materials and labor, generating zero waste and nearly zero carbon emissions.
This manufacturing system can be used globally to address housing emergencies and was developed by the 3D Printing Architecture (3dPA) program at the Institute for Advanced Architecture of Catalonia (IAAC).
Spain’s first 3D printed structure: the TOVA prototype
IAAC has completed the TOVA prototype at Valldaura Labs near Barcelona, Spain. The 3D printed structure was created using the Crane WASP printer and a mixture of earth, aloe, egg whites, and enzymes sourced from within a 50-meter radius of the construction site.
The prototype was designed to demonstrate sustainable building solutions for the design and architecture industries in Spain and generated no waste during the building process. Its foundation was made with a geo-polymer and topped with a wood roof, with a waterproof coating added to withstand extreme weather conditions.
Sustainable building solutions
The building takes into account the climatic conditions of the Mediterranean and has near-zero emissions. It can be used for a variety of applications, from homes to public spaces, and can reduce the environmental impact of construction.
The possible applications of this construction model are endless. In combination with other construction systems, it can accommodate complex and innovative buildings that would reduce the environmental impact that construction currently entails.
IAAC and WASP’s collaboration in sustainable 3D printing
IAAC and WASP have been working together for almost 5 years now. Since then, the two companies have not stopped collaborating in the field of additive manufacturing of sustainable architecture.
Students in IAAC’s 3D Printing Architecture program are able to incorporate the institute’s current knowledge and research with WASP technologies through mutual learning experiences.
This collaboration between WASP and universities and research centers around the world demonstrates WASP’s commitment to shaping the future of 3D printing.
Prizes and awards
TOVA is one of the winners of the New European Bauhaus Prizes 2023 in the category ‘Shaping a circular industrial ecosystem and supporting life-cycle thinking’.
The New European Bauhaus is a creative and interdisciplinary initiative run by the European Union that connects the European Green Deal to our living spaces and experiences. The Prizes recognize and reward existing projects which demonstrate that the sustainable solutions promoted by the European Green Deal can also be inclusive and beautiful, bringing high-quality experiences to people’s everyday lives.
“If the European Green Deal has a soul, then it is the New European Bauhaus which has led to an explosion of creativity across our Union.”
– Ursula von der Leyen, President of the European CommissionArchitectural 3D printer
TOVA was created using Crane WASP, a collaborative 3D printing system that can print houses using locally sourced materials, also known as Km 0 materials.
「TOVA」WASP 公式サイト