
TEAROOM / Atelier Satoshi Takijiri Architects


私たちがこの学校で2018年に手がけた3階女子トイレ〈Kyoto St. Catherine High School Restroom〉での仕事が評価され、4階の女子トイレの空間デザインも任せられることになった。

学校側の要望は1つだけ、学校のイメージカラーである 「黄色」を取り入れること。自由度の高い環境で、建築家として新しい空間の在り方を提案しようと、アーティストの寺本愛さんに声を掛け、共同プロジェクトが実現した。



「茶室」は人をもてなし、風景を愛でる空間である。このプロジェクトのトイレも、限られた空間ではあるが、茶室と同じく、その使用目的以上に拡張性を持つ空間であり、現代的に茶室を捉えるという意味も込めて、作品名もそのまま「TEAROOM」と名付けている。(瀧尻 賢)

Restrooms with tea room-like expansion.

This project began in 2018 when Takijiri’s work on the school’s third-floor girls’ restroom was highly regarded, and he was entrusted with the spatial design of the fourth-floor girls’ restroom.

The only request from the school was to include “yellow” as an image color. In an environment with a high degree of freedom, the architects approached artist Ai Teramoto-san to propose a new way of being in the space, and this joint project was realized.

The theme of the space is a “tea room.” A round mirror reminiscent of the full moon. It is a mirror imitating a hanging scroll. Abstract plots on the pole-framed ceiling reminiscent of a Japanese-style room, and paintings of pine trees, hands, and towels are discreetly painted on the walls reminiscent of folding screens.

To proceed with the project, we formed the overall framework of the project. Teramoto-san then added the forms, textures, and images that he remembered from the school’s internal research. As they went back and forth between the rough sketches drawn by the artist and the architect’s drawings and CG, their ideas became so mixed that it was difficult to tell which of them was the idea.

In the tea ceremony, a “tea room” is a space for entertaining people and appreciating the scenery.
Although the toilet in this project is limited space, like a tea room, it is a space that can be expanded beyond its intended use, and it is named “TEAROOM” in the sense that it captures a tea room in a contemporary way. (Satoshi Takijiri)



設計:Atelier Satoshi Takijiri Architects + Ai Teramoto
担当:瀧尻 賢 寺本 愛
空間アートディレクション:寺本 愛
グラフィックデザイン:寺本 愛
施工:有限会社符川工業 アサヒ工芸

写真:西岡 潔



Location: Kyoto, Japan
Principal use: Restroom
Completion: 2019.12

Design: Atelier Satoshi Takijiri Architects + Ai Teramoto
Design team: Satoshi Takijiri, Ai Teramoto
Space art direction: Ai Teramoto
Project manager: Isamu Omori
Construction: TONARI no EIGHT, Asahi-kogei

Photographer: Kiyoshi Nishioka

Construction type: Renovation, Interior
Total floor area: 20㎡
Design term: 2019.3-2019.07
Construction term:2019.08-2019.12

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