Photography by Michael Vahrenwald/ESTO
Photography by Michael Vahrenwald/ESTO
2018年のオープン以来、数百万人が訪れるニューヨークで人気の広場であるドミノ・パークに新たにオープンした〈ドミノ・スクエア(Domino Square)〉は、ドミノ・パークを延長し、地域社会をつなぐ公共広場およびイベントスペースです。
ブルックリンを拠点とする建築事務所Studio Cadenaと、ランドスケープ・アーキテクチャ・ファームField Operationsが共同で設計しました。
- 歴史ある精糖工場跡地のアダプティブリユース・プロジェクト「ドミノ・パーク」
- 円形劇場のような空間をつくる「お椀型」のデザイン
- 周りを囲む象徴的なランドマークや建物をつなぐ場
- 地域の歴史や耐久性を意識した無骨で実用的なマテリアル
(以下、Studio Cadenaから提供されたプレスキットのテキストの抄訳)
Photography by Michael Vahrenwald/ESTO
Photography by Michael Vahrenwald/ESTO
ドミノ・パークの開発・運営会社Two Trees Managementは2024年9月23日、〈ドミノ・スクエア〉のオープンを発表した。〈ドミノ・スクエア〉は、ドミノ・パークの延長として機能する公共広場およびイベントスペースである。
Photography by Michael Vahrenwald/ESTO
Two Treesの新しい住宅地開発である〈ワン・ドミノ・スクエア(One Domino Square)〉と新しいオフィスビル〈ザ・リファイナリー・アット・ドミノ(The Refinery at Domino)〉の間に位置する〈ドミノ・スクエア〉は、ドミノ・パークのコミュニティの活動を向上させ、さらに幅広い地域社会に柔軟で快適な公共スペースを創出するために設計された、プログラム可能な公共広場およびフレキシブルな屋外スペースである。
〈ドミノ・スクエア〉は、ドミノパークとマンハッタンのハイラインの設計も担当したランドスケープ・アーキテクチャ・ファームField Operationsと、ブルックリンを拠点とする建築事務所Studio Cadenaが共同で設計した。
Photography by Michael Vahrenwald/ESTO
Photography by Michael Vahrenwald/ESTO
Two Trees Managementのジェド・ワレントス氏(Jed Walentas)は次のように語る。
Photography by Michael Vahrenwald/ESTO
Photography by Michael Vahrenwald/ESTO
Photography by Michael Vahrenwald/ESTO
Photography by Michael Vahrenwald/ESTO
Studio Cadenaが設計した小売店アーケードは、通りの周囲に沿って配置された場所打ちコンクリート柱の連続から形成され、小売店舗と公園への入口を縁取る柱廊を形成している。
Photography by Michael Vahrenwald/ESTO
Photography by Michael Vahrenwald/ESTO
Photography by Michael Vahrenwald/ESTO
Field Operationsのパートナーであるリサ・ツィオナ・スウィトキン氏(Lisa Tziona Switkin)は次のように語る。
〈ドミノ・スクエア〉は、ウィリアムズバーグ橋のすぐ北側にある11エーカー(約44,500m²)のドミノ・シュガー・ファクトリー跡地を、世界クラスのオフィスや住宅、公共のオープンスペース、人気の飲食店、小売店を備えた活気ある複合用途地域として再開発するというTwo Treesのより広範な取り組みの一環である。
Photography by Michael Vahrenwald/ESTO
Photography by Michael Vahrenwald/ESTO
© StudioCadena
© StudioCadena
© StudioCadena
以下、Studio Cadenaのリリース(英文)です。
Opening of the 33,000-square-foot civic space marks completion of the six-acre, award-winning Domino Park
(NEW YORK, September 23, 2024) – THE DEVELOPER AND MANAGER OF DOMINO PARK, Two Trees Management, today announced the opening of Domino Square; a one-acre public plaza and events space that serves as an extension of Domino Park, the beloved waterfront esplanade at the Domino Sugar redevelopment site, which has drawn millions since its opening in 2018. Nestled between Two Trees’ new residential waterfront development One Domino Square and its new office offering The Refinery at Domino, Domino Square is a programmable public plaza and flexible outdoor space designed to enhance the lives of the Domino Park community and create further flexible and amenitized public space for the broader neighborhood.
Designed by landscape architecture firm Field Operations, the team responsible for the original Domino Park site and also the High Line in Manhattan, in collaboration with Brooklyn-based architecture firm Studio Cadena, Domino Square will host larger scale community activations such as farmer’s markets, graduations for neighborhood schools, salsa nights and more. The square will also serve as a hub for seasonal community activities year-round, including the debut of Williamsburg’s first waterfront ice skating rink, opening this November for the winter season. With the addition of the ice rink, Domino Square will become a wintertime destination for skaters of all ages.
“From the moment we bought Domino, we have been focused on creating one of the most highly utilized and diverse open spaces in all of Brooklyn,” said Jed Walentas, Principal at Two Trees Management. “We have obviously been thrilled with how the community has responded to and adopted Domino Park. Now, with the opening of the Square, we will be able to accommodate a broader array of activities that will attract neighbors from all walks of life. Domino Square will enhance everyone’s life in South Williamsburg. We are really proud of what we have built and excited to see its potential as it evolves.”
