
学校建築にパラダイムシフトをもたらす インドのインターナショナル・スクールに建つ〈Cocoon, Pre-primary Extension〉


© vinay panjwani

© vinay panjwani

〈Cocoon, Pre-primary Extension〉は、インドの都市ヴィジャヤワダに位置するブルーミングデール・インターナショナル・スクール(Bloomingdale International School)の敷地内に建てられた、未就学児のための学校建築です。


インドのアーメダバードを拠点に活動するアンドブラック・デザイン・スタジオ(andblack design studio)が設計した、コンピュテーショナル・デザインとプレファブリケーションという現代的なテクノロジーを活用することで、このユニークな空間を限られた予算の中で実現した建築です。

(以下、andblack design studioから提供されたプレスキットのテキストの抄訳)

© vinay panjwani



このインターナショナル・スクールは、型にはまらない教育を提供するというビジョンをコア・バリューとし、地域の他のプレスクールが提供する以上のものを提供することを心情としている。そして〈Cocoon, Pre-primary Extension〉は、考え抜かれた建築デザインを通じて、幼児教育にパラダイム・シフトをもたらそうというものである。

© vinay panjwani

© vinay panjwani

〈Cocoon, Pre-primary Extension〉は、キャンパス内の既存の校舎に隣接する4,000ft²(約370m²)のエリアを占めており、この2つの建物をつなぐ中庭は、敷地の地形に沿って、まるで丘を登るように新しい増築部分に向かって上っている。


© vinay panjwani

© vinay panjwani




© vinay panjwani

© vinay panjwani

従来の学校建築と一線を画すもう1つのポイントは、視覚的な興味を喚起するために用いられる鮮やかな色彩の代わりに、造形を利用していることにある。この考え方の中心には、 「建物はランドスケープの一部ではなく、それ自体がランドスケープとしてあるべきである」という思いがある。



© vinay panjwani

© vinay panjwani




Isometric Exploded



Pipe – Column Junction

CHS Unique Assembly



© vinay panjwani




© vinay panjwani

© vinay panjwani

© vinay panjwani


以下、andblack design studioのリリース(英文)です。

Project Name:
Bloomingdale International School
Cocoon, Pre-primary Extension

Year of Completion: 2024 (30/01/2024)

Chepalakundila Road, Penamaluru
Vijayawada, Andhra Pradesh
Pincode – 521137

andblack team:
Jwalant Mahadevwala
Adity Rawat

Structural Consultant:
Shehzad Irani
Schafbock design+workshop

Vinay Panjwani

A harbinger of architectural influence on moulding the creation of upcoming educational environments.
In a region where traditional education systems dominate the sector, Bloomingdale International School in Vijayawada, highlights the transformative power of parametric architecture in pushing the boundaries of education and challenging the conventional norms. It is the first-of-its-kind institute, and the only International School in the state of Andhra Pradesh, India, that has: in its core value a vision to provide education that is unconventional by standards; in its heart to go beyond what other pre-schools in the region provide; and in its brief to bring a paradigm shift in the early education through thoughtful architectural design.
The pre-school occupies a 4000 sq. ft. area within the campus, adjoining the existing school building. Connecting the two buildings is a sunken courtyard, following the topography of the site and ascending towards the new extension as if climbing a hill. This site arrangement, along with the need to cater to about 100 pre-schoolers, offered the architects a unique opportunity to develop something that was unique to the school campus. The outcome is a design that challenges the notion of what a school should be. It does so by bringing the built form, landscape, and interiors together into a single entity, using non-conventional spatial organization, modern technology, and robust materials.

In line with its vision, the architecture of Bloomingdale International School breaks away from the typical school design norms. Instead of the usual box-like classrooms, the layout envisions classrooms as fluid, interconnected spaces that foster free movement and interactions. The design seamlessly merges spaces for playing and learning, blurring the lines between the two. The courtyard adds to this effect by adapting itself as a playground, a classroom, an amphitheatre or a puddle pool as the function demands. These unique spatial experience is further enhanced by the use of full-height glass panels in place of walls and skylights in the roof. By doing so, the design completely eliminates the understanding of what is inside and what is outside, thereby making the landscape an extension of the built space and vice versa.

Another point of departure from conventional school architecture is the design’s reliance on built form instead of bright colors to generate visual interest. Central to this idea lies the thought: “the building, instead of being a part of the landscape, should be a form of the landscape in itself.” This is evident by the curved, undulating roof emulating a wave or perhaps rolling hills. When one views this building from a distance, the viewer can immediately catch glimpses of the landscape beyond, making the building seem like a part of the scene itself. A closer look reveals the real ingenuity of the design: kids inhabiting the building, as if protected within a cocoon.

The fluid form of the roof – covered in turf and resting on an unobstructed structural space devoid of any internal supports or partitions – has been conceptualized using computational tools. Its ingenuity lies in how the green surface outcasts the rest of the built form, making it a landmark in the area. Even more surprising, is the fact that the structure itself has been realized within a limited budget by adopting an efficient construction process that considers readily available resources and technologies.

Its reliance, especially, on prefabricated materials is another critical aspect of the design. The structural core of the roof has been erected on site using prefabricated elements and construction techniques that involved directing unique junction plates at each intersection of bent circular hollow sections along along the X and Y axes. Whereas the required curvature has been attained by varying the heights of precisely fabricated and assembled junctions. Structural complexities in achieving the smooth external skin were resolved with a ferrocement shell integrated above the unique metal structure.

When this structure is viewed from inside, the roof creates a captivating sense of wonder and mystery at the same time. Exposed structural elements along the ceiling present a beautiful contrast to the exterior turfed surface, thereby allowing the true character of materials to shine. The visual effect of this austere material palette is heightened by natural light dissipating through the skylights, punctuating the seamless curvature and creating an anchor point in each classroom. The movement of the light and shadow, diffusing in the classroom across the day, adds another playful element to the design.

The architecture of this school is unique in its structural expression, innovation in design and the resoluteness in its unconventional approach, where every part has been thoughtfully designed to reinvent the concept of educational spaces and leave an impression on its users. The use of full-height glass panels and turfed roof; fluid spatial organization of classrooms; reliance on prefabrication and computational technologies; and a parametric architectural form, deviate from ‘typical box building’, creating a distinct, non-conformist and playful structure that could keep childlike curiosity alive. In doing so, Bloomingdale International School stands as a harbinger of the power of architecture in shaping the design of future educational spaces.


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  • 学校建築にパラダイムシフトをもたらす 学びと遊びを融合する湾曲屋根の教育空間〈Cocoon, Pre-primary Extension〉アンドブラック・デザイン・スタジオ、インド