Special Report: EXHIBITION(PLACE)/ Rhoikos & Theodros
Interview with Yoh Komiyama

EXHIBITION(PLACE)/ Rhoikos & Theodros

[Report & Movie]ファッション×インテリア×什器が溶け合う展示

Photographs: toha

ユニット Rhoikos & Theodros(ロイコスアンドテオドロス)による初の個展「(PLACE)」が、東京・渋谷のギャラリー「(PLACE)by method」で開催中。

同ユニットは、プロダクトデザイナーの小宮山 洋(YOH KOMIYAMA DESIGN)とファッションデザイナーの武藤 亨によって2020年にスタート。彼らは既存のモノ・空間を変容させ、鑑賞者に新たな発見を促すという。



Rhoikos & Theodros‘ first solo exhibition “(PLACE)” is currently being held at the gallery “(PLACE) by method” in Shibuya, Tokyo.

The unit was started in 2020 by product designer Hiroshi Komiyama (YOH KOMIYAMA DESIGN) and fashion designer Toru Muto. They say that they will transform existing things and spaces and encourage viewers to make discoveries.

This exhibition was planned and expressed based on the activities and archives of the fashion label “Jens. “ They focused on the “28 mm diameter steel pipe” used for furniture in the Jens space. The pipe will become a part of the interior in the exhibition space, become a product, and become a sculpture, expanding while changing its appearance.

How are fashion, interiors, and furniture connected and fused through the medium of pipes? We would like you to experience the unique exhibition structure divided into two spaces. (jk)

(PLACE)展の様子。今回展示されている什器や洋服は販売もされており、「Jens Beautiful clothes @CIRCLE」では来場者によって展示形状も変わっていく | (PLACE) The state of the exhibition. The fixtures and clothes exhibited at this time are also on sale, and the shape of the display at "Jens Beautiful clothes @ CIRCLE" will change depending on the visitors.

Rhoikos & Theodros
001 Jens
2020.06.19 (Fri) -07.05 (Sun) / 12:00- 19:00
Closed on Sundays(日曜日はCIRCLEの会場にて無人展示を実施)
(PLACE) by method / CIRCLE(東京都渋谷区東1-3-1 カミニート14号 | Caminito No. 14 1-3-1 Higashi, Shibuya-ku, Tokyo)
※ 会期等の詳細はWebサイトをご覧ください

【小宮山 洋による解説 | Commentary by Yoh Komiyama】

movie: toha

【購読無料】空間デザインの今がわかるメールマガジン TECTURE NEWS LETTER


(PLACE) by method TOPICS


長岡 勉 企画展「pedestal & frame」渋谷 (PLACE) by method にて開催

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  • Rhoikos & Theodros(ロイコスアンドテオドロス)による初の個展「(PLACE)」(PLACE)by methodにて開催[会場レポート]