
Alsterhaus Mens Department / Norm Architects


(English below)

ドイツ ハンブルグの老舗デパート「アルスターハウス」にある、KaDeWeグループのメンズウェア部門の再構築プロジェクト。









(ノーム・アーキテクツ、TECTURE MAG抄訳)

A shopping space that brings a sense of unity to stores with individual expressions

A complete refurbishment and dynamic reconceptualizing of the Menswear Department in the iconic Alsterhaus, Hamburg, part of the KaDeWe Group.

In order to compete in today’s world of online shopping, a physical space must nurture and engage the user. The architecture, furniture and materiality all work to create a sensible experience which you can’t experience from a tablet or smartphone.
Today, Alsterhaus in Hamburg covers 24,000 square metres in an exclusive atmosphere comprising a historic structure and modern interior design.
Norm Architects has completed a reconzeptualizing and total renovation of the menswear department.

By adopting a tectonic approach to space, the menswear department of Alsterhaus provides a unity of different universes, each with its own expressions and materials.

“We had a dynamic, tailored approach to each space. For example there is a notably domestic scale and sensibility to the fitting rooms; an embracing warmth. This con- trasts to the other areas in the store and
in turn adds to the experiential quality of each user’s visit.”
Sofie Thorning, Senior Architect and Associate Partner

A quiet, considered approach to signage and lighting means that both act as simple and rational space defining features.

Extensive custom display units and furniture pieces ensure that all elements present within the space work and is created to complement one another. Here the architecture is naturally linked to both the program and function of space as well as the aesthetic palette.

Each brand has its own shop front, facing onto central town squares which both guide and define the user journey while helping express each brand.

Merchandising and furniture pieces providing key elements which substanti- ates sentiments of the different zones in the the store.

“This balance between richness and restraint affords the user a unique and engaging shopping experience, relying on a considered quality of materiality and space.”
Sofie Thorning, Senior Architect and Associate Partner

Inspired by classic modernist works by Mies Van Der Rohe and Adolf Loos, the resulting spaces has a simple and restrained approach. The architecture is pure with focus on material form and texture. The details from the various product ranges and departments creates a synergy between the space and the products which inhabit them.
(Norm Architects)


所在地:ドイツ ハンブルグ



【Alsterhaus Mens Department】

Location: Hamburg, Germany
Principal use: Shop
Client: Alsterhaus Mens Department
Completion: Spring, 2020

Interior architect: Norm Architects
Lead architects: Sofie Thorning and Linda Korndal

Photography: Jonas Bjerre-Poulsen

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