
Joyo Parc / Atelier Satoshi Takijiri Architects







子どもたちは、あたかも森を散策するかのようにして、それぞれが心地よいと思う場所を発見してくれている。外では自由に遊べない子供たちが、この森のような空間で過ごすことで、外の世界の光や風、木々の緑などの自然と一緒に呼吸する感覚を感じとっててくれればと願ってる。(瀧尻 賢)

Create an indoor "forest" for children with severe disabilities.

It is a developmental support project to create an after-school facility for severely disabled children. We renovated the first floor of the three-story building, which was once a bank.

The children who use this facility are those who cannot live without a ventilator, and those who cannot move without a wheelchair. The harsh environment outside makes it easy to get pneumonia and bronchitis, forcing you to live inside the building. We wanted to create a forest-like space indoors for such children.

First, we focused on the original structural frame. The building had a steel-frame structure, and a single steel column existed in the center of the space. They made the pillars look like tree trunks, and around them, trees were planted, and wooden pillars (trunks) that had nothing to do with the structure were built. From the tree trunk, the branches were stretched and arched around. When the trunks and branches were connected, a simple, yet diverse, forest-like landscape emerged.

The client told us that children who use wheelchairs tend to look upward and often look at the ceiling all day long. For these kids, I thought of a roof that would have a soft atmosphere and always have something to discover.
Therefore, we made wooden panels on all four sides of the building and installed a suspended ceiling. In the corners, the original roof is exposed, but each room is painted in a pastel color to give a soft and warm atmosphere.

The building faced the street, and there was no building next to it, so there was plenty of natural light from outside. Japan’s four seasons are beautiful and change over time, but the outside nature is sometimes very harsh for the children of this facility. Curtains were placed in each space to block out the outside world, with more folds than usual. This led to a variety of visual effects. For example, in the case of curtains suspended from the ceiling, the corners of the suspended ceiling may be round, creating a particularly soft pattern of shadows on the floor.

Each child is discovering a place they feel comfortable in as if they were walking in the woods. We hope children who cannot play freely outside will feel the sensation of breathing with nature, such as the light and wind of the outside world and the greenery of the trees, by spending time in a space like this forest.
(Satoshi Takijiri)

【Joyo Parc】


設計:Atelier Satoshi Takijiri Architects
担当:瀧尻 賢
プロジェクトマネージャー:大森 勇

写真:西岡 潔


【Joyo Parc】

Location: Kyoto, Japan
Principal use: Children’s facilities
Completion: 2019

Design: Atelier Satoshi Takijiri Architects
Design team: Satoshi Takijiri
Project manager: Isamu Omori
Curtain design: fabricscape
Graphic design: Yuta Shintani
Construction: FUKAWA KOUGYOU

Photographs: Kiyoshi Nishioka

Construction type: Renovation, Interior design
Building area: 86m²
Total floor area: 60m²
Design term: 2019.04-2019.06
Construction term: 2018.11-2019.03

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