
従来のガソリンスタンドから転換する 公園のような充電ステーション〈Better Energy Charge〉

CLT製のEV専用充電ステーション〈Better Energy Charge〉EFFEKT

Axometric © EFFEKT

CLT製のEV専用充電ステーション〈Better Energy Charge〉EFFEKT

© Rasmus Hjortshøj

デンマークのセナボーに建てられた〈Better Energy Charge〉は、CLTで構築されたEV専用の充電ステーションです。ガソリンスタンドと異なり有害な排気ガスの排出やガソリン流出のリスクもないため、充電中も楽しめる公園のようなレクリエーションスペースを備えています。

このプロジェクトは今後も続々と建設が予定されているため、モジュラーシステムで構築することにより、さまざまな敷地要件に対応するための拡張や縮小だけでなく、建築部材の分解や再利用を容易にします。コペンハーゲンを拠点とする建築・都市計画スタジオ EFFEKTが設計しました。


CLT製のEV専用充電ステーション〈Better Energy Charge〉EFFEKT

© Rasmus Hjortshøj

CLT製のEV専用充電ステーション〈Better Energy Charge〉EFFEKT

© Rasmus Hjortshøj


デンマークのセナボーに建つこの充電パークは、再生可能エネルギー企業 Better Energy社の最初のパイロット・プロジェクトである。CLTを用いた木造建築であり、シームレスで魅力的なモビリティ体験を実現するために設計された。


CLT製のEV専用充電ステーション〈Better Energy Charge〉EFFEKT

© Rasmus Hjortshøj

CLT製のEV専用充電ステーション〈Better Energy Charge〉EFFEKT

From gas station to charging park © EFFEKT


さらに〈Better Energy Charge〉は地域の生態系や野生動植物の生息地を統合している。この統合は、充電パークを取り囲む野生の草原植物が活気に満ち溢れる春にはさらに明白になる。

CLT製のEV専用充電ステーション〈Better Energy Charge〉EFFEKT

© Rasmus Hjortshøj

CLT製のEV専用充電ステーション〈Better Energy Charge〉EFFEKT

© Rasmus Hjortshøj

EFFEKTの共同創設者兼クリエイティブ・ディレクターであるシナス・リンゲ(Sinus Lynge)は次のように語る。


「人間が自然界の不可欠な一部であるならば、建築とインフラは、人間と自然の関係を新しい方法でデザインする手段となる。私たちは〈Better Energy Charge〉のデザインを通じて、デンマークとヨーロッパで暮らす人々に、テクノロジーを使って自然とのつながりを取り戻すことができることを示したいと考えている。」

CLT製のEV専用充電ステーション〈Better Energy Charge〉EFFEKT

© Rasmus Hjortshøj

CLT製のEV専用充電ステーション〈Better Energy Charge〉EFFEKT

© Rasmus Hjortshøj


〈Better Energy Charge〉は、再生可能エネルギーの生産のピーク時に自動車を充電するよう促すため、消費者にインセンティブを与えるダイナミック・プライシング・スキームを導入している。

Better Energyのパワー・ソリューション担当であるピーター・ムンク・ソーイェンセン(Peter Munck Søe-Jensen)は次のように語る。

「私たちは、送電網に再生可能エネルギーがたくさんある際に価格を安くすることで、 太陽が照りつけ、風が吹いている時、人々が車を充電することを奨励している。このアプローチはユーザーに低価格を提供するだけでなく、エネルギー貯蔵などの長年の問題を解決し、EVに電力を供給するエネルギーが実際に環境に優しいものであることを保証する。」

CLT製のEV専用充電ステーション〈Better Energy Charge〉EFFEKT

© Rasmus Hjortshøj

CLT製のEV専用充電ステーション〈Better Energy Charge〉EFFEKT

© Rasmus Hjortshøj





CLT製のEV専用充電ステーション〈Better Energy Charge〉EFFEKT

Building life cycle © EFFEKT

CLT製のEV専用充電ステーション〈Better Energy Charge〉EFFEKT

Designing with nature © EFFEKT



CLT製のEV専用充電ステーション〈Better Energy Charge〉EFFEKT

Integrated charging park © EFFEKT

CLT製のEV専用充電ステーション〈Better Energy Charge〉EFFEKT

Scalability © EFFEKT


「〈Better Energy Charge〉では、エネルギー、エコロジー、建築の各分野における優れた手法を取り入れることで、モビリティ体験を再考する機会を得た。EVは充電に時間がかかるため、必要不可欠な充電設備に加え、ドライバーや乗客が休憩したりリラックスしたりできるよう、質の高いサービスや自然環境に囲まれたレクリエーションエリアをステーションが備えていることも重要な考慮事項であった。」


さらに、来場者は屋上からBetter EnergyのR&Dソーラーパークを眺めたり、ショールームで再生可能エネルギーについて学んだりすることができる。

CLT製のEV専用充電ステーション〈Better Energy Charge〉EFFEKT

© Rasmus Hjortshøj

CLT製のEV専用充電ステーション〈Better Energy Charge〉EFFEKT

© Rasmus Hjortshøj

CLT製のEV専用充電ステーション〈Better Energy Charge〉EFFEKT

© Rasmus Hjortshøj

CLT製のEV専用充電ステーション〈Better Energy Charge〉EFFEKT

© Rasmus Hjortshøj

CLT製のEV専用充電ステーション〈Better Energy Charge〉EFFEKT

© Rasmus Hjortshøj

CLT製のEV専用充電ステーション〈Better Energy Charge〉EFFEKT

© Rasmus Hjortshøj

CLT製のEV専用充電ステーション〈Better Energy Charge〉EFFEKT

© Rasmus Hjortshøj

CLT製のEV専用充電ステーション〈Better Energy Charge〉EFFEKT

© Rasmus Hjortshøj

CLT製のEV専用充電ステーション〈Better Energy Charge〉EFFEKT

© Rasmus Hjortshøj


EFFEKT transforms the conventional petrol station into a charging park designed to signal the shift from fossil fuels to renewable energy

Architecture studio EFFEKT has revealed the design for a new fast charging station for EVs (electric vehicles) “Better Energy Charge” in Sønderborg, Denmark, transforming the conventional petrol station into a park!

