──〈道の駅 ましこ〉のプロセスやあり方を伺うと、建築の役割が変わってきているように感じます。
It expands into the realm of architecture
I feel that the role of architecture is changing when I hear about the process and form of the Mashiko roadside station.
Mao: I used to think that architecture had a role to play, but that role was very limited.
I think architecture had an essential role to play beyond what we had set out to do.
It seems that the primary role of architecture is now expanding, or is it expanding? I guess that’s the feeling.
The current state of architecture has been established since the modern era, but it has also had a role to play even before that.
I think that’s a great thing because it’s now being included in the world of architecture again.
Masahiro: Roughly speaking, the central theme of contemporary architecture so far has been “space.”
It seems to me that it doesn’t age forever, that it’s just a fixed way of being in a given moment, but I think that good architectural design and form in the future should unite both space and time.
I feel that the area where we can think about architecture is expanding a lot, and it’s also enriching.
Mao: The other day, when I was talking with Koichi Kato, a professor of architectural history at the University of Tokyo, we were talking about how to evaluate the time axis in architecture.
That’s the role and appeal that architecture originally had, but now I’m opening up to that. It’s not nostalgic at all, and it’s very positive and adventurous.
Masahiro: I think we are forced to think about the architecture we are going to create because if society doesn’t make it sustainable, we will perish.
In our case, we wanted to make use of the trees we had cut down. We need to include architecture again in the cycle of living.

Mao: The buildings we’ve designed so far include concrete and steel frames, but in all of them, we focus on the materials and the way they are made.
It is because we keep in mind the meaning of time and the fact that it will continue to be used, that we become interested in materials, construction methods, and construction methods.
It seems natural to treat architecture as an object, but I find it challenging and exciting.
Masahiro: It’s not dead; it’s something that circulates energy. I think you have to be reasonable in that aspect as well.
Mao: It feels like you’re spinning the wheel in circles from the beginning. It would be nice if it would roll over after this.
Masahiro: It isn’t easy to use a metaphor (laughs).

〈道の駅 ましこ〉では、1人1人が「ここが良いんだ」と指差し始めていて、さざ波が立っている。
An architect who dives into diversity and points out the axis
Is there a division of roles between the two of you in the usual design?
Mao: There’s no particular division of roles. Of course, there are differences in techniques, methods, characters, and so on, but we all share a specific interest and direction.
I think it’s rather lovely to see the differences that come out of that. It’s like getting fat.
Do you think that the role of the architect has changed?
Masahiro: The reason I’m doing architecture is for selfish reasons. I want to live in a beautiful landscape.
I thought the architects could do that. We can change our environment on our own.
Rather than following a set path and making things click as intended, the architects may be trying to create a shape or template that will make a more enjoyable and lively move toward the future.
I believe that it is the role of an architect to dive into the chaos and complexity of diverse situations and to find harmony or unity in them.
It’s easy to look only at what you want to see, and there is a tendency to do so, but I think that architects should look more broadly and create an open order from within the larger world.
In this respect, I think the role of the architect will continue to be the same.
Mao: I sometimes tell my students, “When you’re in a situation where you’re lost, one of you points to the North Star, and that’s an architect.
We find the significant flow that we are looking for or the real axis that we have to imagine in the future and point to it in the mangled diversity.
I think that kind of person is an architect.
It’s surprisingly classic, but it’s not only the value of pointing a finger but also the companionship and empathy that comes from doing so. He or she then carefully spins the story.
As an architect, I wonder if people in the world are becoming aware of this dimension of the architect’s work.
The architect’s role has always been sought after, but nowadays, with the ability to work remotely, there is a lot of focus on how to do it.
Eventually, I hope that everyone will start pointing to the North Star. I’m trying to evoke that kind of chain of awareness.
At “Roadside Station in Mashiko,” one by one, people are starting to point out that this place is right, and there is a ripple in the air.
I think that the situation has generated empathy and appreciation, and when that happens, the joy spreads. That’s what I’m glad about more than anything else.

それは何かというと、例えば〈道の駅 ましこ〉であれば、建築ができたことで「里山のましこ」と言われるようになりました。それは、益子の概念が更新されたということです。
(2020.04.23 オンラインにて)
“After Corona,” it seems that architecture and architects are going to have to change again.
Masahiro: There are many hard times, but we see it as a period when we have to stop and think about what we’re doing.
It’s just that what we’re thinking about hasn’t changed much. There are two major ones.
One is the joy of interpreting the world itself, the pleasure of abstracting and getting concepts, and I don’t want to let go of those things.
For example, with the construction of “Roadside Station in Mashiko,” it has come to be called “Mashiko in the Satoyama.” It means that the concept of Mashiko has been updated.
It’s a result of how everyone has come to interpret the world.
The result of the interpretation is something called form or design. It is a great joy.
The other is the joy of creating. It means throwing the form you interpreted back into the world as an entity, again, and remaking it.
It is interpreting and creating two circuits that connect people.
These two things go hand-in-hand in our construction, and I was delighted that people shared my sentiments.
I think the result of this project is that the scenery has become more productive as a result. 【】
(Online on 2020.04.23)