Surrounded by dynamic and eye-catching mixed-use buildings on three sides, Domino Square is conceived as a civic space that both complements Domino Park and serves as its own distinct place. Comprising a full city block, or 33,300 square feet, Domino Square was designed to create a “bowl-like” interior, with a lifted edge comprised of distinctive and lush planting beds and tiered seating that create a “theater-in-the-round” effect. Circulation through and amidst the Square is open and inviting, with strong physical and visual connections that bring people into the Square and highlight views to the landmarked Refinery building, Williamsburg Bridge, and iconic syrup tanks within Domino Park.
The Square’s materiality is reflective of Domino Park’s, while also incorporating elements that are specific to this urban space. The Square has a strong relationship with the Refinery building, providing a space for public uses envisioned at the ground floor to spill out into the Square. Given its location on Kent Avenue, the Square extends Domino Park further into the neighborhood, inviting more people to come and enjoy the park.
A retail arcade designed by Studio Cadena is created from a series of cast-in-place concrete piers along the street perimeter, forming a loggia that frames retail spaces and entry points for the park. Material choices are purposefully rugged and utilitarian, reflecting the building’s placement near the East River, the need for storm resilience, and continuing a narrative through line of the Domino site as a formerly industrial, adaptive reuse project. The concrete piers are sandblasted to reveal the bluestone aggregate and add tone and texture to the facade. Rather than hiding smokestacks from the water treatment facility below, instead these tubular ducts penetrate the building and prominently appear above the landscaped roof.
The tiered seating in the Square is surrounded by a mixture of conifer and deciduous trees within sculptural planting beds enclosed by Corten steel, providing shade and a sense of enclosure for events throughout all seasons.
A more passive park-like setting in the southwest corner includes intimate seating nooks and places for respite, shaped by a series of raised planting beds that create a lush and shaded environment. These further insulate the interior of the Square and create a buffer for the adjacent residential tower. A new seating overlook at the southwest corner faces out towards Domino Park and the Williamsburg Bridge.
“Domino Square completes the public open space promise to the community, enhances access to the neighborhood and waterfront, and offers a distinctive view of the Refinery building,” said Lisa Tziona Switkin, Partner, Field Operations. “Its design creates an urban room that enriches the vibrancy and day-to-day life of Domino Park with welcoming, porous, and lush gardens along its edges and a central communal space that allows for expanded year-round programming.”
Domino Square is part of Two Trees’ broader effort to redevelop the 11-acre Domino Sugar Factory Site just north of the Williamsburg Bridge into a dynamic mixed-use neighborhood complete with world-class office and residential space, the public open space, popular food and beverage offerings and retail. Domino Square is the latest addition to the historic site, following the opening of: Annabelle Selldorf-designed residential tower One Domino Square earlier this year; Class A office building at Refinery at Domino in 2023; fully-leased office building 10 Grand Street in 2020; residential building One South First in 2019, award-winning six-acre public Domino Park in June 2018; and residential building 325 Kent in 2017. Throughout the long-term planning process, Two Trees has prioritized cutting-edge design and architecture, community input, sustainability, and waterfront connectivity.
About Two Trees Management
Two Trees Management Company is a family-owned, Brooklyn-based real estate development firm best known for its singular role in transforming DUMBO from a neglected industrial waterfront into a vibrant mixed-use community, as well as the on-going creation of the Domino campus on the Williamsburg waterfront. Two Trees owns and manages a real estate portfolio worth more than $4 billion, including more than 4,000 market and affordable-rate apartments and over 3 million square feet of office and retail space in New York City. Since its founding in 1968, Two Trees has operated under the fundamental belief that successful neighborhoods offer a wide variety of uses and attract diverse groups of people, and that developers must play a fundamental role in cultivating livable streetscapes – because people prosper when neighborhoods bloom. In addition to the residential and commercial buildings across DUMBO, Williamsburg, Fort Greene, Brooklyn Heights, Hell’s Kitchen and Flatiron neighborhoods, other notable projects include Domino Park, The Plaza at 300 Ashland, The Refinery at Domino, River Ring, The Wythe Hotel and Jane’s Carousel.About Field Operations
Field Operations is a landscape architecture and urban design practice based in New York City, with a focus on the design, resiliency, and equity of public space in cities. Field Operations is renowned for strong contemporary design across a variety of project types and scales, from large urban districts, master plans and complex planning sites, to small well-crafted, detailed design projects. In all the work, there is a special commitment to the design of a vibrant and dynamic public realm, informed by the ecology of both people and nature, rooted in place and context. Important projects include the design of New York’s High Line, Gansevoort Peninsula at Hudson River Park, and Cornell Tech Campus, Brooklyn’s Domino Park, San Francisco’s Presidio Tunnel Tops, Waterfront Seattle, and Chicago’s Navy Pier.About Studio Cadena
Studio Cadena is an internationally recognized design and architecture practice interested in engaging contemporary life, the city, and its people by designing new and captivating spaces, places, and experiences for those who use them. Founded by Benjamin Cadena and based in Brooklyn, NY, the firm’s work has been published extensively and exhibited at the Center for Architecture, Espacio Odeon, Art OMI and The Storefront for Art and Architecture among others. Studio Cadena is a MWBE certified business.
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