
垂木の住宅 / TATTA 富永大毅建築都市計画事務所


原木の価格を上げ、かつ山の環境を持続させるには、CLTや集成材ではなく、無垢材を使う必要がある。だが、それらを担ってきた住宅の新築物件は、2008年のリーマン・ショックを境として、都心部を中心に激減している(国土交通省 令和2年1月31日公表 建築着工統計調査報告より)。その一方で、マンションや戸建て住宅のリノベーションは年々需要が増えている。






Renovation to increase the use of solid wood in urban condominium renovations and revitalize the forestry industry

Japan’s forestry industry has long been in the red. Thanks to planting trees in the post-war era, there is still plenty of wood in the mountains. Nevertheless, for the forestry industry to make a profit as an industry, it is necessary to increase domestic timber use, which currently has a self-sufficiency rate of 30%.
To raise the price of logs and sustain the mountain environment, it is necessary to use solid wood instead of CLT and laminated wood. However, after the Lehman Shock of 2008, the number of new housing constructions, mainly in urban areas, declined sharply (from a Survey report by the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, and Transport on January 31, 2020). On the other hand, the demand for renovation of condominiums and detached houses has increased every year.

This project is an initiative to make it possible to use solid wood in the renovation of condominiums in urban areas. By purchasing Tama-grown cedar directly from a sawmill in Akikawa, we aimed to use solid wood lavishly without raising the construction cost.

Because of its diameter and yield rate, common in the Tama region, we decided to use a 60 x 45 mm square timber, conventionally used as a rafter, as the most suitable material for partition walls. To deal with the so-called “warp and shrinkage” of the wood, we arrived at the Massive Holtz construction method, in which the wood is skillfully stacked and stands on its own.

A total of 1,446 cedar rafters, 4.12 cubic meters in length, ranging from 10 cm to over 3 meters, were carefully stacked and stacked with a method of carefully treating the corners where the squared timbers meet each other, and then fastened one by one to create a partition wall and furniture that are stacked like a layer of cedar. It is about two-thirds less expensive than the construction method of making the LGS base and putting up the paneling.
The result is a house that feels and smells like a forest with the texture and scent of wood, reversing the negative attributes of cedar, such as its inconsistent color and softness, previously seen as unfavorable of finishes construction materials.

After maximizing the client’s profit, we created a flow of solid wood used for the interior, which is positioned as a middle ground between structure and finish. If this results in a return of profits to the mountains and an increase in forestry workers, it could play a role in maintaining the mountain environment.
Furthermore, it is desirable to simplify the construction method and make it possible for non-skilled carpenters to work on the project and shorten the construction period. As a highly versatile project, we would like to pursue ways to reduce costs further. (Hiroki Tominaga)



設計:TATTA 富永大毅建築都市計画事務所




Location: Chiyodaku, Tokyo
Principal use: Apartment house
Completion: 2016

Architects: TATTA
Design term: Hiroki Tominaga, Yae Fujima
Contractor: AI Architecture Metro Planning Office

Photographs: Takumi Ota

Construction type: Renovation
Main structure: Reinforced Concrete construction
Building area: 636.74m²
Total floor area: 94.78m²
Design term: 2016.02-2016.06
Construction term: 2016.07-2016.09

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