TECTURE MAGでは「グローバルアーキテクト」を目指して世界旅行を敢行した彼に、旅行に出た背景や意図、行程の様子、またTwitterで広がった交流や思考について伺いました。
1998年愛知県生まれ。18歳で僧侶となり、建築学に打ち込む。茶道と建築を合わせたワークショップ『アーキテク茶会』や、プログラミングを使った禅と映像のインスタレーション『上善若水』、キビタキとシジュウカラのための『100の巣箱』など、建築の可能性を探求した幅広い制作を行う。日本建築学会主催『建築学生サミット2018秋』や、中部地方最大の建築学生団体『NAGOYA Archi Fes2019』を主導し、現在は地方都市のまちづくりを提案するチーム『まにまに』を率いている。
Ryuhan Ogasawara, an architecture student who posted a photo on Twitter while on a “round-the-world architecture trip” from 2019-2020, caused a tremendous response.
TECTURE MAG asked Ryuhan, who dared to travel around the world to become a “Global Architect,” about his background and intentions for his trip, his journey, and the interactions and thoughts that spread via Twitter.
Born in 1998 in Aichi Prefecture, Japan, he became a Buddhist monk at the age of 18 and devoted himself to studying architecture. A wide range of works that explore the possibilities of architecture, such as the workshop “Architecture Tea Party,” a workshop combining tea ceremony and architecture, “Jozen-Jakusui,” an installation of programming and Zen using programming, and “100 Nest Boxes” for the Japanese woodpecker and titmouse.
He led “the Architectural Student Summit 2018 Autumn” sponsored by the Architectural Institute of Japan and “the Nagoya Archi Fes 2019,” the most significant architectural student group in the Chubu region. He is currently leading the team “Manimani” that proposes town planning for local cities.
Twitter: @o_yutaka0113
Instagram: ytk_oa4

Discover the runway on a journey to see architecture
I’ve always enjoyed working with my hands and studied architecture at university.
I enjoy creating my installations and working in teams, and I’m interested in creating new things.
Also, after college, I became drawn to the ideological aspects of architecture.
Before my senior year of college, I took a leave of absence from school. I was thinking of interning at a design firm overseas.
As a preliminary step, I decided to go to Malaysia and Thailand, close to Japan, and spend two and a half months there.
I spent about a month in Thailand looking at the architecture, and I was shocked that I couldn’t see it all.
‘There’s so much architecture in the world, and this is why I can’t even see the great buildings!’ I thought. I couldn’t stand still and decided to look at the architecture of different countries.
In preparation, I made a bookmark for the trip. I wrote a marker, or rather, a will that said, “What I will accomplish on this trip is to come home.”
I had been attacked by a wild dog in Thailand once and almost died, so I had a strong feeling that I might die.
I thought that traveling wasn’t about accomplishing something; it was “the runway for something.”

Upload to Twitter with the feeling of sharing
We had a country on the way that required a visa, so we did a quick check on the “I have to be out of here by what date” period.
I also just picked out the “I want to go here” places.
You’ll have to go there to find out the rest, so don’t decide as much as possible.
The first one is crossing Russia on the Trans-Siberian Railway.
I wanted to save money, but I also wanted to put as much footing on the earth as possible to get around.
“I will use the ferry, and I won’t use the plane much,” I thought.
My final destination was the Salk Institute for Biological Studies on the west coast of the United States.
My university professor said, “That place is amazing. I was struck by the fact that he said, “I got particles of architecture flying at me.”
I liked Lewis Kahn’s architecture, and I wanted to go last because I wanted to go the most.
I didn’t think about posting on Twitter at first, but I started traveling and rather quickly started to put up information about the architecture.
I felt the need to not only see the excellent architecture for myself but also to share it with everyone else.
I thought about writing a blog, but I thought I couldn’t go that far.
And I wasn’t even going to show it more and more on Twitter mainstream.
But then I started to get people to watch me (laughs).

Passing emotional seeds in the photo
It was interesting to see how people who aren’t in the field of architecture started to see it in the Twitter posts.
I didn’t expect it to be understood by people who hadn’t studied architecture. That was shocking.
So I started to think about posting as much as I could, as much as I could post.
At first, I tried to explain it in a slightly difficult language, but I wanted to put it up in the simplest terms.
I thought that writing under challenging words would reduce the chances of them seeing me.
When I see the excellent architecture, I’m impressed. I was moved a lot, but it isn’t easy to convey that emotion.
It’s impossible to pass on the emotion as it is, but it’s impossible to pass on 100% of it.
So, I decided to pass on the “seeds of emotion,” or rather, the emotions as they are, mainly through photographs.
I thought it would be great if people who saw the architecture on Twitter could visit it themselves and be moved by it again.
On Twitter, I was able to share some information that I didn’t know about in replies.
It was used in scenes from movies and cartoons, and it was even in a math textbook.
I felt that architecture is not only the place where it is built but is received differently and linked to the world in a circle.

自分が初めに持っていたのはキヤノンのEOS 60Dというカメラだったのですが、送られてきたものはキヤノンの5D MarkⅢで。
Shooting with a DSLR, retouching at the inn and uploading
I was retouching the photos on my computer. At the inn that day, until midnight.
I corrected the blackened crushed areas of the photo and adjusted the contrast.
Rather than applying my effects, I tried to work closer to the information as I saw it and tried to keep the photos quirky.
My camera was a DSLR, and I used a wide-angle zoom lens. I was getting faster and faster at shooting.
Once I got used to it, I was able to see the frame of the camera when looking at the buildings, and I could predict the composition.
I want to take my time to experience the architectural space, so take a few crisp photos first.
Now I can observe the light and feel the texture to see what it looks like. I included that in my post as well.
The camera was stolen in the process. I entered Northern Europe from Russia via Eastern Europe, and this was an accident in Sweden.
Then I tweeted on Twitter that I couldn’t take photos in Europe down south… and then a friend connected me with a friend who offered to lend me his camera.
So I planned to stay in France for a long time and received my camera.
The first camera I had was a Canon EOS 60D, but the one I was sent was a Canon 5D Mark III.
It was professional equipment, so I was able to take some great photos that I didn’t expect (laughs).

The Architectural Grand Tour in the SNS era
Interview with Ryuhan
世界建築巡礼の旅 #01 隆範氏インタビュー(前半)
世界建築巡礼の旅 #02 隆範氏インタビュー(後半)
世界建築巡礼の旅 #03 オススメ建築ベスト10(前半)
世界建築巡礼の旅 #04 オススメ建築ベスト10(後半)
The Architectural Grand Tour in the SNS era
Interview with Ryuhan
World Architecture Pilgrimage Trip #01 Interview with Mr. Ryuhan (First half)
World Architecture Pilgrimage Trip #02 Interview with Mr. Ryuhan (Second half)
World Architecture Pilgrimage Trip #03 Recommended 10 Best Buildings (First half)
World Architecture Pilgrimage Trip #04 Recommended 10 Best Buildings (Second half)