Completed as the first pilot project for the renewable energy company, Better Energy, with more in the pipeline, the charging park’s timber structure was designed to create a seamless and inviting mobility experience. It aims to address the pressing challenges of EV adoption and charging infrastructure across Europe while promoting the synergy between renewable energy, environmental consciousness and technology.

Unlike traditional petrol stations that rely on carbon-intensive materials such as concrete, steel, asphalt, and glass, Better Energy Charge embraces permeable surfaces, recreational spaces in natural surroundings and biobased materials. In addition, the charging station integrates local ecosystems and habitats for wildlife and plants. This integration will become even more apparent in Spring when a vibrant mix of wild meadow flora will surround the charging park – offering users a nature experience in a biodiverse space – making the charging experience more than just a practicality.

“One of the major discussions we have in Europe today concerns the resistance to the deployment of green energy technology. However, technology does not have to be in opposition to nature; in fact, it is a prerequisite for preserving the natural world and ecosystems that we inhabit and are entirely dependent on,” said EFFEKT Co-founder and Creative Director, Sinus Lynge.

“If we re-establish the idea of humans being an integral part of the natural world, architecture and infrastructure become the means to design human-nature relationships in a new way. With the design for Better Energy Charge, we hope to demonstrate to the Danish and European people that we can use technology to reconnect with nature if we are careful about getting the design right,” he continued.

Better Energy Charge implements a dynamic pricing scheme, which incentivises consumers to charge their vehicles at peak times for renewable energy.

“We want to encourage people to charge their car when there is a lot of renewable electricity in the grid by making it cheaper when the sun is shining and the wind is blowing,” said Peter Munck Søe-Jensen, EVP of Power Solutions at Better Energy. “Not only does this approach offer lower prices to users, it also helps solve long standing issues such as energy storage and ensures that the energy powering our EVs is actually green.”

A glimpse into the future of green mobility
The charging park’s organic shape is designed to signal the shift from fossil fuels to renewable energy and is inspired by the curved car lanes that make up the charging station’s primary function.

“We wanted the pavilion’s design to be organic and inviting, much like Danish furniture classics. We have used nature’s own materials – the construction is built in cross-laminated timber, which binds CO2 from the atmosphere throughout its entire lifespan,” explained Sinus Lynge.

The commitment to sustainability extends throughout the lifecycle of the station, with the use of mass timber to minimise waste and enhance scalability. A modular grid system allows for easy expansion or downsizing to accommodate different site requirements, and it also enables the effortless disassembly and repurposing of building components.

“With Better Energy Charge, we had the opportunity to rethink the mobility experience by incorporating best practices from the energy, ecology, and building sectors. Electric cars take some time to charge, so in addition to essential charging facilities, it was an important consideration that the station features quality services and recreational areas in natural surroundings for drivers and passengers to rest and relax,” said Sinus Lynge.

“Electric cars are quiet, have no harmful emissions, and don’t spill oil and gasoline. This allowed us to champion eco-friendly features such as a green sedum roof and flower beds that absorb rainwater and permeable paving that blurs the boundaries between the green surroundings and the driving areas,” he added.
Furthermore, visitors have the opportunity to access the rooftop for a view of Better Energy’s R&D solar park or to look inside a showroom to learn more about renewable energy.

Project Credits
Location: Sønderborg, Denmark
Client: Better Energy
Architect: EFFEKT Architects
Engineer: Hobson rådgivende ingeniører, Ergodomus

EFFEKT is a research-based design studio working at the intersection of architecture, urbanism, landscape, and R&D. Based in Copenhagen, the studio uses holistic design solutions with the aim of creating lasting social, economic, and environmental change to the benefit of people and the planet. Established in 2007, EFFEKT employs 50 designers, thinkers, and builders working under the creative leadership of the two founders Tue Hesselberg Foged and Sinus Lynge.

EFFEKT has made its mark on the international architecture scene with a number of award-winning projects, such as the 45-metre high Forest Tower in Gisselfeld Kloster’s forest, the transformation of an old wind turbine factory into the GAME Streetmekka Viborg sports and cultural center, the eco-village concept for ReGen Villages, and the design of the Livsrum Cancer Counseling Center. The recently inaugurated Living Places Copenhagen showcases a total of seven prototypes – five open pavilions and two completed full-scale homes that demonstrate how we can develop sustainable buildings with a threefold reduction in CO2 footprint and a first-class indoor climate. The Living Places concept holds the lowest CO2 emissions in Denmark, demonstrating that we do not have to wait for future technology to build more sustainably.

About Better Energy
Better Energy was founded with the purpose of accelerating the transition to renewable energy sources with better solutions and mass quantities of affordable clean energy. We are an international renewable energy company specialising in creating new green energy. We are determined to drive change and help companies, cities and countries choose green energy in a way that brings new renewables online in an efficient and safe manner. We design, develop, engineer, finance, build, operate, and own renewable power plants in Denmark, Poland, Finland and Sweden.

「Better Energy Charge」EFFEKT 公式サイト






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  • グリーンモビリティの未来をつくるCLTの充電パーク〈Better Energy Charge〉EFFEKT、デンマーク